Forum Post: Communique from General Public
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 3 p.m. EST by generalpublic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The movement may be perceived to be a success with those in the camps and those in subculture but it is failing as a vehicle to accomplish tangible change because there is no message consistency and the social culture of the camps is limited to a "if you don't look like me or act like me I will disdain you" attitude. The lack of dreadlocks, colored hair or steampunk garb should be no less of a negative than the wearing of a business suit should be no less of a positive at the camps.
The mixed messages and graphic disharmony of the mind-numbing frenzy of issues: "Save the whales, forgive the loans, fix healthcare, equalize wages, outlaw lobby groups, etc. etc.." is all tied to a single issue: CORPORATIONS CAUSE CORRUPT PROCESS. I took a set of images of the crowds at 6 of the biggest camps and you can tie 99% of all of the signs in all of the photos back to one cause: THE CORRUPT CORPORATION.
Disharmony of the branding message will just cause the Occupy movement to either flame out or to create regionalized civil war for short periods. Get-togethers are fine but get-togethers that do not result in long term TANGIBLE change are historically valueless.
The movement is not being organized about messaging, yet, but more crucially. It is not being smart about a single goal. Single goal movements have, through history, been the only ones that ever succeeded. The movement needs to improve the quality of the messaging; not allow crazy acting, stammering, inarticulate speakers on TV; and get a single message out. The single message that should be used is one that is almost too big to say, that covers all of the sub-issues, and that is almost too big to consider but it is not TOO BIG TO FAIL, it is: "MAKE CORPORATIONS ILLEGAL!"
Did you ever see the movie called: "The Corporation". It shows how it is not possible to form a corporation without causing the entity to become a force for evil. It is the nature of the process. Corporations exist for the sole purpose of hiding things from the outside. Small business and regular business structures that are not corporations allow every form of commerce to exist. Corporations are not needed except to do bad things.
That should be the single message of the movement. To pass a constitutional amendment to make corporations illegal! It is tangible, you have enough people to do it, it will solve all of the other problems.
- General Public