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Forum Post: Constitutional Amendment to prevent contributions from non-constituents

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 11:44 p.m. EST by imhoohio (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Our Constitutions (both federal and state) provide for government representation by individuals elected by constituents who live within defined geographical areas. The money rolling into candidate campaigns or other wise trying to influence the results of an election by special interests (lobbyists, corporations, pacs, unions, and the parties themselves) have diminished our voice. Whose suggestion do you think will be taken.... the one from me who might not make a contribution or only a small one or the special interest who contributes the maximum amount and through groups gets others to do the same.

The solution to restoring the voice of the people however is simply to limit all contributions to candidates (or other attempts to influence the results of an election) to those people who are really constituents of the candidate. Every one who is not a constituent is trying to buy influence.

This would not prevent groups from contributing to candidates. The groups however would have to segregate contributions by candidate district.

Corporations and general special interests would not be allowed to contribute because they have no right to vote - they are not constituents.

Since most election laws are at the state level and most states allow for initiative petitions, I propose state level petitions to introduce state legislative changes. Probably this needs to be proposed as both a constitutional amendment and as a regular law.



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