Forum Post: Confessions of a Troll...
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 10:44 p.m. EST by MisguidedYouth2
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We are different, I get it. You say I'm an advocate for the 1%, and you the 99%. I confess today you're right!
There in lies the most important difference between me and you. While I aspire to be in the 1%, you have already stopped trying. Now all you have is your hate and envy for them, and I have respect and admiration for what they do for our society, despite the handful that don't deserve to be there. Who gives more to charity than any people on the planet? The 1%. Who employs the thousands of us that, while in their employ, have the OPPORTUNITY to one day lead the company, who invests in our infrastructure for your iPhone, or to bring oil and electricity directly to your home so you will never be bored or cold? You vilify the vast majority of corporations, forgetting that it's the vast minority that are to be vilified. Grow up OWS'ers, you're solutions are simple. Don't throw the baby out with the dirty bath water.
hilarious!!!!! say hi to your mom -- what's for dinner?
You are so very articulate. But, alas, so terribly Misguided. You are self-loathing, in that you cannot value yourself, other than through the gem appraisers lens, that you could potentially be wealthier materially. How pitiful and sad.
Who does more to despoil the environment? Who does more to corrupt our politicians? Who does more to disenfranchise the middle class? Who keeps their profits off-shore? Who does more to suck the money out of our economy. Who does more to create monopolies that stifle competition and enterprise? Getting the picture?
Answer in all cases. Your Big Government!
Big Government bribes itself? Go back to your Tea Party, little boy.
Yes more government please I like them.
lol : )
You just don't get it man. The 1% are all morally bankrupt and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for raping America. Then their wealth should be given to orphans around the world.
And buy everyone a puppy too.
South Park explained it best. The world cannot exist without Gods and clods. There are always those who seek more and get it. They just have more smarts. Hating is bad, mmm'kay?
"There are always those who seek more and get it."
Yes, they are typically immoral assbites. Doesn't mean we don't fight them.
You want more. You want more say. Are you immoral?
Oooh, you got me. I want fairness. Goodnight.
Normal response: Life isn't fair. My response: Fairness is psychologically crippling.
Confused response: what?
"While I aspire to be in the 1%, you have already stopped trying."
I have no problem with you aspiring to be in the 1%.
I have a problem with the 1% aspiring to own 99% of everything.
That doesn't make mathematical sense. One percent can still own 99 percent of the goods, and the 99 percent can still have more than they had before. If you have more than before, why are you mad? Because someone has more stuff than you. It's only a problem if the one percent has taken your stuff.
/\ How neofeudalism is sold.
People don't have more than before.
We have less and less.
That is true. lower income salaries have increased, but not enough to keep up with inflation. But what I was saying is, just because someone is making money at a faster rate than you does not necessarily mean that you are being wronged.
Your right our masters treat us so well ! why would you turn on ours masters after all they give us. They also protect us from the evil terrorists
indeed, the 1% are the government
More like the .0001%. The Jeff Immelts, the George Soroses, the Andy Sterns.
Why do you assume everyone want's to be part of the 1%. Not only is this not even possible, it's not even desirable for a lot of people. You have an image of who you want to be and you seem to feel that is the only worthy path to follow, and anyone who doesn't want to strive for great wealth and power deserves what ever bone is thrown their way and nothing more. Of course people want a functioning economy and infrastructure. They also want a functioning, humane society with a reasonable quality of life. Do you feel that only the wealthiest citizens who have control over the "commanding heights" are deserving of this? If more and more people are having to chose between food, electricity, rent or bankruptcy because wages remain stagnant while profits and the cost of living soar why would you expect people to just accept this. Go ahead and try to make your way to the top of the economic stratosphere. Just remember if there's no one left to consume your products or services, it all comes crashing down for you too.
I agree that the consumer is the driving force of the industrialist but it works both ways. Without the industrialist there is nothing to consume. One thing I don't agree with that you said is that it is not possible for everyone to be part of the one percent, while mathematically you are correct because it would no longer be the one percent, it is possible for everyone to amass wealth and a good sum of it. Wealth is not a zero sum entity, wealth is created. Ideas create wealth. The problem I see with our system is that industry has bought government and created blockades to new ideas. So many on this forum argue that more and stricter regulations are needed to stop corporate abuses but what they do not realize is that they are asking for exactly what it is they are rallying against. Regulation is written by these corporations in order to keep competition from growing. To keep ideas in the minds of potential entrepreneurs or on paper rather than allowing them to materialize. Freedom is what is needed not more restriction.
I'm not sure if you and misguidedyouth2 are the same person. But the original post states "the 1% employ thousands of people who then have the "the opportunity to lead the company that invests in our infrastructure etc..." I am really not seeing how it is possible to have an entire nation of CEOs and executives heading up successful and profitable companies that are that all producing valuable and needed goods and services out of great ideas....The new 99% of wealth creating CEOs and executives would still need thousands of employees. And we would still need teachers, nurses, childcare providers, police and firefighters, garbage men, janitors, etc. I do agree that the biggest corporations are essentially buying politicians to write legislation for them. Sometimes they may want to limit competition, or gain certain advantages in the market or change laws around copyrights. Sometimes they want to REMOVE regulation that holds them liable to public if one of their great ideas starts spilling oil into the ocean or crashes the stock market like deregulation of derivatives did with the repeal of glas stegal. I do think regulation that squelches innovation or creates monopolies is a problem. But I'm not interested in seeing corporations, who's primary function is to create wealth and profit, let off the hook for any damage they cause to the public health and safety.
I am not interested in seeing anyone that violates the rights of another individual let off the hook for any of it. Corporations are doing these things because the regulations allow them. Some of this kind of pollution is ok, some of that kind of emissions is fine so long as it goes here and not there. It's all written by the corporations to make it seem as if they are being regulated but they are regulating themselves and in the process stifling small business. And not everyone who is successful or wealthy has to be a CEO. You are right the world needs ditch diggers and garbage men too. There is no dishonor in earning a living by cleaning a bathroom and honestly most of the aforementioned professions make fairly good livings. The bottom line is that upward mobility is there and it's a good thing for those who choose it. Some of us (like myself) choose to not take the risk that upward mobility requires and "settle" for the comfort of a stable job and income that makes things comfortable and easy.
All of that is possible, if you have hope not hate, sense, not rage, vision, not blinders, and a will to work within the greatest system that's ever existed in the history of mankind.
So many just don't get's not hate, it's not even anger, it's seeing a problem and then attempting to get others to see it.
It's not the corporations making money that is the issue, it's the corporations 'owning' the government.
The implication of a debt owed for contributions made is obvious to many, that implication also leads to action, which in turn results in legislation that affects you, me and everyone else. This legislation will favor the debt holder over all others, thus resulting in less influence of the people.
OF FOR and BY the PEOPLE, meaning all of us, not just the ones with Inc behind the name...a corporation is a business entity, not a person that Inc should automatically exclude any influence over the governing parties.
It's about accountability. About banks which are gambling and when they loose they still win while the rest of are paying out.
Yes, there is a lot of rhetoric that has received an over abundance of publicity, rhetoric which is not the principal of the OWS movement. Rhetoric which makes for good sound bites on FOX news and MSNBC.
As for you, I'm happy for you that you have the self assurance that you may have the opportunity to lead the company.
We all have the power of our votes. Organize, pick your candidates, and vote. Camping out in parks is not going to accomplish anything. Our FF's gave us the power, we just have to be smart enough to show up and vote.
Give me someone worthy of voting for and I will vote. Don't see that happening now.
If you're a legal citizen, you may run yourself. Do you have the passion for change?
We have been apathetic for decades, today we are not. Without the revolutionaries to shake us up we would simply vote for whom ever seems the least likely to do harm. Today we are looking closer, listening harder and instead of allowing media to choose for us, we will choose for ourselves.
This is not a bad thing.
You make much sense my friend.
Thank you.
The problem is a rigged voting system. The Ohio election was not hacked, it was rigged when the software was built. see the court testimony of the person that created the software and how he knows to stop it.
UPonLocal is now released a full online Direct Democracy voting system
Get it 'System"
The only "system" that needs to be changed is the rigged voting systemand then it all crashes..
Not by rioting still do not have a honest voting system after, and unelected Rebels will take over and loot!
.We want fair elections - then we need a open source voting system...and bingo we changed the system that easy.
This is corrected by using open source software and allowing the public to examine the source code.
A good project for students....
Hacking and creating rigged software are two different things.
Lets see if anyone can make a fully reasoned argument against this...
The problems comes when the 1% use there money to pay off politicians to change the laws just so they can profit. That is un-American,un-patriotic,nu-ethical,immoral. That's what you aspire to be?
And when laws are created to allow the 1% to use their $ to pay off politicians.
I think you're missing something. Politicians make the rules that govern business and the 1% that run them. We the people elect the politicians. We can choose to vote them out but rarely do. Believe me, Sen. Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Nancy Polisi, and Harry Reid were and have been in office for so long, I really don't think they even care about you or me anymore, and their apathy is never punished by we the people. Your anger is Misguided, you know the truth, but choose to defend the indefensible, and admonish those who can and will save this great country again, despite your pitiful efforts.
Excuse me but Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy is deceased and has been since 2009. Previous to that he was unable to represent his state due to illness.
I suggest you update.
Hence my post said of their service "were and have been". I'm an excellent writer you know, a stickler for grammer. Best you read the post again. I'll await your apology with great anticipation.
You will never be part of the 1%, keep dreaming.
I shall!
you might, but it will not, in itself, make you happy.
that requires a different kind of work : )
That's what more than 60% of people used to believe.
And we're not 40% protesting the greedy 60% here. Do your math.
You shall overcome your self-loathing 99% person aspiring to be somebody, but only if you are rich attitude (or not). How unexamined your life is. How sad.
when you get to the 1% you'll probably aspire to be in the 1/10 of the 1%
its like people think, "ok if i had a little more, a bigger yacht, more properties, if i can give a greater endowment, etc. i'll be happy." then they get those things and they dont make them happy. so its more more more.
i dont think ows is really too concerned about the materialism of our country, and thats why i'm not involved. although i am a little more sympathetic than some.
"bulk" writes : "I dont think ows is really too concerned about the materialism of our country".
I'm not sure that's true. In fact, more and more people on this forum are addressing that very question of VALUES. And rightly so, because if our values don't change, NOTHING will change, only the faces of the people in power.
thats heartening. thanks : )