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Forum Post: Coming Soon: America without Debt, Crime or War.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 9:23 a.m. EST by lifesprizes (298)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The United States of America is easily-seen as the wealthiest and most productive Nation in the World. Making efficient use of an abundance of natural resources and an intelligent and skilled labor force and yet the American working people, who produce this vast store of wealth, seem always to be short of money and in debt.

At the same time the American family must work more hours to survive as its total debt climbs higher and higher. The major cause, in America, of family breakups, divorce, crime, poverty, and inequality is trouble over money and debt.

The profit in “creating” money is a major part of our story, and as we progress in this revelation, we will show how the Bankers “manufacture” our money and credit, and secure these profits for themselves.




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