Forum Post: Congressional candidate fights for Glass Steagall
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 10:45 a.m. EST by zorno
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Kesha Rogers runs for congress, accepts no compromises. She supports the reinstatement of Glass Steagall, and the impeachment of Obama since he has vowed to veto it:
Marcy Kaptur (D-OH9) actually proposed it already
It was shelved. Perhaps we might consider supporting candidates like her instead?
I think we should consider giving such support.
I don't support any extreme right-wingers.
Better would be to write current members of Congress and demand that they support and co-sponsor H.R.2451 THE GLASS-STEAGALL RESTORATION ACT.
Links to contact congress can be found here:
The Congress that Crashed America
Larouche is no extreme right winger, and I don't know why you would say he is. He is a moderate democrat.
I say that because I am neither blind nor am I stupid.
Then what does you vision and intelligence tell you about Larouche which leads you to call him an extreme right winger?
Most of what I'm seeing are attacks on Obama. "Run him out of office!" Without even discussing the alternative. Very weird and disconcerting.
It seems you're not familiar with Larouchers. They're an unusual fringe and their leader, Lyndon Larouche, was a frequent candidate in the Democratic Primaries under a campaign slogan that his opponents are secret KGB agents that are owned by the grain cartel. It's a really unusual cult that attacks George Soros more than conservatives and accuses him of being a secret agent of the underground British Empire that secretly still rules all the commonwealths.
I agree with their position on Glass-Steagall, though.
Yeah, I've been reading the wikipedia piece on him. Pretty out-there stuff. Who is their leader now? Alex Jones? Thanks for the heads-up.
Wikipedia is just another propaganda outlet. How many times have good people been slandered by the mainstream media? Larouche was put in jail also, but so have many OWS activists.
Unfortunately, Obama is working for our enemy, that is, Wall Street. His campaign was financed by Wall Street, he is bought and paid for by them. That is the reason for the attacks.
"Together we are organizing this entire country, as one fist across the nation, to end the system of free trade globalization and restore the United States of America as a sovereign republic, committed to the general welfare of its citizens once again."
I like the sound of that, but some of her stuff sounds pretty alarmist. When I have time I'll look into it. I've certainly suspected Obama of a lot of that stuff.
It is alarmist because an alarm needs to be sounded now. Obama is pushing for war on Iran, which could result in World War 3.
That sounds alarmist.
It's meant to be. Don't you think that there can be times in life when an alarm needs to be sounded? And wouldn't it be irresponsible of me not to sound an alarm if I think there is an emergency?
If we attack Iran, it will unleash chaos in the Middle East as Iran strikes out. If nothing else, it could quadruple oil prices. At the worst, it could result in a world war. There are reasons why the last big economic crisis, the great depression, was followed by a world war. The same can happen now.