Forum Post: Comic books on protest and alternative to capitalism
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 5:01 a.m. EST by SeanMichael23
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
By coincidence (or are these things fated?), I am already working on two comic books that directly connect to the problem that the #ows movements are highlighting. One is with Michael Albert about his Parecon system (participatory economics) and the other is a visual history of popular protest since the early 19thC. You can check out some art pages from them here on my blog (neither book is for sale yet, so this is not an advert, just thought some people may like to know about these related books I'm working on):
I support people in the USA, in my own country of the UK, and all around the world, demonstrating for change in the system we live under. It's desperately needed and what's going on is exciting stuff. Let's keep at it!