Forum Post: Concrete Means
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 4:52 a.m. EST by GypsyKing
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
by GypsyKing » November 20th, 2011, 2:32 am
I first presented this as a post on another forum, but then concluded it was significant enough to deserve a post here was well, thanks. I am posting it to show the reasoning process I went through that led me to advocate leadership for this movement:
"Firstly, I would like to say that those who are accusing OWS of lacking clear goals are merely dissemulating. We have very clear goals, and the majortity of Americans are in agreement with those goals; a very pertinant factor in determining how we might proceed together to decide, "What is to be Done?"
I have drawn up the following list of possible future tactics, in the light of concrete means to Achievie the systematic transformation of our corrupted institutions, according to the best of my comprehension, so that we can analise them here together, and weigh their potential effectiveness:
We have engaged in protesting, and asserting our Constitutional Right to Freedom Of Assembly, and have been met by violence, and the probable continuation of violence. (This has been so far an effective and courageous tactic, dramatically raising awareness of, and drawing sympathy towards, our cause.) If continued as our primary approach however, I believe it bares the danger of dissipating our energies, of allienating a percentage of our supporters, and worstly, of playing into the propoganda aims of our opponents.
Generalized disobediance. This is also a valuable tactic, and as in the case of protesing and occupying above, should continue to be a tool for change. But it is also subject to the same liabilities as those above, and also unlikely, in and of itself, to actually realize the essential reform.
Working within the current two-party system to effect systemic reform. I don't think we should rule out this tactic, simply because I see no reason to rule out any tactic that might proove beneficial. Clearly, however, due to systemic corruption, this alone is unlikely to achieve the ends of stemming the tide of corruption and decline.
Spiritual transformation - a goal, not a tactic.
A new political party. (In the limited time available, in my consideration, both an impossibility and a potential disaster.
Alternative elections. (Again, in my opinion, misguided and subject to almost certain failure, and perhaps to even having charges of sedition leveled against us at some future date. It is one thing to create a new government, another to empower it. Another possible outcome of this course of action could be civil war.
Revolution. Anyone advocating this in the atomic age, in my opinion, is mad.
Occupy Washington D.C. with the intent of physically disbanding, and replacing the government. This offers some hope of success, but it would have to be at the cost of enormous bloodshed, mostly I presume, on our part. There is also, of course, the risk of violence to many people innocent of the userpation and misuse of power, who we have a moral obligation to bring to justice.
This brings us to option #9- Public Repudiation of Debt.
A mere glance at this tactic shows it's power. It is nonviolent. It restores a sense of power to those feeling powerless, thus helping to restore human dignity. It brings together the broadest coalition of the aggrieved, and finally and foremost, it thrusts to the heart of the very corrupt institutions we not only have a moral obligation to overthrow, but must overthrow for the sake of human survival.
Therefore, I advocate we focus our primary energy toward educating people in preparation for a National Credit Card and Mortgage Burning Day. The mere credible threat of this tactic might make its implementation unnecessary - such is it's power to strike at the heart of the beast.
Please take some time to consider this option, as our present actions may be the most important in human history. The stakes are that high, and we must lift our souls to the challenge."
Having come to the conclusion that debt repudiation was the only viable means that I could think of to effect change from without the system, and having at least so far, seen no consensus evolve around this tactic, or in fact around any other tactic strong enough to produce real change, I began to advocate for leadership in order to steer this movement in the direction of concerted action.