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Forum Post: cooperate greed is affecting your individuality and capacity to generate your own livelihood

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 11:42 a.m. EST by awaken (0)
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It is very hard to see how much big business and cooperate greed is affecting your individuality and capacity to generate your own livelihood. The reason why is because Big Business is in control of security and most people “value” this.
For instance; if you wanted to be a farmer, you would have a ridiculous time getting your produce into “Safeway” as you would have to put a lot of time and expense into certifications. These certifications are not to protect people so much as to limit competition. The reason why I say this does not protect people is because the issues with the produce that can sicken people, only sicken very sickly people. The majority of people who are healthy do not get affected by slightly tainted produce. Monsanto the producer of “roundup” controls the federal government; staffs the government.
Here are some additional ways big business has manipulated “security” to limit competition. Try to develop something new and market it. How much red tape and bureaucracy will you encounter?

  1. Try and open a restaurant try and sell alcohol
  2. Try and open a day care center
  3. Try and develop a food product or a beverage
  4. Try and do unique scientific experiments
  5. Try and open a new church
  6. Try and start any new business What I think we should rally against is the bloated and controlling federal government. We need a separation between government and business. Just like there is supposed to be a separation between church and state. Federal Government is to keep infrastructure running, not setting moral policy, health ideals or world agenda.



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