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Forum Post: Constitutional Amendment: Force Term Limits

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:09 a.m. EST by Xizur (0)
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I believe a major reason there is lack of sociatel change is that most politicians are bought and paid for by thier 2nd or 3rd term in office. We, the people of the united states, need to amend the constitution to implement term limits on both the senate and the house.

Such a move would be difficult, as many of those we need to remove are already life time members, and are likely NOT to vote for any amendment that would limit thier power.

I suggest an amendment that would:

  1. Limit any person eligible to serve in the house to 3 2-year terms.
  2. Limit any person eligible to serve in the senate to 3 6-year terms.

If the people of this country are represented by different people, we will be able to bring the change we want and need to this country. In our current incarnation, we have members serving in both houses that have maintained the same rigid position for 20 to 30 years! Longer than many of us have been alive!!

We need new representation, and we need to ensure no individual is able to amass as much power as many of our representatives seem to amass. At some point, they decide they know what is better for us, than we know. They start coddling to the super-minority's whom have little else to do put pander to them, and hand them money.

We live our lives every day, hoping/expecting our government to do what is right, and in the last 12 years, we have watched the government do what is right for the top 1%. It is time to take our coutnry back, and it starts by pushing out those who do not represent us, but represent themselves, and thier big donors.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Time for us to take back our country, our government and our world.



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[-] 1 points by commonsense11 (195) 13 years ago

I agree. Career Politicians are a huge part of the problem. Then again it still comes back on us. Are we really so stupid that we keep electing the same knuckleheads to office year after year? It's time for people to start thinking about these things.