Forum Post: Concerns and Questions from a EUROPEAN point of view
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 10:25 a.m. EST by mfabian
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As you might be aware, we - the World, Europe, Switzerland - are watching closely what's currently going on in the United States. We DID monitor the events in North Africa, Greece, Spain, the UK as well but ... America! That starts a new stage in the forthcoming global uprise.
I hope you do not mind if I openly and bluntly ask some straight questions about who you are, what your intentions are and who stands behind you.
Going back in history and analyzing revolutions or protests which later resulted in dramatical political changes, we find a awful lot of different motivations and intentions.
To name but a few:
October revolution 1914-18 in Russia was planned, arranged and orchestrated by Bolshevik movement (Lenin).
American uprise against the Brits 1776 was - as far as I understand - starting as uncoordinated unrest of people (tea party) and finally led to the greatest nation this planet ever had the privilege to see.
French revolution started uncoordinated as well but crystallized a common idea (today we would call it a political party) during the process.
German unrests after the hyperinflation of 1923 started uncoordinated but led to the uprise of the Nazis who took advantage of the uncertainty and anger. of the people and as we all know, this finally led to WW2.
Question 1: How would you describe the OccupyWallstreet movement? Is there one or several political parties "pulling the strings" behind the scene - such as e.g. the Tea Party from Ron Paul - or would you mainly describe yourselves as a more or less uncoordinated movement of people who seek for justice? If it's a party, which one?
Question 2: Do you have recognized leaders, you follow? Such as Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Michael Moore, Alex Jones? Who else?
Question 3: What is your target? The impression we have here in Europe, in particular here in Switzerland, is that you want to:
- Abolish the FED (which I highly recommend).
- Direct federal bailouts to Mainstreet rather than Wallstreet
- Re-establish the Dollar as a sound currency based on something real - Gold/Silver - rather being a worthless fiat-currency, based on nothing but thin air.
- Regain the freedom granted by the founding fathers of 1776 and revoke Patriot Act and other Big-Brother-restrictions imposed on you since 9/11 and GWB. Correct? Not? Comments?
Question 4: Do you want to destroy/replace capitalism or do you just want to put capitalism back "in line" by re-establishing Glass-Steagall Act II and other rules and guidelines who put a limit on the greed of banksters?
Any comment, clarification would be highly appreciated. Be aware, that I intend to publish your answers in, the #1 economic forum in Switzerland with +20'000 readers.
Personal note: Even though I'm almost 50 years old, if I was American, I would join your movement. I'm following the blogs and videos from Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Alex Jones, Max Keiser, Marc Faber for years and I see your movement as a logical consequence of the events which started 2002 with money-printing and found an irrational peak with wallstreet-bailouts in 2008. Please note that English language is not my native tongue so apologize for mistakes. However, I believe that I was able to make my point clear
With best regards from Berne, Switzerland Marcus Fabian
Call me cynical; I believe that some powerful people will use the current crisis to demonize capitalism. Many people on this site are already saying capitalism is the problem - and unfortunately Michael Moore also said as much.
Also, it speaks volumes that the rage is directed towards Wall Street, and not our government yet, per se.
Excellent Questions....but needs a different forum to address them. Try a new one just starting at.
These are complicated, multifaceted questions you are asking.
At this point, it is a loose conglomeration of many different viewpoints, but it seems to be generally coalescing around two camps - a liberal, socialist camp that is distrustful of capitalism, wants to raise taxes on 'the rich' and still has faith in our government; and a libertarian, anti-state, anti-government camp that wants to take power from the federal government and return it to the people, or at least back to the states and municipalities.
Most people agree that the original Tea Party was long ago hijacked by establishment republicans.
The corporate controlled media has done a sufficiently good job of convincing everyone on the left that the Tea Party is evil, racist, and does not care about the disadvantaged.
I am biased towards a libertarian viewpoint; I think this viewpoint is the only one that is most informed based on what is happening in the world economy. Since the EuroZone is currently a nightmare unraveling, I cannot understand why liberals keep turning to centralized, socialized government for answers. To me it is obvious from history and from current events that a strong, centralized government does not work for the people.
It seems that most people on this forum who know what Glass-Steagall is want to reinstate it.
I hate to say this, but most of the American public is woefully uninformed about both history and currency - I think it has to do with a terrible public education system, too many people watching tv (mainstream media), and probably just many people just trying to survive day to day. I dare say most Americans are going to be completely blindsided by the coming global depression, and will not understand the causes of it, at least not initially.
I agree and understand with your viewpoint.
Also repealing the Patriot Act was at one point one of the 'demands' of OWS.