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Forum Post: Core Problems

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 9:56 a.m. EST by EdmondSeymore (101)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As of today the top eight problems and priority are as follows:

C01 Political bickering http://www.kwbsolutions.com/TCV/PPB1.htm

C02 Under-employment http://www.kwbsolutions.com/TCV/PUE1.htm

C03 Global warming http://www.kwbsolutions.com/TCV/PGW1.htm

C04 Education System http://www.kwbsolutions.com/TCV/PES1.htm

C05 2008 economic meltdown http://www.kwbsolutions.com/TCV/PEC2.htm

C06 Human Conflict http://www.kwbsolutions.com/TCV/PHC2.htm

C07 Lack of Organization http://www.kwbsolutions.com/TCV/PLO1.htm

C08 Abuse of power http://www.kwbsolutions.com/TCV/PAP1.htm


The core problem is a lack of common knowledge about how to achieve the Goal of a Just Society.

That is to say the real problem is a lack of Consensus. Someone may have the answer but most people do not have the answer.

It may be that no one has the answer.

We may need to learn by trial and error.

But, we do need a Goal and a Plan to achieve that Goal.



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[-] 1 points by EdmondSeymore (101) 13 years ago

How about replying to the contents of my post rather than using it to promote your own ideas over and over. That is not dialog, that is politics as usual!