Forum Post: Consumer Revolution <=>
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 5:04 p.m. EST by georgia
from Omaha, NE
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I think we should agree on terms you would like corporations to abide by and create a symbol that is placed on put on products that meet our standards. And then I think we should create a less = more movement (<=>) of the people where we encourage people to not buy so much stuff in general, and to only purchase the small number of items that actually meet our high standards. We should start making bumper stickers and take used t-shirts and paint the " <=> " (Less = More) symbol on it. Create youtube videos that show how you can customize your used shirt (I am thinking for the ladies here). Lets revive the Green Party and ask Ralph Nader to help us create our new consumer rating agency. Lets not give more power to the government as it is made of the same greedy people as the corporations. Lets encourage the right actions by people like us. Lets encourage people to support the right kind of business and get businesses to want to join the movement to gain THE PEOPLES trust.