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Forum Post: Consumer-based unions are the next logical step in the worldwide protest against greed and corruption.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 11:47 a.m. EST by teslarian (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Consumer-based unions are the next logical step in the worldwide protest against greed and corruption. If in addition to these peaceful protests on the streets of our cities all around the world, we added consumer based protests targeting the banks who were bailed out, who kick people out of their homes without bailing them out, corporations who send lobbyists to dictate who we can elect and what legislation gets passed, and what kind of food and health care we get to receive... we would do more than just get attention. We would affect policy.This is an appeal to help out the protests by using your dollars consciously just by making informed choices on what you buy everyday. Create the change we all need not only with our words and non-violent non-participatory protests but also with our hard earned money. Consumer-based unions are an idea whose time has arrived! What would happen if 10 or 20 or 30 million homeowners joined forces and decided not to pay their mortgage next month? Just one month. Who would it hurt the most? What would be the impacts on the bank? the homeowner?



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[-] 1 points by Sinaminn (104) from Sarasota, FL 13 years ago

What would happen if citizens began forming their own non-profit co-ops and large scaled buying clubs in order to provide food, clothing, basic hygiene products etc... at cost?

The only things stopping people from freeing themselves of the corporate chains they have locked themselves in are a lack of initiative, organization and perception of inconvenience.

[-] 1 points by Leabharan (9) from Ashland, OR 13 years ago

What about organizing consumer boycotts of corporations. We as consumers have the power to disempower corporations simply by not buying their products.