Forum Post: Convene a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Crimes Against the 99%
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 2:01 p.m. EST by OccupyLink
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This would be along the lines of the one started by President Mandella in South Africa.
Banking executives could confess their crimes against the 99% and beg for mercy from the 99%. The purpose would be to expose the massive fraud and theft undertaken by the banks and their shady dealers and gamblers.
It would also be a perfect opportunity for banking whistle blowers to force their greedy bosses to face the full fury of the 99%.
Some other kind of commission would be more appropriate.
Also, the spirit of TRCs is generally not one where people "beg for mercy" - the idea is one of reconciliation!
There have been lots of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, particularly in the Americas. These have generally dealt with gross human rights violations, not financial crimes.
If the people, recoup 1 billion in assets, from a criminal, then maybe 10% could be "rewarded" to the whistle blower. That way there be a consistent flow of evidence, as well plenty of incentive to turn in their most trusted associates.
Surely there must be one, just one bank staffer willing to be honest and own up. We could start up a whistle blowing site similar to wikileaks. These banks are commiting criminal offences. The authorities need to know. Hell. Their own Compliance Departments need to know.
One? There must be droves of disenfranchised bank employees who were promised the moon and thrown to the Hoi Polloi.
I am not so sure. Many of them fell in love with these smooth guys. They had big titles like Associate Vice President and Assistant Director. The pulled in their super bonuses, lording it over vast teams of managers and workers.
I hope you are mistaken and we see a nice tome written from an as yet unknown source.
I hope so too. I just wish one bank employee would spill the beans. Then the whole rotten system might come crumbling down. It only takes one. The cops can't terrorise everyone into silence.
Since this problem is global, there is a good chance that the truth may be incredibly difficult for an American audience. Other countries may be experiencing their own whistle-blowers of sorts. The cops can terrorize people to reaction. Thank you for your response.
Exactly, ameriKKKan exceptional-ism is the single digit IQ hairlip
The only reason OWS people are in the street is that they know something is terribly wrong with the toilet bowl,
The kids NOW have no future post edooooooocation, but same for most of europe, The fact is all western governments are economic failures albeit canada,
Throughout history 90% don't have a clue, 1% make it happen, and 9% knows what's happening,
In general when you see a 'crowd' RUN
Enough Said.
Thanks for the new term, it seems to be appropriate in a very many instances today. Yes, something is wrong. People know it and they are seeking answers. I hope they find the truth soon, but standing idly by is not my forte. Thank you for you reply.
More than willing to answer any question, having been around this protesting racket all my life, and a real card carrying 'emma goldman anarchist', I'm willing to share insight.
Sadly 95% of the US public is led like lemmings and always has been, just read Toqueville he made that observation over 100 years ago.
Today is much like that movie that I love 'v for vendetta' the TV people have NO FUCKING IDEA what's really going on, but they know something is terribly wrong.
I myself some 40 years ago started reading the wall-st-journal daily as an anarchist just to understand the enemy, so that's why today I have a good understanding of what's going on, secondly like many people I understand that when a government dies, you must leave early. Let me just tell you this 'smart people' have already left the USA, do you know there is now a ten year waiting list to renounce your US citizenship?
Study history during the great depression smart folks weathered in France and drank and had great sex, folks who stayed in the USA wallowed in misery and that is what is coming and why so many are in fear. But don't hesitate to exit,
Lastly, IMHO there is NOTHING left fighting for in the USA, its terminally fucked, and going down, ... perhaps in 10-20 years there might be something worth coming back for, but MY america died years ago or I should say was stolen.
I love your insight here. I do hope people won't renounce theit US citizenship. We need these fine people to help "win the country back" for the people. I am non-US, but think that the USA can be a great country again. I know about history. I know we can learn from it also. The Roman Empire was in terminal decline around the time of Caligula and Nero. It turned itself around, and had great people like Constantine much later. By the way, I am not comparing Bush and Obama with Caligula and Nero. :) We are certain not there yet!
The USA empire is terminally fucked, nothing is worth redemption. Nothing.
Your wisdom rings true, to the very core of my living soul. I too have known what it is you have expressed, for many years; and like you I have been saddled with the knowledge that I did not take the very actions that you and I apparently knew to take. A midst the fray now, I have but my voice and a few bits of good intentions to give to my country as it lay in the throes of death.
If they could only confess their sins, I'd be the first person in line to forgive them. But the black mark on their souls will remain until they repair the damages they have caused.
Hi Jimmy. It would be nice to find out what is really going on with the banks. I think there is much more we don't know.
More than you or I can even imagine...
Someone knows what these evil men and women of the banks are doing to the 99%.