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Forum Post: Conservative Dr. Ben Carson speech upstages Obama at prayer breakfast

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 8, 2013, 9:27 p.m. EST by chuckuschumer (-366)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Move over President Obama. Conservatives are not talking so much about the president’s address at Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast, but rather remarks from Dr. Benjamin Carson, a black pediatric neurosurgeon with Johns Hopkins Hospital who took over the stage for 25 riveting minutes.

Mr. Carson spoke of his disdain for political correctness, calling it a “dangerous” and “horrible thing” that has led to such ridiculous fears as wishing people Merry Christmas, according to The Blaze. He also talked about the moral decay of American, and cautioned of a Rome-like fate, and — in front of Mr. Obama, who sat just feet from the podium — confronted the issue of America’s debt and current fiscal policy.

“Our deficit is a big problem,” Mr. Carson said, according to The Blaze. “Think about it — and our national debt — $16 and a half trillion dollars.” And here’s one of his most daring lines, as reported by The Blaze: “What about our taxation system — so complex there is no one that can possibly comply with every jot and tittle. When I pick up my Bible, you know what I see? I see the fairest individual in the universe — God — and he’s given us a system. It’s called tithe.” Conservatives are applauding.

As reported on Twitchy.com, David Limbaugh tweeted: “Finally, a self-reliant conservative decided to make this every bit as political as Obama does. Yes, we had a voice. Benjamin Carson.” Other tweets, as reported by Twitchy: “Dr. Ben Carson throws out political correctness during speech in front of Obama, who’s not happy.” And this: “Sounds like Dr. Ben Carson of Johns Hopkins stole the show at the Nat’l Prayer Breakfast today. Hit on healthcare in front of Obama.” And this: “This is awesome. National Prayer Breakfast — Carson prayer speech




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[-] 6 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Is this the part where I pat you on your head?

[-] 6 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

dont do that - you might catch what he has
or you might knock out what little is left

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Right. Hadn't thought of that but, I'd need latex gloves or something for head patting.

[-] -3 points by john32 (-272) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

"How about you show me a direct quote where he blamed Obama specifically on PCness in his speech in front of him. That will settle this real fast. When you don't get it from his speech in front of Obama-we can all agree that you're the lying piece of crap i said you were."

Your response:


Thanks for proving my point

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Oh, wait. Did you want me to be politically correct?

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I've come to expect so much from the National Prayer Breakfast............and the Blaze...........and the Washington Times.

[-] 2 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

you have a collection of birds in cages?

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

what do the blaze and the times have to do with dr. carson's speech?

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Read the article.

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

the article has nothing to do with dr. carson and his tremendous accomplishments.

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Read the article or don't ask stupid questions. Pretty simple.

Nobody gives a damn about the National Prayer Breakfast. He did nothing more than pat you on your little right wing head.

[-] -2 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

i read the article now you can and do a search on dr. ben carson. a brilliant man. despite overwhelmingly bad odds , he made his life into a success story.

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I have no interest in Carson. The Religious Right is useless.

[-] 0 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

you have no interest in anything but the agenda you are paid to post about.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Oh, but you are little Ms. Tea Party paid to post troll.

[+] -6 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

how typical of you and yours, uninterested in someone who has made enormus contributions to the world and to the betterment of society .

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Oh no! That part is swell. The rest of it is shit. He gave a speech and said exactly what you and the media wanted to hear and that's it. I am not going to pat you on your little head. You look silly.

[+] -6 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

i asked to you to do search on him,......read his life story.

[-] 6 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

And I asked you to stop being a shill.

[-] 3 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

give 10 words why I should care

what did he say?

[-] -3 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

he is a brilliant accomplished person, the antithesis of barry.

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You're paid to post. Nobody gives a damn.

[-] -2 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

conservatives like him , dems/libs fear him for the same reason, because he tells the truth .

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin' Trollin' Trollin'

Though you're saying nothin',

Keep them posts a rollin'

[-] -1 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

so who's your boss, messina or cutter ?

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin trollin trollin

And your ego's swollen

Keep them untruths rolling

[-] -3 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

dr carson= great man, 0bama= fraud

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin trollin trollin

And your ego's swollen

Keep them untruths rolling ...

[+] -5 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

no dear, unlike you. I am not.

[-] 5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Oh, but you are. Otherwise there would be no reason for you to be here to spread your misinformation, fear and anti Occupy propaganda.

[-] -1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

most people seek the truth

which is why wiki works

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

you STILL dont/wont respond to what dr. carson said, typical behavior.

[+] -6 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

i speak truth ( not paid by anyone ) you dearie are paid to lie. how dumb are you to think that the truth regarding dr carson is propaganda. you must be afraid of him and his words

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

[-] 0 points by auargent (-107) 1 week ago if the ows people do not talk about fdr ( the idol of the dems) arresting americans of japanese and german descent and putting them in internment camps in the usa, it didnt happen. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

[-] -2 points by auargent (-107) 2 weeks ago The TEA party believes in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. Obama administration does not.They ( obama & co.) are the totalitarians. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

[-] 0 points by auargent (-107) 2 weeks ago Please be specific, which ( who) TEA party people raised your taxes? Please explain " instituted tyranny". ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

You are paid to post, shill.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

And a spokesperson for the 1 percent and his self interests.

He may have a good point. Tell me what it is?


[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

signifying nothing

what did he say ?

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

do your own search and listen. he spoke for about 1/2 hour. cant be condensed

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

[-] -1 points by auargent (-107) 2 weeks ago The reason that more people are on welfare is very simple,............all planned by the obama adminstration to make more and more people dependent on the govt, and make them dem voters for life. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

See, it's ok for you to not like Obama..........and it's ok not to like Dems it's the bullshit factor when it comes to the people. Shill.

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

I should be posting back links

I wish I could depend on the government

as it stands , I'm dependent on whoever has money to give me

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

you're paid to post , dumbo. I am not.

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

if you have a doctor, make an appointment, you have early onset dementia.

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You're a lying paid to post racist troll.

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago


[+] -9 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

I've come to expect so little from you GF. You're just a fucking loser with a poisoned ugly mind that fails at comprehending anything that doesn't spew from your bullshit propaganda ideology. I don't like replying to you because it's always such a fucking waste of time.

[-] 6 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You mean you're a dumb mother fucking paid to post troll with a weak little mind.

Why, yes. Yes, you are.

[-] -2 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

gf gets her talking points from ows and their owners. she has a script.

[+] -5 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

Carson 's speech was terrific. He had the courage to speak the truth with barry just a few feet away. the look on barry's face ,.....pure disgust because someone actually told the truth, unlike the msm who contiunally cover barry's failures.

[-] 5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago


[-] 3 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 12 years ago

Why doesen't the good Doctor offer a viable solutioin.Like end the wars Tax the rich.Just another loud mouth fraud.And another thing Jesus does not like a conservative attitude.

[-] -2 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

You don't read or your comprehension skills are not that great.

Carson was offering an excellent solution to this nations healthcare problems without the behemoth job killing,freedom stealing,control apparatus that is Obamacare.

Your bud Obama could "end the wars" if he wanted to and the rich are already being taxed.

Your ridiculous opinion of Carson speaks volumes of your close minded Leftist ideology that doesn't permit you learn anything new outside of your propaganda comfort zone.

[-] 3 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 12 years ago

Not a fan of obama. The Doctor only offers one percent solutions to problems that his class have created and sustain.That on the backs of the majority of the country. The lie of austerity for the nintynine percent and oppulance for the one percent has run it's course , Futhermore you only think in a bianary mindset.It is you that have the closed mind,Never thinking that there are more than two choices in life. I never once said anything in support of Mr.Obama. But as with most conservative hacks if one does not support your way of thinking than there is only one other choice. Very sorry to disturbe your comfort zone.

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

Do you know anything about Carson's background? You should before you start raging class warfare against him.

[-] 1 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 12 years ago

He is a very smart man.Born poor.Did not do to well in his very eaqrly years.By middle school he became an excellent student.Went to yale? Attended university Michigan law school.Nurosurgeon.Later switced to pediatrics.Is just what the corporate republicans are looking for.A new conservative non white face to advance the agenda of the financial elite. He is also getting on in years, a very ambitious man.He knows that he can go very far with his remarks. Oh and whatever happened to that little church and state seperation thing.Perhaps Obama and the good doctor can have there Jesus moment off the goverment clock.

[-] -1 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

Since when do you care about Government spending?

[-] 2 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 12 years ago

Since they have floated the false notion that we ,do not have money for teachers,but somehow can fund more private prisons.That we do not have the funds to fix our roads but some how can fix all of Iraqs.That we do not have money for VA programs but seem to never run out when it comes to buy new toys for the pentagon.You get the idea.Plenty of money for the interest of the one percent.And it all seems to come from the ninty nine percent.You know the one's that fight and die in the wars of the rich. So yes I do care if Obama and the good Doctor want to feast and make a public display of embracing a god they do not worship on my dime.Let us keep the theater in the movies. Where we decide what bullshit we wish to pay for.

[+] -5 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

the fraud is barry.

[-] 4 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

If you can say that, then you can say everything this country has done for the last 250 years or so is a fraud too.

In which case?

You should give up, as your belief system will allow for nothing less..

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

everything about this country in the last 250 years is a fraud? you must really hate the USA, or have been told to post as such. barry,........his real name which he never legally changed. law professor? he wasnt , he was a visiting lecturer, he said he was poor, didnt have money, yet he inherited hundreds of thousands from his grandmother, if he was broke who paid for his house in chicago? said he really didnt know ayers, yet it was in ayers home that barry started his political life, and on and on and on.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I don't.

You do.

You made the fraud statement. I just refined it for you.

Have you considered that YOU are a fraud too?

I must admit, the thought has crossed my mind.

[+] -5 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

poor shooz,...........a useful idiot of the left ( ows) and happy to one.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Awwww......poor you.......just plain useless.

Just another tool (troll?) of FLAKEnews, and you know what they say.

FLAKESnews makes flakes even flakier.

Thanks for proving it's so...................:)

[+] -6 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

i really dont know why you have an obsession with fox, i dont speak about it or cite them. YOU do. its what you've been told to do. you're boring AND uninformed about dr. carson. you do not speak about what he said or his background. the reason,.......he's black( so you cant label him a racist) and spoke truth to barry .

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

The guy blamed PCness on Obama.

How fucked up is that? Pretty fucked up.

You got anything that didn't come from Glenn Beck, or Limbaugh's little brother?

[-] -2 points by john32 (-272) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

Dude you are so full of shit it like boggles my mind. How people up vote your comments is way beyond me. Unless you have a bunch of screen names and you're doing it yourself (def wouldn't put it past you since you seem to lie about everything else).

I watched the whole video....there wasn't one single snippet of him blaming PCness on Obama....at all. So quit making shit up....seriously...you're the problem with this country...f'n slime like you who just lie their asses off to further their partisan bullshit.

You've got your panties in a twist because a guy voiced his opinion and it didn't fall in line with your democrat ass kissing self.

I'm not saying i agree with what Carson said...that's a whole other issue....what just pisses me off to no end is when you f'n distort what people say just because they don't agree with you...political slime...the lowest of the low...it's fox news...it's MSNBC...it's disgusting...he never blamed obama on PCness....QUIT LYING you piece of shit.

You can disagree with people that's fine.....but I can not understand how people can just outright lie about this stuff...whether it's republican or democrat....seriously-it's disgusting and shows everything about your moral character....the fact that you have none.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

A ton and a half of insults from a guy that can't read.

From a guy who gets so hung up on a single point he can see nothing else.

Have a nice day.

[-] -1 points by john32 (-272) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

Truth hurts doesn't it.

[-] 0 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

shoozie never lets fact get in the way of he/his/its agenda.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin' Trollin' Trollin'

Though you're saying nothin',

Keep them posts a rollin'

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I can't be sure, you haven't provided much.

Thanks for showing your true, insulting nature.

Will you read the rest now, or just ignore it like you do the truth about libe(R)tarians?

[-] -2 points by john32 (-272) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

I've read the whole freaking article..and watched the entire half hour speech. I don't agree with everything he said, but that doesn't mean i'm going to make shit up like you and twist and distort. Maybe you should inform yourself before you open your lying mouth.

How about you show me a direct quote where he blamed Obama specifically on PCness in his speech in front of him. That will settle this real fast. When you don't get it from his speech in front of Obama-we can all agree that you're the lying piece of crap i said you were.

[-] 0 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

shooz lied, you challenged that lie and shooz runs a way.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago


Because as I said and you ignored, or refused to believe.

I don't give a crap what some conse(R)vative has to say at a national prayer breakfast, or anywhere else.

As a political event......It should be banned.

I'm done here and won't bump this POS thread again, no matter how many insults you choose to throw at me.

So like I said.

Have a nice day. .

[-] -2 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

th ows people on here are paid to lie to further the dem/progresive agenda

[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

we are all concerned citizens, unpaid to be here but interested in justice for the American Working Class, making the world a better place for our kids and grandkids, so they can have a world worth living in...couldn't care less for democrats, my party received .01 percent of national vote. Go Justice Party http://www.justicepartyusa.org/ Most don't like the democrats but like Republitard party less because they don't even try to cover their lies or else they stupidly believe their own BS. So the parties can go suck a rotten egg, as far as ows is concerned. sorry to burst your bubble here. Most don't like any party, maybe Green Party and Jill Stein, but many would like no party, just direct democracy. Parties f things up.

we do support progress, and science.

so you are talking right past most people here. A few support dems as the lesser of two evils. Its about 5 people...they may be active, but they aren't being paid either

[-] -2 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

you betray yourself with "Republitard". many on this site are paid to be here, to push agenda.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

Ha ha ha ok I lean left, not dumocrat

http://occupywallst.org/article/consense-or-not-consense/#comments this post has a good video from a British historian economist, if you haven't seen it may want to check it out.

99 percent of the left right divide is upbringing. I just can't wrap my head around their logic. I do believe we should as a rule balance our budget, so I guess I'm a fiscal conservative, but infrastructure upgrades mostly take someone doing it, now it's govnt, in past was business charters.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

who do I talk to to get paid

[-] -2 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

shooz or dk

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

they know who I am

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

why would I use a different name ?

I stand by my statements

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

I worked here for a year and lying is not on the agenda

[-] 0 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

use a different name. use a friends e-mail .

[-] -1 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

you "worked" for ows?

[-] -2 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

the ows agenda includes lies , which you have experienced. if your " agenda " is truth, lies are not needed.

[-] -1 points by john32 (-272) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

"shooz lied, you challenged that lie and shooz runs a way."

The thing that bothers me is it's a repetitive daily occurrence.... couldn't stand reading his crap anymore. What he does is not honest...and he knows it.

[-] 3 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

unless the agenda is just

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

haven't been around but I don't recall having issue with shooz

the attacks on posters rather than addressing issues

is out of control however

[-] -1 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

honesty has nothing to do with pushing agenda.

[-] 1 points by NVPHIL (664) 12 years ago

I agree there are as many Dem schills as reps but to say ows pushes dem agenda or even that dems push progressive agenda is bull.

[-] -1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

Maybe not, but here's proof that at least a handful of Dems were planning to support a gun bill that looks pretty damn progressive and solidifies that a concern held by the NRA crowd is viable. Darn that whole "gotta pass the bill before we read the bill" idea...


"But then, with respect to the thousands of weapons like that already owned by Washington residents, the bill says this:

“In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing shall ... safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection.”

In other words, come into homes without a warrant to poke around. Failure to comply could get you up to a year in jail.

“I’m a liberal Democrat — I’ve voted for only one Republican in my life,” Palmer told me. “But now I understand why my right-wing opponents worry about having to fight a government takeover.”

He added: “It’s exactly this sort of thing that drives people into the arms of the NRA.”

I have been blasting the NRA for its paranoia in the gun-control debate. But Palmer is right — you can’t fully blame them, when cops going door-to-door shows up in legislation.

I spoke to two of the sponsors. One, Sen. Adam Kline, D-Seattle, a lawyer who typically is hyper-attuned to civil-liberties issues, said he did not know the bill authorized police searches because he had not read it closely before signing on.

“I made a mistake,” Kline said. “I frankly should have vetted this more closely.”

That lawmakers sponsor bills they haven’t read is common. Still, it’s disappointing on one of this political magnitude. Not counting a long table, it’s only an eight-page bill.

The prime sponsor, Sen. Ed Murray, D-Seattle, also condemned the search provision in his own bill, after I asked him about it. He said Palmer is right that it’s probably unconstitutional.

“I have to admit that shouldn’t be in there,” Murray said.

[-] 1 points by NVPHIL (664) 12 years ago

I don't know if it is because people see a lot of attack ads and think they must be true but the highest spenderusually wins elections.

anti corruption laws are ignoredby a corrupt gov't or else they make the bribery legal. I'm not sure how we can enforce it if the gov't doesn't.

Independent media is on the rise. The more MSM tellsblatent lies the more viewers will start looking for news from other sources. Especially if we can getthe few honest and popular MSM talking heads to leave the MSM and bring their following.

[-] 1 points by NVPHIL (664) 12 years ago

Three things would need to occur. Campaign finance reform would keep cadidates with little to no ublic support from outspending their opponent. Strong anti corruption laws would keep votes from being sold to the highest bidder. And replace the MSM with a strong independant news media so we can know what is really going on and not what lie the gov't wants to feed us.

[-] -1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

Why would the public vote for someone they don't support? If people are stupid enough to vote for someone based upon how much money they spent, then the problem is the people-not the money.

Anti corruption laws already exist and haven't stopped a damn thing.

And where do you expect to get this "strong independent news media" from? Media costs MONEY. If the govt finances it-we can't trust it because it's the government. If conservatives financed it, the left wouldn't trust it and if the liberals financed it, the right wouldn't trust it.

[-] 1 points by NVPHIL (664) 12 years ago

Dems use gun control like Reps use immigration. As a way to keep their respective bases from noticing civil liberty violations put in place by both parties. DC has few conservatives or progressives. Is NDAA progressive or is warrantless wiretaps conservative. I say no to both.

[-] -1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

Not disagreeing with you. Just pointing out some Dems pushing something known to be a very liberal agenda.

[-] 0 points by NVPHIL (664) 12 years ago

I'm sure some really believe in it but imo a majority push it to appeal to their base not because they believe it. But you'l notice the mainstream parties don't push their bases agenda when it can anger their donors (pimps). What we need to do is drop the social issues until after we clean up our gov't. I can't wait to see the battles our first truely repressentative congress has.

[-] -1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

And how exactly do you see that sort of representative congress coming about? Realistically.

[-] -3 points by kendallone (-28) 12 years ago

" that dems push progressive agenda is bull."

Where the hell have you been? In solitary? What do you call Obamacare (the first steps toward single payer socialism)?? The EPA's tyranny?? The billions Obama has thrown away on bankrupt "green" failing companies?? Gay this and Gay that while shitting all over traditional marriage??

The Obama Regime and the demonrats are totally following a Progressive agenda. You can tell because the economy is in the toilet STILL and the unemployment rate is on it's way up again.

Perhaps not as progressive as you'd like but none the less that IS what they are doing.

[-] 0 points by NVPHIL (664) 12 years ago

Also, if a church is willing to marry a gay couple then the gov't should have no say. Just like the gov't shouldn't force churches against gay marriage to perform the ceramony. As for a judge performing the wedding then who gives a fuck what some fairytale says about gays.

[-] 0 points by NVPHIL (664) 12 years ago

Obamacare is not progressive. It is a givaway to big insurance created by the R branch of the corporate party. Gay rights is to keep us from focusing on civil liberty violations. Same with gun control. And both parties love funneling money to business and away from citizens.

[-] -1 points by BlueMonday (-154) 12 years ago

the entire purpose of the obama administration is the destruction of the USA as founded. Bit by bit, rights by rights, a complete take down.

[-] -2 points by kendallone (-28) 12 years ago

Amen,you are exactly correct.

[-] -2 points by john32 (-272) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

Nowhere near all are like that...there's a lot of really good peeps in OWS....but jackasses like shooz seem to dominate the forums and are no doubt pushing people away. Whats even more crazy is he's a mod here and everytime me and him have a disagreement somehow i manage to lose a bunch of points.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

anyone can cause point loss by continually voter a poster down

[-] -2 points by john32 (-272) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

Talking like 100 points in a second.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

could be robots

I think I once had 16,000 not sure never cared that much for the points nor the fiscal cliff

[-] -1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Shooz is a mod?

[+] -5 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

no, he did NOT blame p.c. on obama. learn to listen ( did you listen to the entire video?) and comprehend what is being said. you only hear what you want to hear.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

What else was this supposed to mean?

"Other tweets, as reported by Twitchy: “Dr. Ben Carson throws out political correctness during speech in front of Obama, who’s not happy.” And this: “Sounds like Dr. Ben Carson of Johns Hopkins stole the show at the Nat’l Prayer Breakfast today. Hit on healthcare in front of Obama.” And this: “This is awesome. National Prayer Breakfast — Carson prayer speech.”

[-] -1 points by freakzilla (-161) from Detroit, MI 12 years ago

Alec P Shooz, are you misbehaving again?

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

when you go home and are away from your ows minders, do search for the speech on your own comupter.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin' Trollin' Trollin'

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

listen for yourself. carson sppech was fabulous in its directness and truths. LISTEN FOR YOURSELF instead of citing second hand reactions.

[-] 4 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

Here's some more direct truths you that can help us intellectually.


Unless we put some limit on ourselves, on our ‘greed’ as Gandhi said in Hind Swaraj, we will head for disaster. Gandhi also argued that our forefathers put a ceiling on progress, they knew the wisdom of those limits. But now we have to ask, ‘where does this restraning power come from?’ It is developed in culture. When we ask what we live for as human beings. We can answer, for happiness. We want to live and live happily. Where is that happiness rooted? In the body, and the five senses? Is that the goal of my life? We know it is not. Satisfying our inner self is more important. That is what leads to happiness Gandhi also said that everyone has this inner self or inner voice. Even a thief has an inner voice. That is what tells us what is right and wrong. It is what Gandhi called the voice of God. When we listen to it we find happiness and joy. If we look around us at the modern economy we see the exploitation of nature, culture, and of human beings—does this lead to satisfy the inner voice? No, of course not. If we are to find the way to a non-violent economy we must learn to listen to the inner voice that we all have.

[-] 1 points by alldone (32) 12 years ago

I don't believe we are born with an inner voice. It is part of a socialization process that starts from birth that teaches us positive behaviours that lead to positive outcomes like decency and fairness.

Once fully socialized a person feels like he or she has a firm guide (moral compass if you like) almost like the hand of god guiding them, but this was simply a convenient explanation of its operation at a time when there were no atheists, IMHO.

I am not denigrating faith but rather highlighting the simple conclusion that somewhere along the line this socialization process is breaking down.

Some say that it is because we turned away from some god, I say that it is nothing more than modern society having neglected the need and existence of a socialization process that teaches and promotes positive behaviour.

We are starting to learn that "do as you please" does not work.

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

"among the many misdeeds of the british rule in india, history will look upon the act of disarming a whole nation of arms as the blackest" written by gandhi ( the well know pacifist ) in his autobiography.

[-] 3 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

The right wingers are quite adept at ripping quotes from context.


A quote advanced to support the armed populace fantasy is from Mohandas Gandhi, the leader of nonviolent resistance to British rule in India. His objective of Indedepence was achieved in 1947. Gandhi wrote in Chapter XXVII, "The Recruiting Campaign," in his autobiography, My Experiments with Truth:

'Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. GO TO "Arms" in this context were military arms not the personal weapons of private individuals. The context of "depriving of the whole nation of arms" was the refusal of the British to conscript Indians into the British Army during the First World War. Gandhi was an extreme anti-militarist. The statement is odd coming out of him, but he used the circumstance for political purposes to advance the cause of Home Rule and Independence.



[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 12 years ago

"Keep your ego swollen"

[-] 0 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

To Gsw below-(there was no way to reply beneath it)

If you find the behavior of 'right wingers' suspect when they "rip quotes from context", then shouldn't you abstain from doing the same thing? Why didn't you use Gandhi's entire quote, and thus make it's context completely clear? From the book "My experiments with truth"-

"I used to issue leaflets asking people to enlist as recruits. One of the arguments I had used was distasteful to the Commissioner: 'Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn.'

Note Gandhi references the Arms Act-which gave the government authority to forbid gun ownership by anyone and everyone-and goes on to state that he's referring to the "ban on possessing arms". It's clear he wasn't talking about military arms.

Gandhi states that he had been passing out leaflets trying to get people to join the military so that they could learn to use arms and called it a "golden opportunity" to show the government that they could be trusted with them and that prove that if they did not use their military weapons to attack the government, then surely they could be trusted with possessing their own.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin', trollin', trollin',

keep them lies a flowin',


[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

No thanks, but you go ahead and run him for President next time.

I'm sure I'll hear more than I want to if you do.

BTW, why is there a national prayer breakfast anyway, and why would these people go to it?

[-] -3 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

i did not post an article no once , not ever.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 12 years ago

"keep those lies a rollin,

YOU LIE!!!!"

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

you live ( exist) in a limited world. i read stories from various sources, non of them fox, beck or limbaugh. i never brought them up, you did. i didnt say anything about what the national prayer breakfast is. you did. i listened to and viewed dr. carsons speech. you can do a search and do the same thing but you wont because you prefer to exist in the dark.

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

They were both quoted in the article YOU posted. so you didn't read it?

I told you already, run him for office, I don't care.

But I've had conse(R)vative crap shoved at me for over 50 years and I don't want to listen to another 5 minutes of that shit, let alone 30.

When you start posting stuff that proves you do what you said you do, then maybe I'll consider a few more minutes of it, but not until you do.

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin trollin trollin

And your ego's swollen

Keep them untruths rolling ...

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

By not listening to dr. carson 's speech you keep yourself in your shallow mindset.cant take the time to listen? sure, and the dog ate your homework. it seems you're afraid to listen to him. why? the left wing media is very upset with dr. carsons speech,. NOT what he said but that he said it with obama present. the national prayer breakfast has been around for decades. if your interested in finding out more about it, do a search.

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I don't have a dog, and this thread is the ONLY thing I've ever heard about his speech. You seem rather enamored with it, as does Glenn Beck and Limbaugh's little brother..

With those two as a recommendation, why would I bother?

Glenn is a professional libe(R)tarian propagandist and Limbaugh is a Limbaugh.

So you're saying this breakfast is a confluence of church and State?

Sounds dumb to me.

[-] -1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

I listened. Very compelling.

[-] -3 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

Yes, it was. Now do a search and read his complete biography. His life story is quite compeling.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin' Trollin' Trollin'

Though you're saying nothin',

Keep them threads a rollin'

[-] 1 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 12 years ago

Yep .Him too.

[-] 0 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 12 years ago

Can not argue with that.


[+] -5 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

"WE the PEOPLE are Caesar here"

Get a fucking grip will ya. You mistakenly seem to think this country is 99% Liberal Progressive Commies.

Sorry,it ain't that way. You're delusional if you think it is.

You liberal activist's are but a minority and don't get so uppity just cause Chairman MAObama is your ruler now. It ain't going to be that way for long.


[-] 0 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

Mississippi is right in the middle of it's tornado season. So?



[-] 0 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

I'm sorry. What does this article have to do with Mississippi being under a tornado warning at a time of year when Mississippi has historically had tornadoes?


The report done by CoreLogic-

“The apparent increase in the number of incidents and shift in geographic distribution of losses that occurred last year in the U.S. called the long-held notion of risk concentration in Tornado Alley into question, and is leading to changes in risk management policy and procedure,” said Dr. Howard Botts, vice president and director of database development for CoreLogic Spatial Solutions."

The year with the increases that caused such panic? 2011. Last year-2012-ended with the number of tornadoes being 400 below average. Do you think CoreLogic should do another study saying that fewer tornadoes are striking fewer parts of the US less often?

"Other experts found the CoreLogic report flawed.

"If the report is trying to identify where the most tornadoes are, then it's broader than the Plains, and we've known that for decades," said Harold Brooks, research meteorologist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Okla.

Brooks said the traditional boundaries of Tornado Alley consistently have active seasons whereas the southeast may only have active seasons sporadically."

Read more: http://www.kjrh.com/dpp/news/local_news/Tornado-threat-actually-much-more-widespread-than-Tornado-Alley#ixzz2KY0rSA1v

I am not saying the globe ain't warming. It is. Has been for a long time. But even the experts will admit that event attribution at this point is unreliable and unverifiable.

And even scientists admit that they cannot reliably attribute exceptional events to global warming. http://www.nature.com/news/extreme-weather-1.11428

"Better models are needed before exceptional events can be reliably linked to global warming."

"At a workshop last week in Oxford, UK, convened by the Attribution of Climate-related Events group — a loose coalition of scientists from both sides of the Atlantic — some speakers questioned whether event attribution was possible at all. It currently rests on a comparison of the probability of an observed weather event in the real world with that of the ‘same’ event in a hypothetical world without global warming. One critic argued that, given the insufficient observational data and the coarse and mathematically far-from-perfect climate models used to generate attribution claims, they are unjustifiably speculative, basically unverifiable and better not made at all. And even if event attribution were reliable, another speaker added, the notion that it is useful for any section of society is unproven."


[-] 1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

No. Not single "any single event".

"Attribution is the attempt to deconstruct the causes of observable weather and to understand the physics of why extremes such as floods and heatwaves occur. This is important basic research. Extreme weather and changing weather patterns — the obvious manifestations of global climate change — do not simply reflect easily identifiable changes in Earth’s energy balance such as a rise in atmospheric temperature. They usually have complex causes, involving anomalies in atmospheric circulation, levels of soil moisture and the like. Solid understanding of these factors is crucial if researchers are to improve the performance of, and confidence in, the climate models on which event attribution and longer-term climate projections depend."

In other words, these events cannot solely be blamed on increasing temperatures. And even if temperatures were solely to blame, a world coming out of an ice age warms. And it's been much warmer than this interglacial period. We live on an ever changing planet. Ice cores prove that.

And new research:


"CO2 released from use of fossil fuels have little influence on the observed changes in the amount of atmospheric CO2, and changes in atmospheric CO2 are not tracking changes in human emissions."

The longer the current temperatures lag while CO2 increases, the less likely it becomes that human CO2 is driving, or even significantly increasing, those temperatures.


[-] 0 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

Yes, carbon dioxide levels are high. But funny thing is, the temperature is NOT as high as it "should be" if CO2 was the primary driver of climate temperatures. Global emissions have increased a full 33% since 2001, but global temperatures have not changed at all. Maybe that's why NASA actually lowered their estimates of the effect that CO2 has on warming:


And even Ben Santer finally admitted at the end of last year (2012) that the climate models are exaggerating warming-


Every single time this planet has come out of an ice age, it enters a warm period in which it has gotten warmer and warmer until the next ice age sets in. If warming temperatures causes severe tornadoes and storms, then there were severe tornadoes and storms then too. There just weren't millions of people building crap all over the planet which could then be destroyed by the weather.

The weather on this planet currently is only an anomaly to us because we weren't here the last time it happened.


[-] 0 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

You're the one insinuating that before we started recording temperatures in 1880 the earth was always colder and frozen and never warmed on it's own. It did. 150 years is what out of 68,000 years?

"In a new paper in Geophysical Research Letters, NASA scientists estimate that doubling atmospheric carbon dioxide will result in 1.64 degrees Celsius of warming over the next 200 years. Estimates from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) range from 3-to 5 degrees Celsius."

Let me translate. Current CO2 is 395.55 ppm. NASA, (and now NOAA) is now saying that models that use the actual observed data from the last ten years (instead of just predictions) prove that if today's annual ppm increase of 2.07 ppm continues (business as usual) until that number doubled to 791.1 ppm, it would still only raise the temperature on this planet LESS THAN HALF of the 3 degrees Celsius that the IPCC claimed as it's lowest possible estimation.

In other words, our climate is half as sensitive as scientists thought it was to increases in CO2, AND that there are cooling effects which would kick in as CO2 increases. The IPCC was wrong about the catastrophic warming they predicted. CO2 levels cannot be driving our planet's temperatures in the manner they thought it did.

Arctic ice melts when it gets warm. The planet is getting warmer. The CO2 from humans isn't causing it. Something is. And that something or combination of somethings, will continue to affect our weather patterns. If it's not really us, surely you'll join me in encouraging them to find out what the hell is.


[-] 1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

So you have the ability to take an entire globe's temperatures over the last 100 years, measured by a reliable source, and put it into a formula and come to your own conclusion.

Im not a climatologist. And Im not friends with any either. So everything I go off of is something that the machine fed me.

Theres too much pollution. Massive consumerism based off of companies in 3rd worlds will do that. Is the temperature climbing? How the hell do I know. But we are putting together an energy conference on alternative options, so chances are while you call me a moron Ill be actually doing something about it.

Tried to simply say that at this point, can anything NASA say really be trusted? And you have to go all batshit on the attack. Whatev.


[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Is this the same NASA whose budget continues to get crushed and is dying for ANY kind of government help at this point?

My point isnt about global warming. Its about believing a word on anyone who is that tightly wound with the Federal gov.


[-] -1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

For a man who seems to be so paranoid about the government, you sure like to cling to what their organizations tell you to believe.

Fact-the globe has warmed and cooled.

Fact-for the past 16 years. CO2 has steadily increased ppm. Global temperatures have not

Fact- “Half of what the 2007 IPCC report indicates as it’s proposed target for 2050”-which was 2C-would be 1C. At 0.8C we are still at less than HALF of that amount.

“Do you get that”? Or “are you just stupid”?

Fact-the climate models used by the IPCC to produce their fear mongering reports have proven to be wrong again and again and again.














The credibility of the IPCC and other scientists who sold their souls to the highest bidders is rotting out from under them. You have no problem seeing the corruption of the government from big money, yet you are so blindly trusting in scientists corrupted by big money. How long are you doing to embrace everything they said when it continues NOT to happen as they predicted it would?

Of ALL people, why aren't you the one asking why the hell the MSM avoids all of the NEW research and proofs like they are the plague?

[+] -6 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

STIll buying into the global warming scam?


[-] -1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

The annual tornado season in Mississippi begins in the Fall months, peaks in April and ends in June.

[+] -5 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

you dear are the dem/progs "useful idiot"


[-] -3 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

Yo Dog,I enjoyed seeing you lose that Climate change debate to vaprosvyeh. But you seem to be a sore loser and you're now just repeating what amounts to just wishful thinking on your part:

"Global Warming It's right out in the parking lot The REPELICAN party is DONE"

All just wishful thinking.


[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin trollin trollin

And your ego's swollen

Keep them untruths rolling ...

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin trollin trollin

And your ego's swollen

Keep them untruths rolling ...

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin trollin trollin

And your ego's swollen

Keep them untruths rolling ...

[-] 3 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

Carson outlined his three point alternative to ObamaCare,
an obvious boon to minimum wage earners
suggesting when babies are born they are given a birth certificate, electronic medical records and a medical savings account. The medical savings account, to which family members or others could deposit money into, would cover the expenses of for standard routine health care throughout the life of that individual after birth.

Dr. Carson also expressed his opposition to political correctness, the efforts by some to silence views or speech that are deemed to be not politically correct. Reporting for The Blaze, Billy Hallowell wrote, “At the beginning of his speech, Carson shared an intense disdain for political correctness. Without getting too specific on the issue front, he said that Americans should stop being afraid to speak up and defend their beliefs; he also encouraged people to respect the individuals they disagree with. Carson held little back, condemning political correctness as “a horrible thing” that is “dangerous,” as it hampers freedom of thought and expression.”
obviously directed at glenn beck & karl rove & ron paul & willard
“We’ve got to get over this sensitivity and it keeps people from saying what they really believe, Carson said.”

Dr. Carson also addressed the current state of culture in our country, stating, ““I think particularly about ancient Rome. Very powerful — nobody could even challenge them militarily…they destroyed themselves from within. Moral decay. Fiscal irresponsibility.”
obviously directed at the huge American military budget

He did neglect to point out that Jesus was really a wealthy capitalist

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

jesus was wealthy? NO, a capitalist? he did some carpentry work. SOME, not much.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago
[-] 2 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 12 years ago

How come these Dick heads can't pray on there own time instead of the people's dime.And what I want to know is who picked up the tab for that mornig meal with God.

[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Seems how most of their actions lead to US praying, this is quite ironic that they are the ones praying, and we are still stuck paying them to!! haha :)

[-] -1 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 12 years ago

To Quote John Wayne"The Lord uses the good one's and the bad one's use the lord".

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

hey you dropped your spoon. Thought you might want to know in case you weren't done spoon feeding yourself bogus talking points.

[-] 1 points by Storm1 (2) 12 years ago

So what? That speech will change nothing.

[+] -5 points by chuckuschumer (-366) 12 years ago

You may be right or you may be wrong.

[+] -6 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

carson speech was truth, something the msm and president never deal with.

[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

What part appealed to you. I didn't take away anything except we must speak truthfully.


Tell me what he said that was intellectual???.

Basic stuff of Sunday school.

Oh he did say the wealthy should refresh others so they can be refreshed--some biblical item.

Try this for some real thought inducing material...

"Noam Chomsky "Public Education and The Common Good" (Video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TLZN92-dZo [47:46] or http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33891.htm (alt. link) "Noam Chomsky addressed more than 800 students at East Stroudsburg University on February 7, 2013. Prof. Chomsky gives to us an eloquent historical, present and future perspectives as to the public educational system in the US how he believes it has been used not for the common good, but rather for the special interests of those who have power and money and want to perpetuate a docile non-critical thinking population..

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

higher education should be accessible to the general public

[+] -4 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

do a search, read his complete biography.

[-] 0 points by highlander (-163) 12 years ago

He would make a better black president

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

Obama is a lame duck

Video or it didn't happen

[+] -5 points by Shayneh (-482) 12 years ago

He made an "awsome speech" and did you see the look on Obamas face when he talked about the debt? It takes "cahones" to do what he did - he is very well respected within the community and he "says what's on his mind".

Obviously, based on what some are writing about him they can't deal with it. Cheers to him.

[+] -8 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

dr. carson's speech was fabulous, his biography even more so.

[+] -9 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

you are a one trick pig, ask your owners to teach you something else. you're boring.

[-] 5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You're a paid to post troll. You don't deserve creativity.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

creativity is often wasted on dead end leads

[+] -6 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

wrong piggy, not paid. here at my leisure.

[-] 5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You fucking 250 lb., bleach blond, high school drop out, K-Mart matching pant set, white chic poster child for the Tea Party paid to post troll.

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

there are not enough jobs to go around

but we all must be paid to do something(nothing)

[+] -7 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

off your meds again?

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

That's all you have? You sit and wait and the best you can up with is this?

I don't take meds, Wonder Bread warrior.

[+] -8 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

if you are not taking any medication for your mental problems, make sure those around you are aware . they ought to know that you're not a responsible person.

[-] 5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Trollin trollin trollin

And your ego's swollen

Keep them untruths rolling ...

[+] -5 points by chuckuschunner (-6) 12 years ago

Honored by george bush with the presidential medal of freedom, we must revere this great man - just like we revere george tennant.

In case you didn’t know, Carson is a Christian. Jesus Christ was a fixture in his National Prayer Breakfast speech (as was the Bible). He’s a Seventh-Day Adventist who believes that the United States has been uniquely blessed by God.

The Christian Broadcasting Network once profiled Carson, noting that his views about America are rooted in its history and founding:
Dr. Carson believes as a nation, America has been favored by God because we have acknowledged Him. The forefathers of our nation were clearly guided by Sovereign leadership when they knelt and prayed for wisdom at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. Together they stood up and assembled a seventeen page document known as the Constitution of the United States of America. Our nation was founded on principles revealed to us in the Bible by a righteous and just God. These teachings began in the home and continued at school. In early public schools reading from the Bible was not only common, it was expected.

In order for America to continue leading the world, Carson believes that it’s important to apply God’s standards to individuals’ lives.

[-] 8 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Which is why the entire shpiel is meaningless.

[-] 2 points by Buttercup (1067) 12 years ago

'Conservatives are not talking so much about the president’s address at Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast, but rather remarks from Dr. Benjamin Carson' - begs the question. Who the fuck cares what conservatives are or aren't talking about? Even if, this is hardly shocking news. Conservatives are highly susceptible to the logical fallacies of appeal to authority, especially religion, and appeal to fear. Over the rational. They are the most unable to separate fact from fantasy because they have larger amygdalas causing them to react with fear and primitivity. They're still knuckle dragging basically. So we should care about what they are talking about, why? Political correctness?

'Dr. Carson believes as a nation, America has been favored by God' - he can believe whatever he wants. Doesn't make it so. It's an unprovable belief. Unprovable claims or beliefs do not further advancement or add to human knowledge. It's simply a logical fallacy of presumption. Abject fail.

'Our nation was founded on principles revealed to us in the Bible by a righteous and just God' - Because the voices in your head tell you so, and some random dude reinforces the voices in your head - doesn't make it true. It just means you are unable to separate fact from fantasy. Keep your delusions if it makes you feel good. Though it necessarily contradicts the facts.

"The United States is in no sense founded upon the Christian doctrine" - George Washington

"Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law" - Thomas Jefferson

"As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion" - John Adams

"I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature.....Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make half the world fools and half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the world" - Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia

You can keep Carson. We have freedom of religion. But don't confuse Christianity with the Constitution. Doing so, degrades them both. The perversity of it should be self-evident.

I'll stick to Washington, Adams and Jefferson. Who calls you both fools. It's a free country. You're free to have the unprovable beliefs of fools.

[+] -9 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

he's an outstanding human being, and a great american.

[-] 3 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

I would love to ask Carson
should a woman have the right to control her own body?
should creationism be taught in public school?
should churches who promote political agendas lose their tax exemptions?
do you criticize Obama for political correctness for NOT using the words LIE & LIAR to refer to the last four years of R slanders?
or is it politically correct to LIE?

[+] -6 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

why dont you ask him?

[+] -9 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

Carson is a brilliant man and an accomplished one. You cant fake neurosurgery.How unlike the current president.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

tithe /tīT͟H/ Noun

One tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy.

A flat tax does not address the curve that is the income distribution

[-] -3 points by auargent (-600) 12 years ago

1/10th is 1/10th , no matter what you earn. Income is not distributed, its earned.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

through ownership, rent ad making loans