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Forum Post: Commercial featuring the 1% that supports the 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 12:45 a.m. EST by Rusty10809 (0) from Chicago, IL
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Greetings from Chicago! I recently saw the commercial that was put together for OWS, and thought it was great. With the hate that is being spewed by Bill Kristol's group, it is important to get the truth out.

I'm not sure if anyone has had this idea yet, but what about trying to get some of the 1% that supports the 99% to do a spot. I know you guys have been getting a lot of celebrity support, and it wouldn't hurt to actually have Russell Simmons and Mark Ruffalo, etc, all in one concise piece. Hell, if there are actual Wall Street people that are out supporting, they would be great to throw in too.

Just tossing that out there. Keep it up, you are supported!



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[-] 1 points by sassafrass (197) 13 years ago

I think it sounds good. We need allies, we need images/voices potential supporters are at least basically okay with to help them not freak out about us and our basic point. The media can be our enemy our we can make it our friend. It is a tool; we can use it or it can use us. I've been saying for a while that more effort needs to made on "public relations", and I believe it to be an immediate priority to quickly take charge of our public image and keep it positive before the public at large just dismisses us. Some folks would call me a tool of The Man for even thinking it. They're entitled to their opinion and I see their points. There are some valid concerns. Still, at the end of the day, if we're not in charge of our public image, someone else is. So that's the challenge with getting everyone to agree about media in general.

Then there's the challenge with agreeing on celebrity "endorsements" from 1%-ers. A lot of people seem hostile to anyone who's rich speaking out for us. There's been a lot of bile directed at Michael Moore, for instance, because he has a lot of money (among other problems they may have with him, but that's a separate issue). Sometimes I think the fact that they're rich may be an excuse for just not agreeing with that particular rich person's political views. That is their prerogative if that's what they want to think but I don't think it's as strategically-minded as it could be. So I caution against us throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and looking like we just hate all rich people, because for the majority of us that isn't true. We just hate that gross excess, greed and hypocrisy has been permitted by law to run rampant for the few piggiest offenders at great cost to the rest of us. I am not against anyone who could potentially be a positive voice for us, no matter who they are, as long as they have the same basic message. Alas, that last thing is what's trickiest...

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

SCREWED AGAIN exposes big shots

I keep my readers informed and I erase nothing. My readers can go back to check every story because they are all based on facts and evidence that is absolutely certain. I can see the propaganda that is used by the media to cover-up the big shots when they are committing serious crimes especially 9/11 and Wall Street fraud.

The Casey Anthony trial was intentionally misrepresented by one media lie after the next while the government was intentionally trying to murder Casey Anthony after the prosecution and cops knew that George Anthony molested Casey since she was an 8 year old girl, but they have refused to prosecute George Anthony. Is that what you want the government to do? Do you want to be misled by the main stream media so you can watch innocent people be murdered by the government.

All the Republican presidential candidates and Obama are screwballs and idiots but the "political correct" trance protects all of them. Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert make fun and make jokes for their audience but they fail to take their stupidity serious. Electing another screwball president of the USA would be a disaster.

Americans want to be in a nursery class where they hear fairy tales. Americans refuse to deal with the truth. Michael Moore criticizes 9/11 but then states he doesn't want to believe that our government would purposely create 9/11. It doesn't matter what Michael Moore wants, it matters what happened. His intentions are bizarre but his audience wants to be deceived. I watched him on a 3 hour Book-TV show that allowed him to peddle his book. In a prior Book-TV event he answered a man in the audience by covering up for Bush in the 9/11 case. This is the service that SCREWED AGAIN provides my readers. see my blog http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/