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Forum Post: Communication, Social Media, TV suppression.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:41 p.m. EST by NbdySpcl (27)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

there should be wifi networks in place as well as ham radio. easily we will see and are seeing manipulation of the internet and media. people need to redistribute all vids, links, photos, etc under different file names and titles. even editing frames so file signature appears different. we need to boycott these social media avenues that are regulating and or suppressing it. we can still use it for the cause but take down all usable info. meaning all personal likes, photos, etc. they rely on this info to make advertising $$$. use if for the cause only and point all links, likes and photos to the cause. if you blog or review sports music or anything. include snip-its and links in all of your reviews.

i have personally noticed the following suppressing info. CNN YouTube Facebook Twitter Fox we need to let these pages know. we need to invade their twitterspace through the use of hashtags. printed media needs to be on the rise since major news is failing for now.

edit vids of all photos and footage and create new videos for your favorite songs, groups or collages. make titles with and with out ref to #ows. so a broader crowd will be obtained. hot topics, sports teams, pop charts, viral rt stuff, etc.



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