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Forum Post: Congratulations : You held the Fort

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:23 a.m. EST by twisted (110)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Fantastic show of strength, you held home base through last week and you rocked the world.

Its Monday

Good news is The down leg on the equities has started with a bounce off the 1220 level on the S&P. This leg should continue for a while and I am sure you can help it along some.

The G20 has already started to fall apart and Germany has flipped the Bird on bailing out the Eurozone.

Two banks reported CIti and Fargo both were extremely disappointing considering the unlimited credit line from the Fed. They were unable to "Massage the Books" as Wall street so glibly outs it.

China has started to accept Yuan in the gold trade.

The ground is set for you to take the fight to them. They are divided on exactly how to deal with you. One extreme refuses to take you seriously and the other over exaggerates the threat you pose at present. This week should leave you clear skies to operate freely and test the Blockades.

However guard against sneak attacks in a desperate attempt to displace you.

Behind enemy lines operations are proving to be fruitful. There are many sympathizers, unfortunately are as yet to unsure or afraid to openly support you.

By Wednesday you should hear the QE3 discussion start in earnest as they blow their wad. This week is full of profit reports and massive fudging of data.

Dont let up


Tear Down the Wall



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[-] 2 points by OccupyTheCapitol (-15) 13 years ago

Oh look, kids who have no investments or savings cheering on the downfall of the economy and markets. Go run along now.

[-] 1 points by twisted (110) 13 years ago

:D . . .hope that didn't sting

[-] 1 points by twisted (110) 13 years ago

deeper and deeper

the rabbit hole goes

how far it goes

nobody knows

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

those profits would be hard to fudge if corporations were transparent