Forum Post: Conroversial Demands
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 9:02 p.m. EST by AN0NYM0US
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The main focus of this movement is the concept of a 99%
We will never be a 99% unless we cut down on demands that are controversial such as communism. I'm not saying you can't want that, just don't shut it at the top of your lungs to news cameras making it seem like the whole group wants that,
Most of Americans don't want things like communism. So it will never happen anyway. But the problem is, is that a good chunk of the 99% is stubborn and once they think we are all communists they will never join us!
We need to focus on ideas that all Americans can agree with. We can debate what those are, but that is what we must do.
We could have a system perhaps:
We all hold large signs that say central demands such as "End Corporate Personhood" then we could have a smaller sign on our bodies saying "btw, communism is worth checking out" Or something. It also, is symbollic. the large sign represents the group the small one, the individual.