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Forum Post: Cops, Pepper Spray Black Friday Campers in front of Best Buy why don't you?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 9:41 p.m. EST by captainajones (1) from Placerville, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Black Friday Campers are lining up out front of Best Buy and other stores for a week. Why is law enforcement not spraying them with Pepper Spray and arresting those campers? Perhaps more importantly why is law enforcement not Pepper Spraying Best Buy Managers, forcing the stores to close their doors, and fining each store a million dollars a day for code violations. Law enforcement wants us to believe they have no jurisdiction on private property, but that is a lie. These retailers are operating campgrounds without a license or permits. They are creating a public nuisance, and putting shoppers and the general public at risk. Without toilets and showers available 24/7, they are creating a health hazard. These corporations are violating fire safety regulations, and countless city code violations, and yet they get away with it.

Public Authority regularly asserts its authority on private property encampments, but in deciding who to prosecute they discriminates against the 99% and favor of the 1%. In 2009 the city of Sacramento shut down a tent city which housed more than 1,200 residents. After being featured on several national TV shows, the city shut it down along with SafeGround Encampment, a community of 30 people, located on a vacant lot on C Street between 12th and 13th streets. Like the Black Friday Campers, these campers had permission from the property owners. Some compared these encampments to shanty towns, which cropped up after the Great Depression.

The only difference between these encampments is whether or not they are good for Corporate America.

I am the 99%, and I will be camping out in front of Best Buy with my protest sign saying, "I am the 99%, Arrest Black Friday Campers and the Store Manager For Health & Business Code Violations."



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[-] 2 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

"The" cops didn't pepper spray the UC Davis students. A couple of A$$holes in police uniforms did that. I'm old enough to remember the riots of the 1960s. Don't get fooled again. Don't go to war against the cops. Separate the majority good from the few bad.

[-] 1 points by captainajones (1) from Placerville, CA 13 years ago

I'm not looking to go to war against the cops, and unlike bigbanghillbilly I can separate the good ones from the bad. What I am looking to go to war against is the government and the people who allow themselves to be controlled by corporations. Chancellor Linda Katehi said members of the public (who incidentally are legally allowed on campus) were mixing with the students. The chancellor stated she feared the public and sent the cops in to "protect the students from the public". Students being pepper sprayed is only a symptom of a much larger problem. The real problem is that our government and a top educator fears its citizens. OUR government and its officials should be representing and protecting the interests of its citizens, not corporations and government officials. A government that doesn't represent and protect its citizens is not a government of the people.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

You should be careful of saying things like "What I am looking to go to war against is the government". First of all, "the government" is not the problem. My father worked for 40 years as a safety engineer for the US DoT. He is not responsible for the abuses of the Bankster Cartel. Secondly, I cannot associate with people or organizations who advocate violent or illegal means of changing the constitution or conduct of government. If you ever want a security clearance, you might want to be careful.

[-] 0 points by bigbangbilly (594) 13 years ago

They both have the same uniform!!!

[-] 2 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

He has a point, though. We still need to encourage as many police as possible to side with us.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

DC cops are showing up sans riot gear. That shows both courage and trust.

[-] 1 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Not a military vet, I assume. Right?



[-] 0 points by rascal (42) 13 years ago

Interesting how this Corporate controlled Government discrimination works.


[-] -1 points by mrjim1 (21) 13 years ago

Just Silliness.
