Forum Post: Congratulations to the President for a Superlative SOTU Speech and to America for Having Elected Him
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 26, 2012, 2:57 a.m. EST by rpc972
from Portland, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am surprised by the prejudicial and stunningly blind criticism leveled at this great presentation. That it was "just a political speech." And I'm delighted by the recognition of its greatness.
The truth ~ not the subterfuge or fallacy ~ is we have a smart and righteous defender of America in President Obama. And if his unnecessarily polite requests in his spectacular and substantive SOTU speech were met, and congress, the people and business teamed up and worked together for progress from, and repair of, the ruins left by the prior administration; dirty Cons and Dems would be history, the greedy few in the 1% would lose their criminal control of our government, and freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would return to the 99%. Maybe even a middle class.
I can't recall a speech more earnest, intelligent, comprehensive and functional, it was a virtual blue print for a better America. And he addressed the dirty taboos of our government, calling for legislation to ban government official insider trading, influence peddling, and general malfeasance.
Weeper of the House, Boner looked like he soiled his pants.
Republicons in general proved their complete lack of statesmanship, exuding utter disdain for even having to be there to listen to "that one" speak. And despite countless lies and insults, outrageous flagrant sabotage and unprecedented filibuster abuse, Obama gave a stern yet gentlemanly account of what was wrong with our government without persecution or the slightest tinge of bitterness. “I will fight obstruction with action.”
Some say that Obama insufficiently countered Bush's military heroes by bringing Warren Buffet's secretary, who pays a higher tax rate than her boss, Mitt Romney or Newt. But he addressed and brought others including Representative Gabrielle Giffords who survived, but resigned over, a RW assassination attempt; Sarah Ferguson the heroic Philly school teacher who worked for free when local school funding was cut; and a middle-aged guy who successfully changed careers in this time of rampant unemployment and agism. He also gave a discrete nod to the SOD for yet another secret mission accomplished.
Obama defended a long list of his trademark policies -- tax increases on the wealthy, Wall Street reform, health care reform, government stimulus spending -- to applause from Democrats while also offering some proposals of interest to Republicans, such as new corporate tax breaks, with no sign of love.
"We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of Americans barely get by. Or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules." Which was met by Republicon looks of hatred.
"It's time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas, and start rewarding companies that create jobs right here in America," Obama said, adding a line that he repeated throughout the speech in a challenge to Congress. "Send me these tax reforms, and I'll sign them right away." More Republicon hatred.
"Let's never forget: Millions of Americans who work hard and play by the rules every day deserve a government and a financial system that does the same," Obama said. "It's time to apply the same rules from top to bottom: No bailouts, no handouts, and no cop-outs. An America built to last insists on responsibility from everybody." I saw Republicon death on this one.
Republicans argue that Obama's policies have stymied growth by increasing regulations and delaying opportunities such as the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada in order to appease some of his liberal support base. And the notorious criminals Bonnie and Clyde constantly complained about road blocks, police cars, and the absurd practice of allowing law enforcement officers to carry firearms.
As great as it was, Obama's 2012 SOTU wasn't perfect. Critics say it was too long and that it didn't address everything, that it was a political speech but wasn't harsh enough on double-crossing Republicons. And, of course, it was just words, emotions, people and promises; much like the multitude of SOTU speeches I've heard going back to Kennedy. IMO this was among the best.
RW hacks and henchmen have their jobs and payola cut out for them! Left Wing seekers of perfection have an [endless] search ahead of them. Undecideds have a double yellow line to curl up on.
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 never EVER again!
Learn to spell, especially in your headlines.
Obama's a good talker. Talk is what got him to the White House.
Unfortunately he's a goddamn liar.
He's a con man. Wake up.
And learn to spell. Thanks.
You are exactly right, sir.
Why the fuck did it take 3 years to end a "Dumb War" ??
Why did Obama rail against Bush for violating the constitution in regards to war, then Obama did the exact same thing and completely spit in the face of diplomacy?
Why is Obama bombing more countries than the Bush administration?
Did you know Osama and all those responsible for 9/11 are dead? Yet we have to continue all these wars because there are more EVIL DOERS out there.
When the troops "left" Iraq, big oil stayed. Why is Halliburton still getting huge No-Bid Contracts under the Obama administration?
Why is the Obama administration talking about the potential of war with a country because of WMD's they don't have? Reminds me of when Bush got us into Iraq.
4 more years of Bush's war legacy - Obama 2012
Obama is a fraud and he continues to work harder for the Military Industrial Complex and harder for Wall Street than he ever has for Main Street.
Dennis Kucinich should have been president in 2008.
Well said Nordic !!
"Superlative" damn! Thanx!
How can he water when the elephant is standing on the hose??
Can I have some of your money? I think I need some of yours. 16 trillion in debt and you think this big eared freak is good? The government sinkhole known as Obamacare will ruin healthcare. Yes, by rationing it and telling us what we can do or not. It cannot and will not lower cost for anyone.
Dumb predigested talking points.
Drop the authoritarianism and try to use the stuff between YOUR ears.
Fuck off lib twit. Obama is a shithead. Wake up! Drone.
Great comeback. Did you know that the lack the thought processes in Cons renders them less intelligent? Lower intelligence and cognitive abilities. And have trouble grasping the complexities of the world. Don't mean to be mean, but you might want to consider a healthier life choice. Yes, in the liberal world we have choices. Try it.
Speak English loser.
I can't help you.
I don't need any help from a libtard, thank you.
No one else is gunna give a god damn.
I can't spell either,but I do agree.A liar like all of them.
2012 will NOT be a good year for conservatives!!!
Let's hope your right.
The thing that keeps things unpredictable, Cons don't care how they win. The end justifies any means. And they have no guilt or shame.
I think so, but we can not let down our guard for nothing.
Unite in common cause. Hate the things that are wrong in this world. Support each-other in making things right. This is where the healing will begin.
The Government of "The People" by "The People" for "The People"
We are the 99%. Take part in "The Peoples" Lobby.
Take action. See samples of how below.
196,030 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 9:40am central time 01/27/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures. We picked one up at around 11:07am 01/16/2012. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
It was a good speech as well as a well thrown challenge to get to work. It is now up to the American people to pay attention. Pay attention to who wants to move forward in good faith to the Public and who stands in the way and pushes for special interests that are not in the Public's best interest - Health, environment, wages, security in the market place and Government etc.etc. It is up to the American people to keep applying pressure to fix the things that need fixing in a manner that is wholly responsible.
Old news: most people follow, not lead. Only about 30 million even watched the SOTU. It's up to activists and leaders to motivate the people to action.
And so we should applaud the efforts of all who take part in pushing education, awareness and change.
With ya on that, brother. As long as it's comprehensive, liberal, and progressive.
Fair, just, healthy and for the good of all. Whether the upper end of the all can understand or appreciate it or not. Let them see the results ( as some need to see reality happening before they can believe it is possible ) and then they can change their opinion.
Why am I sensing the biblical?
Fair treatment, due consideration and giving credit due can stir thoughts like that. It is OK to be moral, responsible and considerate.
I am sensing the bible.
Is it your inner believer speaking to you? That is OK if it is.
I agree 100% ! There are too many repelican lackeys here. But President Obama WILL be re elected and he will put his programs into place. Then we as a nation will get better.
No Obama policies (or very few) will be placed if Cons can sabotage them. And they are busy as we speak. Like a rabid pack of rats gnawing on a door or a horse trapped in a stall.
And just who's going to pay for those programs - your children and their children? It won't be the "evil rich and wealthy" you can be sure of that.
Yes it will. There will always be greedy people who will make millions on the backs of the people!
There will not always be desperate people available to fill the position of exploitation. You're answer was also correct, but for the wrong question.
is obama get re-elected, he will be able to finish his course of total destruction of the USA,
This is a bit like slamming your car into a brick wall, and then blaming the guy you hired to drive it away for it's destruction.
It's cart before the horse thinking.
you are completely delusional and insane. seek treatment
Says the mass murderer wanna be. Did you get your visit from the FBI yet?
Shouldn't you be studying?
Not yet . . . Loius Freeh said many years ago the time for coffee and a chit chat was past.
I don't think they are coming.
Maybe in your mindset ...
Great post! I too believe the President to be a man of conviction and honor. I know he is vilified by a lot of people, but if they can objectively look at the man (which they can't) and acknowledge what he has tried to do (which they won't) they probably wouldn't be so so critical.
All Presidents have it tough, but particularly those unfortunate enough to be in the WH during long times of economic downturn. I also find it almost impossible to understand why people don't comprehend that Congress is the real problem, not the Prez. Sure, he has influence and can set some goals for the country, but Congress has the power. They're the ones who actually draft legislation, pass it (or defeat it), and send it on to the Prez for acceptance (sign into law) or rejection (veto). But Congress is a broken mess and has been for a very, very long time (hey, new word? -- Conmess). But the unthinking masses need a focal point for all their frustration and anger. It's much easier to blame the Prez than to put some thought into the real source of the problem. I don't care who is sitting in the Oval Office -- man, woman, or chimpanzee. That person has limited power to accomplish as set forth in the checks and balances of the US Constitution.
The plain fact of the matter is that the Repubs can do no better. Remember their Contract with America? That flew really well didn't it? It's all just a lot of smoke and mirrors designed at getting elected and staying in power. Career politicians on both sides need term limits. Yeah, I know, voting them out can accomplish the same thing. But they don't get voted out because all it takes is an effective ad campaign (politicians are products that are marketed just like toothpaste) and the sheep pull the voting lever.
How can you excuse Obama for having a houseful of former Goldman Sachs employees in his adninistration, rather than good qualified altruistic people who cared about the people's interests? What about the NDAA? It does not make me happy, but I could never support him again. I feel totally betrayed by President, Obama.
I would have to educate myself about the points you have raised as I must confess ignorance.. Do you have any unbiased, factual links you could provide? This would probably require a lot of research on my part before I could provide an intelligent response.
Just off of logic, the fact that he had Goldman Sachs people on board as advisors (?) during the darkest days of the "Great Recession" ( I hate that term because there's nothing "great" about it) probably indicates that he was seeking the best financial minds and economists he could muster to avoid a complete collapse into Depression. He was new to the office, and probably had to "burn a lot of the midnight oil". The country was in economic crisis, having been put there by failure of the previous administration to stay on top of what was happening. So here comes a man walking into a full-blown fire started by somebody else. There may have not been time to find "good qualified altruistic people". Regardless of his decisions about who he hired, he should be given credit for preventing the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression turning into GD2.
I cannot comment on NDAA without educating myself.
Ok UD, granted he needed the best financial minds and economists in the business to avert a complete melt-down and maybe they were former Goldman Sach's employees that fit that bill. I can appreciate the fact that he was a new president that was handed a pile of s..t from Bush. I understand and even forgive him for having made some mistakes early on.No problem.
After the crisis was averted though, he had the momemtum, he would have had tons of support to pass SEA CHANGE REFORM in our financial system. He did not. I don't need any links for that.
I know my stance makes me a prime suspect for being a troll, but I assure you that I am not. Like I said in previous posts, I attended Obama's inauguration on that cold winter day which meant a lot more to me than most, since my dad attended MLK's March on Washington in 1963. I am very saddened to feel the way I do. Like my dad though, I will fight for what I believe in, hence my active (beyond the front of this laptop) involvement in OWS.
What is SEA? Did you mean SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)?
No didn't mean SEC UD. Sea change means a striking change, a major transformation, alteration. ex. We need a sea change in the way our political and financial institutions are run. I love using those nautical/maritime metaphors whenever I can, ie. we need a "ground swell'' of support, etc. It probably has something to do with my more than thirty years as a merchant marine in which I raised three enlightend daughters.
I have been working on getting a web site going with several young people in NYC. The sole purpose of the web site will be to reach out to older (like me) more conservative (not like me) mainstream Americans to explain to them what OWS is about. Other than influencing them on the need for such a web site, and the name of it, 'occupy4seachange, my future contributions may be limited as they are very bright kids. I have advised them too that Grandma does not want to hear about a REVOLUTION---SEA CHANGE ok! heeeee
Oh ok, got it.
He had to work within the system. In his second term he can right those wrongs!
I am not saying that people should or should not vote for him. I just know that I never could again, and I attended his inauguration on that cold January day. I am more sad than angry with him. If OWS ever publicly supported him, I definitely would consider leaving. We need to shake the foundation of this rotten system by getting the masses out in the streets.
The problem with not voting for him is the issue of the Supreme court. However disappointed you are with him you have to admit that when Ginsburg retires (and likely at least one more will, too) Obama is not likely to appoint a pro-corporate, anti rights, military hawk to replace her. But ANY AND ALL Repelicans will. And the Supreme court's influence (think Citizens United) can last a generation, not a mere four years. Do you really want Roe v Wade reversed? Even more corporate freedom to pillage? A dismantling of the EPA? That's what you would get with Obama losing.
That makes supporting him essential, even if one has to do so while holding one's nose.
Those are very valid points. Thanks.
To me his speech just preached war. It sounded like Bush in regards to war, instead of democrat booing at war mongering they cheered because a democrat suggested it.
I was pissed to hear Obama talk about the threat of Iran's nuclear program even though Iran does not have a nuclear weapon and is not making one. He even leaned toward the potential of war. At least when Bush wanted war with iraq, he was bold enough to lie and say they already had WMD's. Now you're going to let Obama potentially lead a war with a country that doesn't have them and we've acknowledged that they don't have WMD's? That makes zero sense to me.
4 more years of Bush's war legacy - Obama 2012
I'm pretty sure that you have that all wrong.
Obama will not go to war with Iran. I'll put money on it.
He already got us out of Bush's Iraq fiasco, next will be Afghanistan. Less is not more.
Actually look up the Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq and how it was signed by the Bush administration. No troops in cities allowed after 2009, and full withdrawal by the end of 2011. Bush had just as much of a play in the end of Iraq as Obama. Had Obama ended it when he said he was going to, a huge part of his 2008 campaign, I'd believe you. Get your facts straight young man.
Their attempts to destroy the President of US has failed and now all they have is the GOP Clown Show. Neither of those two clowns will ever OCCUPY the white house. Obama has been obstructed by the do-nothing GOP and it's amazing he did get some good work done in spite of it. When we re-elect Obama we need get rid of some those dead wood obstructionists as well.
But remember these Cons have no shame. The entire Republicon Primary was and is just a traveling side show of lies, distortion and fraud aimed like a scatter-gun to smear the President, the political process, democracy, and the interest of The People. If they get the WH out of it fine, if they don't they want to leave the entire field covered with shit. The real Con candidates are waiting until 2016.
A picture is worth a thousand words
If it's not shaved pussy I'm not interested.
If you watch the State of the union last night and had a feeling of deja vu... it was not just in your head.
It was a campaign speech full of broken promises.
hahaha! Then you should all be satisfied. Obama declared "America is Back" lol! you can all go home to mommy & daddy now hahaha!
Why are RW posts all the same and soooo easily identifiable?
Obama said we have a lot of this to do, so we have work to do.
Oh, I get it, you guys don't like work or workers! That's why you want to tax labor more than capital gains! Jerks!
I'd love to lower everyone's taxes. But since you mentioned it - if you want a job in the first place - you'd better keep investment capital taxed low or you can say goodbye to incentives to risk ones capital. Oh but I forgot - America is back lol!
different year , same crap.
You must have really hated the W "crap."
obozo is a great big asshole and so are you so FUCK YOU douche bag
Did you get help with that?
Now THAT is funny. Most people didn't realize your comments were meant to be a spoof. Well done. The speech was nothing but self serving nonsense. We can do better and we must.
President Obama's 2012 SOTU speech was one of the best and most productive speeches in American history!
"WE" need to BE better!
Productive? Really? Three years and all he has produced is crushing debt and 1001 ways to blame Bush.
Yes, BU.
Productive and inspiring.
Notice Obama's speech had no new wars, tax cuts for rich, repeal of rights, fake patriotism, or axis of Evil. That was Bush's MO and how we got to where we are now. The effects of which are still accumulating.
It's amazing that the effects of Bush, the Republicons in Congress and the Big Money that conducted the whole thing are still being felt, I know. But that's how big, how GIGANTIC, of a heist, a ROBBERY, that took place while Bush was, while Cheney was, while Big Biz was president. Better brace yourself, BU, you're going to feel the shafting well after Obama finishes his second term.
The last three years has been the worst of Bush on Steroids. Look at the bailouts , pay offs to the rich political supporters, budget deficit that will cause pain for generations, and his absolute ineffectivness- in spite of having the House and Senate for years. The SOTU was pure simplistic political hypocrisy. His only hope is that you can fool all of the people some of the time... Enough is enough.
Delayed and accumulating reaction.
The robbery during the Bush years is going to have a lasting effect, and as the ripples spread throughout our economy new effects will be felt.
It would make little difference who was President, we would still feel these effects. Obama is doing his best to make things better now and into the future, but Republicons are doing their best to obstruct him, because they want him to look bad. Don't be fooled.
Are you suffering? If so, I feel for you.
Are you intentionally avoiding the facts or are you working for OBAMA 2012? For his first TWO YEARS the republicans could obstruct NOTHING. He got what he asked for and we got a budget deficit, wasteful spending, and pay offs to big business that are FAR exceed Bush. I didn't like Busg but this clown is killing us and offering more Kool Aid.
Independent liberal progressive Democrat, who reads too much.
You are parroting RW talking points.
The Lieberman DINOs so-called majority was not.
He didn't get single-payer.
Apparently you did not hear the news that leaked a few months ago about how much was really paid to bailout Wall street under Bush, multiple trillions. The Bushies did this to us, I wouldn't lie.
Did you just come out of a hole or something? How did you miss this? You don't really believe it's raining when someone is pissing on your leg, do you?
The Giffords attack was not a RW assassination attempt. Even your Democrat party knows that. What else are you wrong about? IQ check.:)
Just one of many RW assassination attempts and successes.
You zombie cultists are the foot-soldiers for the enemy within that our WISE LIBERAL forefathers warned about.
Domestic terrorists! Hillbilly Taliban! TRAITORS!!
And the evil HATE SPEECH you get your marching orders from should be shut down.
But until then, Rush, Fox Lies, etc. should be RATED XXXX, for it is 1000X more harmful and vile and indecent and dishonest and dangerous and treasonous than any porn or bondage could ever hope to be!
RATE RW HATE SPEECH XXXX!! Until it's banned!!
Yes! I totally agree with rounding them up! They poison this nation!
Rate their Hate Speech XXXX
and start dealing with them directly before someone else gets hurt.
you sound like a Soviet KGB agent. It just shows that only conservatives practice and believe in free speech.
:) Sorry i didn't know that you were retarded. Yes of course you are right. Good boy!
You guys are just so dumb. You stick out like a soar thumb.
YES, RW Hate Speech needs to be X-rated like porn and warning-labeled like cigarettes, only worse because it is truly hazardous to society. And, like alcohol, no one under 21 should be allowed to imbibe in it. And there should be RW tanks for those who have abused the substance. There are just too many RW wackadoodles running free all Foxed-up out there and here.
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!
I think i hear your mommy calling for you, you'd better get ready for school, the short yellow bus doesn't like to wait.
WOW, that was even dumber than the stupid thing you wrote before. UR good. Got any more? C'mon, please!
i'm glad that you enjoy my comedy, but you should have a little more self confidence, it helps with your development to a functioning adult.
Are you lonely?
No i just like to help out the mentally challenged.
You might be a closet liberal and not even know it. You'll know you're in trouble when you start feeling sorry for homeless people, instead of wanting to set them on fire while they sleep in doorways.
Here's where they really need your help.
So many mentally challenged people for you.
Hurry, they need your help yesterday.
Thanks, but i specialize in helping mentally challenged liberals or anyone suffering the mental disorder known as liberalism.
So you think it's like the blind leading the blind?
Sounds like its you who needs the help.
I can see for miles.
Not sure what you mean, but your type of incomprehensible comments or speech is common symptom of the liberal mental disorder.
Have fun with your memory hole.
See you around.
One doesn't need ties to any organization, to be a "rightwing" nut job.
One just has to believe what he hears from the likes of FLAKESnews, Limbaugh, or any number of other "rightwing" nut job, promotional outlets.
There is no evidence that he was political in anyway. Do you understand what i'm saying? Even your left wing buddies agree on that point.
He is a "rightwing" nut job.
That much is true.
Assassin would suggest a conspiracy, and I see no evidence for that.
Too much FLAKESnews and RupertRush Juice will create even more "rightwing" not jobs, so be careful what you allow in your mind.
BTW : YES Reagan grew government at an alarming rate.
So did Bush, even more so, while it actually shrunk under Clinton.
"Small government" conservative is one of the biggest lies out there.
It just ain't so.
That's great sounds like you are a small government supporter too.
Regarding my i'm sorry the shooter,Jared Laughner,, had no ties to any political party or movement left or right.
Inability to comprehend reality is a typical symptom of conservative malfunction.
Let me try a test.
Do you believe Reagan reduced the size of government?
I'm not sure, he may have increased spending as he boosted our military. He did fix the economy causing more production, private spending and consequently more tax revenue to the government.
So here's my test. Do you think as rpc972 does in this comment above that the person who shot Giffords was a right wing assassin?
I second that emotion...
I think Romney will bring a better America
Hell NO!!!
Mr. Corporations-Are-People has an offshore banking problem. Then there's the Mormon thing. Then there's his Too-Good-To-Serve sons. Taxes...??
He wants to run America like a corporation, but he's been killing them for a "living." Maybe Mit gave W advice while he was running us into the ground and transferring all the wealth to the Vulture Capitalists. Now it all makes sense.
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 never EVER again!
I look at the African American Community and see how it suffered disproportionally under Obama, more than normal recession. I guess I rather have a Rich Dad who helps a little, than a Rich Dad who hurts his own and doesn't know how to help anyone.
In this recession/depression massive and criminal transfer of wealth from the 99% to the 1% We The People are left suffering. Obama is trying to change it, but the Bush and Money people have set up quite an efficient and fortified money train to the top. They have everything and they want more!
In this Employers Market, racism, agism and ISMs we don't even know about are running wild. Unemployment can be as high as 50% and more in certain groups of people, and it's shameful discrimination.
"Rich Dad" thinks corporations are people, and corporations are doing fine. Out sight, out of mind. Newt's worse cuz he knows but just doesn't care.
The Cons want to keep the money train gong, and are fighting any efforts by Obama and Dems stop it. They need our help! They need our votes!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 never EVER again!
Obama signed NDAA 2012 and for that alone he should be impeached and imprisoned, not praised:
That's why he refused to investigate Bush & Co. He intended to trample the Constitution too!
"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress & the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." ~ Abraham Lincoln ~
Revolution 2.0
It's a red herring, a ruse, red meat to the hawks. Hyped out of reality. Trust me, we're more apt to be shot by a gun-toting zombie, than held/kidnapped by black opps.
"Trust me..."
Spoken like a loyal subject of (and plant from) our ruling corporate fascist regime.
If you're talking about the fascist regime Obama inherited from Bush, and the (R)epelicans are stonewalling to prevent him from changing to any great degree, then we agree.
Not so much.
Thank you for putting this in the context of historical fact. I am so sick and tired of these Orwellian assholes constantly pulling this historical revisionism shit. The Republicans totally corrupted American politics, and then accuse the Democrats of being corrupt, because they are part of a corrupt system.
The Republicans are the party of the 1%!
Can you say - doublethink?
(R)epelican'ts are the party of doublespeak.
Tax and spend Democrats.......................It's a lie
Reality is the opposite.
Small government republicans.............It's a lie.
Reality is the opposite.
I swear to God, they saturate the media with their lies to the point that none of us can think clearly anymore! Talk about a prophet - George Orwell warned us about all of this! He was right on the money! The only thing missing is the telescreen! And where is that little camara on your computer pointing?
That last bit was a joke - sort of.
I though I was typing on the radio.......................LOL.
I've learned to see through most of it, even what the dems put out.
Has any research been done on the results of an over saturation of propaganda?
OWS will not be co-opted by the Democratic party, who answer to the same corporate fascist masters as their Republican counterparts. I could care less about the puppets. My target is the puppetmasters:
And who do you believe these "puppet masters" are?
How do you plan to "target" them?
If you can't "target" them before the election, how will you vote?
Like many participants in this forum, you would benefit greatly from reading more and posting less. You will find the answers to all of your questions posted on many pages that have been linked to this forum. You can start by reading all of the pages and postings here:
If this is what you consider reading, you need to do more, not me.
If you think the NDAA made of us, a police state?
You are far behind the times. .
And what do I need to read? Oh, say, this timeline that you obviously didn't?
If you think the literate can communicate all their knowledge to the illiterate by recomending one item, or through osmosis, you are mistaken.
You obviously did not click the link and follow all the references contained in the posting. Otherwise you would not have made such an irrelevant comment.
This is the Republican sponsored narrative to divide the left, in action. Don't buy Obama's crap, but this crap is even MORE dangerous.
You could NOT be more wrong. If you ever bothered to click any of the links I have provided you on numerous occasions, you would know that our target is the corporate fascist elite puppetmasters who control BOTH parties, not the impotent sellout puppets dangling from their left hand or right. READ THIS. FOR ONCE, READ THIS:
Just soak your head.
Typical forum groupthink:
"Spam" is anything posted against or outside of the groupthink norms - factual or not - and a "Troll" is the one who posted it.
try reading the paper
Elsewhere you have claimed to be the mental patient starring in this video:
I accept your claim, and discount your comments accordingly.
that is me fuckwad
proud of it
Elsewhere you have claimed to be D. Winter of Burlington Vermont:
And if this is your blog, your issues are not political.
Issues that relate to any forms of population control and management always impinge upon fundamental matters of human rights,
these are always
Elsewhere you have claimed to be the mental patient starring in this video:
I accept your claim, and discount your comments accordingly.
You said that already.
It is true, the psychiatric industry does insist I am mad, and in fact, I do not deny that I am indeed, mad . . .
I would suggest that anyone who is not mad is simply not paying attention.
An examination of the DSM IV quickly illustrates that there is not a single human being on the face of this planet, nor is there a single facet of the human condition, that may not, today, be labeled as maladaptive and therefore suitable for pharmacological therapy . . .
I have been exceedingly fortunate, in that when medication was suggested in my case I had a very valid medical excuse for refusal, and there was nothing in my behavior that suggested a mandate was necessary.
On those occasions when I was interviewed by psychiatric professionals, the response followed a fairly typical pattern . . . .
they refuse to address the issue of neural linguistic reprogramming, or that I have even asked the question
they begin to turn pale,
sweat profusely
offer referral to yet another practitioner who usually hails from the same UVM college of medicine
and usher me out the door with all of the expedience decorum and their own quite apparent nervous condition may permit.
I have it down to ten minutes or less.
Some of the people I have met have not been as fortunate. They remain enslaved to pharmacological therapy and the evidence in many cases remains in dispute - are their issues organic in nature?
Make no mistake, I have worked with the mentally ill, and those who are and do suffer organic symptomologies in many cases do benefit from medication - of that there is no question.
Of them many are subjected to changes in their prescriptions without warning or consultation, and of these the results are mixed. The Boston Globe documented in 1998 specific washout therapies that were completely experimental, conducted in the absence of informed consent, and did result in several specific cases of suicide.
You can discount whatever you like - that is your right as a human being, and acknowledged in the U.S. Constitution. The fact remains . . . .
Elsewhere you have claimed to be D. Winter of Burlington Vermont:
And if this is your blog, your issues are not political.
you said that already.
And I answered.
Is this an issue that is not political?
Or this?
Or these?
Can't You See
Crimes of War
Am I simply mad? Is this your suggestion and the purpose behind your repetition?
Is there no reason behind my madness . . . .
She was kinda cute, and kinda young,
and no one knew she kept a pistol
in her purse. She only used it once.
So I wonder: Was she the Master
of her own Domain?
Upon this point we could now dispute . . .
I would see her often at the slams
come Friday nite, and often she would win,
way back in nineteen ninety-nine.
She would feign with innocence,
thinly veil a smile and flirt
with mystery . . .
When she got the news, she did not fight,
she simply took control. "Cancer" she was told,
was why she could not eat.
So I wonder: Was she the Master
of her own Domain?
Upon this point we could now dispute . . .
Would she have sought to overcome
had she not learned the Great Distrust
within Domain?
No one knew she kept a pistol
in her purse. Yet they said so
passing by.
She only used it once.
© D. Winter June 19, 2008
Elsewhere you have claimed to be the mental patient starring in this video:
I accept your claim, and discount your comments accordingly.
in response to this
I have to say that the ambiguity of your question seems to indicate that you have perhaps not adequately decided how best to formulate it.
May I suggest beginning here which was in response to boltneck - and his original response I cannot now find, whether because it has been edited or because of intervening comments I cannot at the present say.
ah, boltneck's original post here
and my response which begins this entire , , , discourse . . . impugning both the soundness of my mind, and the fundamental nature of my dissent . . .
I disagree. I found the query posed by Mr NKVD to be quite profound. It tickles my intellect to witness such acute and swift thinking as presented by NKVD. :P
Is that a question?
Or a statement of abject awe before the linguistic artistry demonstrated by my pen . . .
LOL. I can see there is no humility in your family, or at least everyone else took so much they did not leave you any.
the repelican party is DONE
Look back ZD, they were "done" in '08, '06, '04, '00, to '76!!
After Nixon we thought they would never show their rotten corrupt evil faces again!!!
During AND after Raygun we thought the same thing!!
They are the UNDEAD!
Never count them out. Zombies don't die.
They don't do rules, science, morals, shame, economy, tragedy, feelings, famine, homelessness, recession, polls, votes, religion, LAWS, or anything!!
Think Nazi Zombie Terminators on 1000X Meth!!!
And they work for the people who have ALL the money!!
They will NEVER be "done." They can only be defended against until we contain and redact them. [OFFENSE] is the best defense for them.
The last I looked, the prediction markets had the GOP maintaining the control of the House and also taking control of the Senate (75% chance). The prediction markets are usually fairly accurate.
And I don't see this as a bad thing if Obama wins but has a GOP House and Senate. It would eliminate the in-fighting in Congress and force the GOP to the left and the Democrats to the right (ie both to the middle where most Americans are) in order to get anything done.
Anything can happen when you have a Republicon cult who will do anything to gain power to serve their 1% masters.
Americans aren't in the "middle" (which is really somewhere right to far right) they're busy and misinformed, by design.
Any influence within our government by [these] Cons is a seriously BAD thing.
It worked will in the 90s with Clinton and the GOP Congress. Those were good times for most Americans. You have to remember too that Americans have very different values than Europeans. We will always be more to the right and that is not necessarily a bad thing. If either party had complete control it would be pretty bad.
Also, I cannot think of any easier way for Occupy to loose support of the 99% than when people make comments about anyone who votes Republican being misinformed. Comments like that only reinforce the public belief that Occupy is a far left fringe movement (which is fine) rather than representative of the 99%.
Federal Minimum Wage: 1990 - 3.80
Federal Minimum Wage: 1999 - 5.15 + 73% increase
Federal Minimum Wage: 2009 - 7.25 + 71% increase
not exactly keeping pace. That was a 2% drop from the previous decade and we are in 2012 with no sign of an increase any time soon. That percentage will continue to drop while inflation rises.
I wonder if increases in disposable income had anything to do with it? I hate to say it bud but you do sound really misinformed. The republicans never have and never will be on the side of higher wages. But, as you said, the 90s were pretty damn good. I for one was never out of cash or work. Now the Republicans fight the one thing that would actually fix the economy, give people some god damn money to spend. Taxes were higher and wages were on the rise, capital makes capitalism work. Four rich ass holes will never buy as many cars as the 1,000 workers they fucked over would have if they had been paid a decent wage. This isn't hard math. The other part is all the credit the rich fucks suck up, drives inflation through the fk'n roof. Way to go rich guys.
The truth is, Mooks, Clinton managed to pass a progressive budget, which RepubliCONs fought against, that went on to help repair the economy from 12 years of Raygun-Bush wealth transfer to the 1%.
After fraudulently scaring Americans about the Clinton budget, RepubliCONs re-seized Congress, and then they obstructed Clinton almost as abusively as they are today. They obstructed so recklessly that, then speaker, Newt Gingrich, got himself thrown out for unethical behavior. Hard to believe, but true.
What you "can't think of," Mooks, could fill a library.
What Occupiers really need to do, is to scorn the damaging policies and rhetoric of the Republicon cult. It's not only good for the movement, it's vitally necessary for the health of our democracy, which the GOP works so hard to obstruct.
Lost in the onslaught of RW talk radio and a conservative media, the 99% rarely hears fact-based opposition. Truth and facts are what people are craving in this deliberate Republicon smokescreen. In this sense Occupy could and should be a national beacon of truth and the American way.
That has got to be the most insane analysis of this one possible outcome that I have or will ever hear.
The repelican party will not be forced to the left. There is no force on earth that will force them to the left. They are enthralled by their own myths and delusions.
Should what you suggest come to pass, it will not force the repelicans left, it will simply force the dems further right, unless they happen to find the courage to dig in their heels in the face of legislation they know full well is the end of this republic.
I think if you examine the events of the past 60 years it will become evident that the repelican party as a whole has crossed into a realm that is as dark and every bit as indefensible as the McCarthy era - and that was blamed on a single individual.
What we have today is I think similar. The issues of global warming, economic deregulation, and energy policy, are intertwined and soon it will be completely obvious that everything the repelican party has advocated is a lie.
ZD, I was there. I'm telling you that we thought the VERY same thing then.
McCarthyism didn't stop, it just stepped out of the spot light.
The Undead never dies. (You do know that the genre is a metaphor for the many faces of the RW? From Royalists-Loyalists to Tea Baggers.)
The "issues," old is now new, all have one important thing in common, some one(s) getting rich from them. Then as now just follow the money. It's getting worse.
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 never EVER again!
The writers of the constitution built obstruction into it for good reason:To keep temporary politicians from bringing radical change to our country. To make change slowly and not without great thought. Obama wants to do shit to us fast. Vote now! Don't read it, just pass it.
The writers of the constitution didn't make the Filibuster rule to obstruct the majority.
It did too dipshit. It keeps the majority in check so a simple 51 vote majority by these temporary leaders that are in power for a season can't make stupid changes at any whim.
It is not dipshit. Filibusters are never mentioned in the Constitution. It is a rule invented by the Senate.
Yeah right and Obamas end run on appointments while congress was in session was a rule that he saw fit to ignore. Filibustering is a good thing when dems use it and a sin when Repubs use it. You can't have it both ways dude.
You just go from one thing to another, without even acknowledging you were proven WRONG about anything.
Who's the dipshit for being wrong about filibusters being in the constitution?
Do you suppose being wrong about something so fundamental to your argument might suggest that other things you believe are true really aren't?
I'm not wrong. Filibusters are a good thing. I don't cry about it when when the shoe is on the other foot, when you teat sucking libs had a filibuster proof majority in the senate. So cry on mommies shoulder, little girl.
You were certainly wrong about filibusters being in the constitution, weren't you?
Filibusters were never intended to obstruct, but only delay. In the past, both parties used them sparingly, as designed. Their routine use by the Rebulitards to completely paralyze all legislation is unprecedented in the history of the country by any party. It is a disgraceful usurption of democracy. And sooner or later, it will be changed.
Didn't work for Citizens United, the Bush appointment, Taft Hartley... and many other REGRESSIVE "radical changes."
"Slowly"??? When Republicons seize office they launch BLITZKRIEGS to smash and grab any progressive accomplishments they can, and inflict as many regressive enslaving programs and policies as possible before the people have a chance to revolt. They steal the capitol and replace it with debt. But The People are revolting in Wisconsin!!!
Elections have consequences. People made a choice.
The LOSERS (Republicons) just don't like rules and democracy when it REJECTS them. Or when they can't steal it.
This obstruction is without warrant, and is purely based in cheat-lie-defraud-steal-or kill (the end justifies the means) game book of our current Republicon CULT. They have ceased to be a legitimate American democratic party, the GOP is a cult and their Charlie Manson is a few greedy bastards in the 1%!!
This is FAR REMOVED from American Constitutional Democracy!!
We indeed are a nation at WAR!! Class War!! And Republicons are the soldiers for the 1% Generals (Koch Bros, et al)
We will see who the losers are come November 2012. Hopefully Obama and his ilk will be killed at the ballot box. Finished. A continuation of 2010.
Only a massive RepubliCON dirty trick could accomplish that.
In fact, on an even playing field, Cons would be history.
Watch what happens when we get the money out!!
If Wisconsin and the international Occupy Movement are any indicators, it looks like the Rotten Righties are going to have a really tough year.
See, even low information voters don't believe in a 1% Kingdom, just ain't Christian.
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 never EVER again!
Four more years of Obama and the country will be finished. Obama is King you dummy. He represents wall street you dummy.