Forum Post: Connecticut massacre
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 17, 2012, 8:28 p.m. EST by Rocco123
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The tragedy and horror of the Connecticut massacre quickly ignited the call for increased gun control. As a hunter and person who lives in a rural area I have use for a gun for hunting and protection. However, neither of these activities require a semi-automatic weapon. I am completely in favor of 1. registered gun ownership of all weapons and 2. a total ban on all semi automatic weapons. Now with that said I must add that neither of these ideas will solve the kind of problem that occurred in Connecticut. However it will at least reduce the probability that future acts of violence will not rise to the level as seen in the carnage in Connecticut. The problem is not just the availability of people killing weapons. The problem goes much deeper. It is a problem of our lack of social systems that actually work towards the betterment of all individuals within all communities.
In the early 70s Comprehensive Community Mental Health Care was established as a means towards creating a system whereby those in need could receive services paid for by the community itself. Unfortunately as the Federal Government began withdrawing its share of the funding, State and Counties dropped many of the programs. What is really needed is a social system initiated in every community across the country that is constructed to aid communities in helping each member move forward in social evolution. As an example developing activates that include all citizens which focus on family and community mental health. This could be something as simple as monthly block parties in which people get to know their neighbors and also a time where parents needing some help or advise can get it before home problems become insurmountable. The point is moving towards social evolution and an integration of every member of the community: neighborhood guilds. It would allow for more observation of possible community problems before they become catastrophic.
Individuals who are on the fringes of normal social interaction could at least have an opportunity to find a way to become an integral part of the community. The neighborhood guild can be designed to insure that all members within the neighborhood have the opportunity to achieve a positive sense of self worth and a sense of community pride.
There is nothing new about this idea and in fact is the basis of such programs as the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. The problem is that these programs are much to broad. They need to be initiated within each neighborhood of every community across the country. And most of this can be achieved with volunteers from within the neighborhood.
Just because you don't seem to understand the defensive advantage of a semi-auto AR-15 or a Colt 45 does not mean the rest of Americans should be denied the benefits of these weapons.
You may be happy cracking your shotgun to manually extract and reload slugs or slamming your bolt action every time you reload one round but the rest of us responsible gun owners shouldn't have to pay the price for such short sited thinking.
These post's/threads are a distraction. There is no meaningful change that can be made by changing gun laws - the guns are out in the public - stopping the manufacture and sale of high ammunition capacity clips and semi-auto weapons will keep the numbers down ( in legal hands anyway ). But gun laws/rights will not stop mass murderers. Healing societies ills will reduce the number of murders - but will not do a thing to cure a mass murderers intents/reasoning/atrocities.
We need a balance between gun legislation and mental health diagnosis and services.
Sadly many disorders do not occur until adulthood is attained, some can occur between the ages of 25-35 and depending on the condition and individual can take years to develop into noticeable symptoms or have rapid onset and deterioration.
With changes being made in the diagnostic criteria (DSM IV) and some previously recognized conditions no longer being listed, diagnosis and treatment may not be effective for many conditions, even ones that can lead to violent tendencies or even actions.
There may also be a lack of trained personnel also to consider.
With budgets at Federal, state and local levels all being cut, it is doubtful we will see any meaningful progress made in the area of mental health in the near future.
I would like to respond here, but I wrote a post today about this on my blog, and it's too long to post here,
If you're interested please see my blog:
@GK and from your blog "The services for so many other far worse, and far more potentially dangerous mental conditions, generally varies from poor to virtually nonexistent. "
And I am hoping your daughter is getting the help she needs...My little post on OWS was to raise awareness that the problems require major changes in our social structure.
Best wishes to you and your daughter. Rocco
Thanks, I think your post arrived at the exactly right conclusion, that was why I thought you might like to read confirmation in my blog. Thanks again for promoting awareness! :)
This should wake up America to the truth about
This should wake up America to the truth about
gun company profits
This should wake up America to the truth about
gun company profits buying congress
This should wake up America to the truth about
It is NOT just the gun money, it is the
prison privatization money,
oil money,
drug company money,
armaments money,
bank money
government of the people, by the rich, for the corporations
we MUST disconnect capitalism from democracy
What do you think about the thousands of people out there who reload their own ammunition? Do you think we should ban them from buying gun powder because there is a possibility they will blow up a movie theather or shopping center.
What we have in this country is a mental problem with the younger generation in this country. it's starting to come out in the news - it was talked about today on cnn, cbs, fox and on the view.
I blame a lot of the problem with the constant bombardment of interactive violent videos -
That's where the problem is -
We need to start giving children psychological exams again when they are 18 and again when they reach the age od 28. In addition to that if they are on any type of perscription mediation they need to be tested every year untill they are no longer taking it.
At least by doing this we would know who's going to go off the deep end and prevent it.
Obamacare is a done deal and it doesn't include the exams you suggest.
Well, the news media is talking about it and I believe it will be on the table during "gun talks" in congress. We need to do something to stop the violence.
Just think if there were no violent people, we wouldn't need to protect ourselves would we.
Do you expect dems to support common sense legislation on gun control? Don't hold your breath. They're already going off on a tangent about it. As far as mental health they decided it wasn't important to cover everyone.
The church did that quite well. But libs hate religion. As we become more secular we kill our neighbors more.
tell that to the crusaders
Guido Fawkes who wanted to kill the protestant king of England because he wanted a catholic king to force a catholic nation and
the shiites who kill the sunnis etc
Uh, are those current events? You're funny.
the first two are educational, the last one is sadly current.
While I liked the V movie, the real GF was no hero -
he was a military conspirator who wanted to force his religion on a country that did not want it by murdering hundreds of people
You are just useless all the way around aren't you?
In the entire history of the Amish dating back centuries, there has been ONE murder. One.
True or false: Senseless mass murders are up, religion is fading. Accidental? Please answer.
Doesn't matter if it's true or false. Even if the correlation is there as you suggest, correlation doesn't mean causation.
False. Most inmates in prisons are Christian. True or False?
Imaginary friend and an imaginary after world? With paranoia? Where, often, people imagine they drink blood and eat flesh?
Geez. Are those Christians all mass murderers? Why cant you libs stay on subject? It freaky.
BTK serial killer killed because God told him to.
Politicians that say God told them to run
And then there is Maurice Clemmons who thought he was Jesus.
And here is the little fun part. The nail in the coffin for deinstitutionalization occurred under Reagan (who ran because God told him to) and Clemmons was pardoned by Huckabee who also ran because God told him to.
Freaky is worshiping a zombie.
Was that mittens campaign group?
Nope. Christianity is zombie worship.
LOL! I can't stop laughing at your comment! Also, please read - and also see - . I absolutely do not get how and why the probably gun loving, 'believers' think that they have unique insight into compassion, morality & ethics - they don't! Never Just Defer To Hocus-Pocus! Occupy Head, Heart and Hope! Solidarity ... &, sssshhhhh, but merry zombiemass too, lol.
why the hateful words on religion? are all people that believe in something "zombie worshipers"? most people in the world have a belief in some type of religion. it is their choice. why mock it because you do not believe in anything. seems a bit childish and shows a lack of tolerance, which is in short supply these days.
Tolerance? Why use a zombie death cult as a political weapon?
Are you against all religions, just asking? Am curious why you seem a bit hateful about lot of things you write on the forum. There will always be some people who will use somethings for an advantage, but that does not mean the "thing" is bad, but that is how you are framing it.
Keep the psychotic shit out of the public sphere and there is no problem. Insist on utilizing it as a weapon and we have a problem. Hateful is using it as a weapon and then running and hiding behind it as a peaceful thang.
When you die and rise up, you is a zombie. Deal with it. Imaginary friends and imaginary afterlife and imaginary evil lurking around every corner. It took 8 centuries to develop a christology. Now, 20 years ago it was great fun to tear apart texts and engage in dialogue with many religious people. There were excellent conversations. You can have that back, when you stop using it as a political weapon. Have no problem using it to preach about homosexuality and the woman's place etc. and so on and yet you deem what I write as hateful. Pfffttt.....
Thanks for the non answer. "die + rise up = zombie". Wow, I guess I learned something new today. But I am also thankful there are very, very few of you.
[-] 0 points by engineer4 (433) 3 hours ago Still waiting. There is no reason to be verbally abusive. It seems that your anger is getting the best of you, and that's a shame. Now I could hurl back the same language with some barbed insults, and I could really "piss you off " if I wanted to but why bother. You assume wrongly because of your anger. Loose the anger to hear and listen better. Was only trying to discuss your comment. So if you choose to answer, fine, otherwise done for now.
↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
I'm not angry. I'm laughing at you.
If that is laughter, then you must be quite miserable. Too bad. Bye.
[-] 1 points by engineer4 (435) 14 hours ago I have only made an observation and comment, and then asked a question, yet you have correlated that into assuming that i am taking a position on religion because the question asked either frightens you or you rather react and attack. As a percentage, i am curious, would you say that you are a part of since you say there are "many, many more"? So still waiting for an answer. But I will ask another question: would you consider yourself inclusive or exclusive? ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
You are one of those passive aggressive clowns. I am just aggressive. Your intention was to be a dick.Go back and look at the wording of your first post to me. Do not cry now. I don't know what the percentage is. A fucking lot of people are pissed off. Enough to verbally express it. If you can't hear it then you are not paying attention.
Still waiting. There is no reason to be verbally abusive. It seems that your anger is getting the best of you, and that's a shame. Now I could hurl back the same language with some barbed insults, and I could really "piss you off " if I wanted to but why bother. You assume wrongly because of your anger. Loose the anger to hear and listen better. Was only trying to discuss your comment. So if you choose to answer, fine, otherwise done for now.
[-] 0 points by engineer4 (429) 22 minutes ago Now with the insults? Your slip is showing. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Your idiocy is showing. Die and come back to life=Zombie.
I have only made an observation and comment, and then asked a question, yet you have correlated that into assuming that i am taking a position on religion because the question asked either frightens you or you rather react and attack. As a percentage, i am curious, would you say that you are a part of since you say there are "many, many more"? So still waiting for an answer. But I will ask another question: would you consider yourself inclusive or exclusive?
Then you haven't been paying attention. There are very, very many of us.
And dipshits like you are really starting to piss the rest of us off.
Now with the insults? Your slip is showing.
Very nice!
But, I think we are going to need that funding back as well as establishing criteria that measures the performance of those few resources available in a much more thorough way. So very nice in addition to.
You live in a rural area. Some live in crime infested urban areas. Think they are the same?