Forum Post: Congrats
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 10 p.m. EST by leoneo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So, what exactly are you protesting? I see that you have big support from Unions, that's great, problem is, there hasn't been a union that actually supports its members in years. So again I ask, what is it exactly that you are protesting? Second, you need to find someone who can actually deliver a clear and precise message because the folks that keep popping up and representing you can't possibly be the best you have. Get your message out so that you can stop looking like a bunch of hoodlums.
"This is not a question of politics, of right or wrong. This is a question of intelligence. We must be smart. We enjoy popular support, for now. But to preserve America's good will, we must keep our demands narrow: end the corrupting influence of money in politics. That is something a majority of Americans can get behind. That is something a social movement can achieve. And then, and only then, can the other issues be successfully pursued." -theghostofthomassjefferson
NGA NOW! all roads lead to Philadelphia
If you click on the "news" item on the top of the page it includes some summaries of assembly meetings and some plans for marches towards DC, which will potentially be seen as lobbying Congress (the old fashion way) to abandon their corrupt ways and take note of the massive discontent of the, well, masses.
To just read the various posts here; however, one would definitely conclude that the OWS movement was scattered and highly distractable. But, this is an open forum, so anyone in the world can take part in the dialogue on this website. The only caveat is, if you don't tow the liberal, anti-government line stridently enough, you will be denounced as a troll (in all caps) - whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. : ))
I've read it, but it doesn't match up with what you are seeing and hearing on the news about what these groups are doing. I am all for standing up for rights and such but again, haven't seen it. I haven't even seen a clear cut message other than, we want what you have so give it to us or we are going to break everything. Am I wrong?
Not so much, they have a real PR issue. For some sophomoric reason they feel that it's a betrayal of their membership to choose any among them to be elevated above the others as a "leader;" like that's the slippery slope of power that will lead to corruption in the upper tier of OWS eventually. Really, it betrays a twisted lack of faith in humans to be that resistant to having any kind of spokesperson at all.
Yeah, that's a bizzar outlook to take when you are attempting to get some sort of message out to a nation. I mean, your not creating a funded political party so I don't understand not wanting to put your best forward to project your message to the country.
It really speaks of how young they are. So much of what is said by protestors into the cameras at the park is just ranting and can be easily responded to intellectually, and yet it's not as if their isn't some meat to the underlying issue. I'd hazard to guess that there's never been a group that needs a spokesperson more than OWS, considering some of the nonsense popping up on youtube attributable to the movement.
The unions that support OWS and join them in occasional protests ... just happen to be on the Top 10 list of Barack Obama's largest campaign contributers.
They are not protesting anything. They are trying to enact communism. Communist and socialist organizations are essentially getting a mob on the streets. The instructions for the useful idiots will be given once they are mad enough.