Forum Post: Constitutional Amendment to abolish corporate "personhood"
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:46 p.m. EST by Athena
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SEE website - they have a draft Constitutional Amendment to abolish corporate personhood . Also read a condensed history of the growth of corporate power in the US, and a concise timeline on the legal history leading to corporate personhood - these make great handouts. Also read about states and cities who have already abolished corporate personhood in their locales, and find info to help initiate similar work in your nabe. SIGN THEIR PETITION TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION TO ABOLISH CORPORATE PERSONHOOD. Put this demand at the TOP of the list (excellent list), it sets the frame for all the other stuff! - instead of at #8 and #3, which aren't strong enough!
There are a few points that should be taken into consideration.
1) the right to participate in the American political system should be limited to "natural persons" meaning human beings. We must be careful not to just limit corporate involvement, because that still leaves unions, lobby groups, special interests, etc. To return political power back to the people we must limit access to politics to "natural persons"
2) do not fall for the trap of agreeing that corporations should be limited to a $2,000 donation amount (or any other donation limits). This can easily be circumvented by creating millions of corporations for the sole purpose of hijacking the political system. It takes 5 minutes to register a corporation in most states, and the fees are minimal ($25). Then they can have an army of corporations feeding the system.
AGreed, this is one of the main roots of the disfunction of our democracies right now. It also demonstrates the increasingly partisan nature of the US Supreme Court
I could not agree with this more. If the majority of Americans truly understood how our campaign system works, they would flip. Support the occupation movement that as many as possible can be made aware through our activists and artists. Cheers