Forum Post: Consevatism is the foundation of human civilization
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:06 p.m. EST by MattLHolck
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
conservatives want to conserve tradition
(human culture perpetuates by imitation
one human builds a wheel; and every human around builds wheel)
children repeat the action of there parents
this creates a stable social order
following the methods of the past
we preserve rule/ideas that have been successful in the past
this gives a lasting permanence to human culture
The first person who built a wheel for their wheelbarrow when everyone else was just carrying things, that person was a progressive.
Progressivism and Conservatism need to find a balance. The progressives need to look forward, and the conservatives need to make sure they are watching their step. If the progressives ignore the conservatives and run with reckless abandon, there's a good chance we'll be running off a cliff. If the conservatives ignore the progressives and insist that we stay where we are, then we will rot and decay in our sedentary lifestyle.
The irony is that the left is more conservative than the right. The left wants to watch our steps and make sure we don't destroy our planet, while the right wants to charge forward recklessly because there's so much shiny wealthiness out there to get.
Really we should be working together.
Liberalism is the englightenment that produces anything and everything worth preserving. It is the spark of creativity, the new idea that cause great civilizations to rise. It is Aristotle, DaVinci, Kant, Rousseau, Locke and even Smith, and too many others to name. Just sayin.
conservatism preserves those ideas
Sometimes to the detriment to what would be the next great idea. That said, I do think conservatism plays a valuable role and I think a balance is ideal. We're out of balance in this nation right now.
Lasting permanence to human culture? That is not what conservatism stands for. It stands for successful method in the past that favor a few elite individuals. Modern Conservatism is about unbridled averice.
Children repeating the actions of their parents? How about children wanting to avoid the mistakes of our parents? Our parents ushered in the decade of waste (1980's)--I remember (in 1980) people complaining about how all the other countries OWED US MONEY. Reagan turned that around 180 degrees. We have gone from the greatest creditor nation to the greatest debtor nation. Most of the money in the 1980s went into weapons (nuclear) production. Clinton soon got the country back on a balanced budget, but that ended with George W. Bush (also known as Shrub Jr.).
Then they labeled my generation "Generation X". The truth is they set us up for the fall. The false prosperity created by that debt collapsed when it came time to pay.
This movement is about the new generation with legitimate complaints:
All four of these can be directly traced to those so-called "Conservative" values. What we really need is some CONSERVATION values.