Forum Post: Confusions of the cause! HELP
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 5:36 a.m. EST by lmac2289
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As part of my final for a social theory class we were asked to write a short paper about the goals and methods of OWS. Although i have been watching this movement on TV for months now, I am still not sure what the goals the occupiers have. Also whats the course of action that is going to be taken? With a general assembly how do you come to the ideas and goals collectively?
Any responses would greatly help me and my classmates out! Thanks so much! : )
A good goal is to raise awareness. Awareness to where the corruption is and its contributions social problems. That we have lost common law rights. Problems exist with banks, markets, and government; awareness to these, that there are still people that really care about our country. As citizens we owned the government. Now it claims ownerahip of us? OWS is a brotherhood, it is pointing out the flaws in the system, federal reserve, and how our system is betraying us right before our eyes. The fact that there is a division, Upper class runs show, and uses us. I could go on forever. Read through the media and in your project point out that the media always goes for the negative. They see no good and bash the cause, and suppress the message. It shows people are willing to still take a stand. Expose corruption, expose the politicians that were supposed to work for us. Expose the big companies like monsanto that sue farmers, they get laws lobbied and buy off politicians. They are running this into the ground, and taking away the full will of the people.
Also the fact that we are in a depression. The unemployment # s are higher than they tell us. People coming off benefits, giving up looking for work, or who are underemployed/min wage or working self employed,e tc are not included.
Inflation #s do not include energy or food.
They fudge the numbers.
They really don't care what laws they take away.
Spreading awareness seems to be the common goal indeed. Awareness about the problems, and awareness about the power of the people when they choose to unite.
Awareness is a very powerful tool. Once you share it or involve with it becomes viral. Media awareness only promotes negativity, confusion and despair. This movement shows a glimmer of hope, and ignited a little in me
I kinda like this explaination:
The goals overall, as I see them, is to bring back an equality and justice for all. The methods are those used many times in the formation of this country from the very beginning, protest and civil disobedience.
As for a general assembly, I am not sure it will be effective for a long while because so many people have passionate views on what they see is the problem.
My personal opinion is that we need a few great thinkers to gather and hammer out a sort of constitution that most everyone can agree with. A mass gathering will end up being more like the current congress we have now in our government, never finding agreement on what issues should be discussed.
I am going to try my best to simply live the life I think I should. I try to be kind, fair to others, and resist the urge as best I can to prejudge others. My daughter used to have as her email signature this phrase, "If you want to change the world, change your self first".
I don't see any significant downside risk to holding the National General Assembly. In fact the down-payment for the venue in Philadelphia for July 4th has been placed. Maybe the 876 delegates gathering there will surprise you.
In my opinion, we don't have a long while. Another war? Another wasteland? Another lost generation?
Here are the kings of inhumane values! They are the Lords of the Dirty Fucks!
The Revolution starts here!