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Forum Post: Constitutional Amendment to Remove Money from Politics

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 2:51 a.m. EST by Moderateman (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

1) No Gerrymandering for political gains. All Districts to be divided by major geographic boundaries (Mountain range, Rivers, Lakes, Valley’s, Major interstate, or city boundary). All districts to be continuous blocks in nature. This will be enforced by a state election board established to audit the state senatorial elections and presidential election.
2) Congressional Elections: All elections are local in nature and all registered voters can only vote for who will represent them from their district for congress. The candidate’s money should only come from their district that they will represent. No outside influence should outweigh the people of that districts collective voice. This would return are representatives to us. If they want re-election and the vote and money to be re-elected they have to earn it in their district.
 Election board for each district to be established. They will be a 5 member non-partisan board elected to one 4 year term. They are to be responsible to audit each congressional election during their term.  A vote of the people will determine a maximum donation amount that a registered Voter, Political Party, Corporation, Union, Pac, or special interest can donate for each election cycle. This will be enforced by the election board’s audit process. Each registered voter, Political Party, Corporation, Union, Pac, or Special interest will have a donation ID number linked to an attached voter registration number both encrypted so they cannot be related except that the audit board will know what is legal donation Id and what is not and they will have separate numbering style and separate numbers so that both your vote and your donation will be kept anonymous. Each donation must have a registered voter ID donation Number attached to the donation for it to be accepted by a candidate. This is to be verified by audit of each candidate’s campaign finances each election cycle. We as American citizens can’t launder money so why should our politicians. o A Political Party, Corporation, Union, Pac, or Special interest shall only be able to participate in the donation process up to the maximum single total amount designated by that district. No more or less than any other registered voter in their district. o A Corporation, Union, Pac, or Special interest shall only be able to participate in the Congressional District that it has its corporate headquarters in. One Person or Entity, One donation . o A political party may have the ability to up to the maximum single amount donation that each district allows so long as they have an established party headquarters in that district with a full time staff during the entire previous election cycle.



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[-] 1 points by telerisghost (2) from Valley View, OH 13 years ago

To get lobbyist & corporate monies out of the political arena: I believe the means to do so is to lump ALL campaign contributions into 1 pot, then divvy it up in proportions equal to the the weight of the political office being sought. The greatest sum set aside to be divided equally between presidential candidates, so much for each Congress & Senate seat, on down to the lowliest local elections in the smallest US municipality. Not only will this ensure that seats can't essentially be bought by the corporate backers, but it will take the endless rounds of fundraising off of incumbents shoulders so that they might presumably muster better focus on the needs of their constituents.

[-] 1 points by Moderateman (11) 13 years ago

See the rest for the senate and presidential election reform