Forum Post: Communism as the solution
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 12:22 p.m. EST by sejlaali
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I have heard that the resolution to all the demands of the Occupy Wall St protesters will be to achieve a communist government. Is this true?
Go ahead, think up any form of government you can, make it utopian, make it fair and balanced and open to all... it dosen't matter... the same breed of aristocrats will usurp your beautiful ideals and do what they can to enslave you...
No.This movement would lose at least 75% of its support if it were to go for a communist govt.
More like 95%, in my humble opinion.
I was being conservative, but its probably closer to 95% than 75%.
I don't think that's even what the movement wants to do:
communist, or socialist are NOT the answer to anything but MADNESS!!
I agree with everyone of your comments. I wanted to make sure that communist wasn't the solution, because this resolution wouldn't be possible in our country. I didn't want to advocate for something that I didn't agree with, which is why I had asked. I'm aware, thanks to the movement, about all the problems that the 99% of the population faces everyday, but is a solution for each demand or overall one solution such as a different economy or government desired?
I'm reading a book right now about socialism and anarchism. I think one of those might be the way to go.
Wake up America. sejlaali have you ever read The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Then are 10 basic steps that must be taken to get to a omnipotent gov. power which can then lead into a communist socialist state.
Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes. You may think that you own property in your state but forget to pay your property taxes for a few years and you will find out that is not the case especially if someone buys it at a county auction and brings armed police officers to have your removed.
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. That is what we have in place right now and from what I see on the news people want the rich to pay even more. If you go by the US Constitution no one should be paying income tax be they rich or poor but that is for another thread.
Abolition of all rights of inheritance. Have we ever heard of the inheritance tax that is payable when someone dies.
I can list the last 7 with examples of how they are implemented on a daily basis in our great country just like the 1st three above.
Just some food for thought.
No. Not true.
No, of course not.
communism is an unbalanced social-political system - there is no redress to its form of government that can only be achieved through an individually funded and independently owned institution - namely the private sector.
There are alot in OWS that want communism/socialism. but most want direct democracy. a "true" democracy. not what we have.
The big communist governments, the Old Soviet Union and the Peoples Republic of China also have some of the most brutal spying organizations that are dedicated to controlling the thoughts of the populace.
I will grant you that the US has become much ,much more of a police state, supposedly in the quest for security, but we are not quite there yet.
Although there were over 300,000 law enforcement "requests" to web service providers and web sites in general, that they hand over all information on individuals...all this done without warrants and with the stipulation that the individuals cannot be contacted and let know that these searches are taking place.
Now that is something to protest about.
Banks are one thing, the federal government, even state and local police agencies have become militarized. Small towns with armored personnel carriers..I mean really? All cops need to have automatic HK's
Communism rewards those in charge at the expense of everyone else...and not like in the USA. Go back and learn about the Soviets, and even now the Chinese. You would want nothing like communism here.
I am more than well informed about communism.
To begin with, communism is an economic and political system, whereby the state owns the means of production and the revenue from the means of production.
You are focusing only on the authoritarianism by which private property is acquired, which coincidentally assures that the government maintains the upper hand in all social issues, and represents an unbalanced social-political system.
To redress the social-political system of communism requires an individually funded and independently owned institution - namely the private sector.
I do not recall advocating communism.