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Forum Post: Companies don't work if there are no Employees, Kingdoms can be built and reformed by the hands that built them.

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 12:45 a.m. EST by imhotep3223 (81)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Since civilization has been, from its birth, corrupt humans not gods have set themselves up as supreme in place of a creator. Although this has been the norm for tens of thousands of years, we must remember that the few who seek to rule over the many are just human themselves. Think about a pyramid we are its foundations if we displace and choose not to be the foundations no longer the top of the pyramid will fall. We have been holding the wealthy up much like a pyramid, we have been their foundations for too long. Why do you think the wealthy use the pyramid as their symbol...they mock those who don't realize we don't have to hold them up. It has been our choice the whole time.



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