Forum Post: Comentarios en español sobre OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 25, 2011, 8:23 a.m. EST by migarce
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[-] 1 points by migarce (6) 1 day ago
Historicallywise you are right. Current meanings of Latins are available in the Webster´s College Dictionary, 1999 edition, p.748, which are in the line of thought I have dealing with semantics. Best
I don't need dictionaries, I know Roman History. I'm a Latino myself,a real one and not a fake and a fraud. All the dictionaries pander to Hispanics and Blacks. The Latin comes from Italy and not from Spain. History cannot be changed because spanish-speaking people of the "Americas" have decided to truncate " Latin America" and make it " Latino".
Latino=Latin. The people lived in Italy in the region of Lazio then called Latium in Latin after they were integrated into the next door Romans, the Romans adopted the Latin Language and (Italia) and later became the official language of all the Roman Empire until it eventually changed into what are known now as Romance languages: Italian, French,Portuguese,Spanish and Romanians.
Latino is not a race. It's a Language and Culture. The language and culture of Italy which ancient Italians (Romans) imposed upon the people in all their conquered territories.
Please desist because ignorance is not a blessing!
[-] migarce (3) 1 points 36 minutes ago
Historically you are right with respect to the origins of Latin. However words acquire different meanings as the different cultures develops and different current uses appear (semanthic differentials). Currently we say LatinAmerica just to say the languages spoken (Spanish and Portuguese) have roots in the Latin language. (By the way when I learned Latin it made easier for me to learn Italian and French at the university).Also you can find in the English language some of the roots coming from Latin and Greek. I still use Clarence Stratton´s book ¨Improving your vocabulary¨ which has chapters on roots.Pls read about SD in Best
Yes, but must be understood that Italians are second to none: they are the Latinos in language and in culture. All the others the French,the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the Romanians got it from way of being colonized by ancient Italians, the Romans, and not by anybody else. The Latin doesn't come from Spain and doesn't come from "Latin America either". Then we can agree on the fact that the Latin moved from Europe and reached this continent when the Spaniard, French and Portuguese came to colonize. What I don't like is that the Spanish-speaking people of the "Americas" claiming to be the Latinos and that what one needs to do to be considered a Latin/Latino is to speak Spanish which is not true. Finally, this designation of Latino in the U.S. Census Bureau is incorrect in identifying a complex people like what is known in the USA as "Hispanics. They have to find something which clearly identifies them, that is if they are White then then should say "White",if they are mixed they should use whatever term fits them,if they are Black they should say so,if theyb are Native Americans they should say so, and so on and so forth and not use the term " Latino" which refers to a language and culture and is the culture of Italy. I understand that there is a Latin Unity among people whose languages and cultures are derived from the Latin ( go to visit the website of the "Latin Union" or "Unione Latina,and you'll see. However, the main point here is that the Latin/o is a language and culture of the Italians and by extension the French, Spaniards,Portuguese.Romanians. Take care.
Historicallywise you are right. Current meanings of Latins are available in the Webster´s College Dictionary, 1999 edition, p.748, which are in the line of thought I have dealing with semantics. Best
[-] migarce (3) 1 points 1 day ago
You are discussing about intended meanings for words. Usually American refer to the United States as America, forgetting that America is a continent whic has three parts: North, Central an South. The Latin word not only referes to the Lacio in Italy but also to the language (by the way I studied Latin in high school in Colombia). Usually the latin word has been extended to those people speaking languages with roots in the Latin language, i.e. Spanish, French, Portuguese etc. Best
The name of the Region where the original Latin People came from is LAZIO , I know it because my family comes from there. However, the Latin language was adopted by the Romans after they defeated the Latins and it became the official language of all Roman Italy. After all of Italy came under Roman rule, united Italy became an Empire, the Roman Empire. The Romans, that is all of Italy now, started colonization of other territories: Spain and Portugal (Iberian Peninsula), France, Great Britain, Germany,Romania ect. etc. then all of Northern Africa and the Middle East.
The Romans imposed their own Latin Language ( Lingua Latina), Roman :Laws and Christianity to all of their occupied lands. To cut it short, the Latin language,culture originate in Italy (Italia) and not in Spain (Espana). You don't have to speak Spanish to be a Latino. Then Latin America doesn't mean Latino and Latino it's not a race and" Latin and Latino" is the same thing!!! Italians are 100% real Latinos and not the others who don't have any Latin culture at all. Hope this helps you to better understand how the Latin started and developed.
Historically you are right with respect to the origins of Latin. However words acquire different meanings as the different cultures develops and different current uses appear (semanthic differentials). Currently we say LatinAmerica just to say the languages spoken (Spanish and Portuguese) have roots in the Latin language. (By the way when I learned Latin it made easier for me to learn Italian and French at the university).Also you can find in the English language some of the roots coming from Latin and Greek. I still use Clarence Stratton´s book ¨Improving your vocabulary¨ which has chapters on roots.Pls read about SD in Best
[-] migarce 1 points 5 hours ago
The OWS is a worldwild revolution for all people: whites, latins etc. You made racial comments forgetting the latin´s contribution to the US economy. They pay taxes like you, and get jobs which the whites will not accept because they are hard to accomplish, in the agriculture, services etc. All language are not pure because they are derived from other primary sources. The English language also have words from Spanish, Latin, Greek, German etc.You should improve your knowledge
You have to learn history, not me. I told you that "Spanics" or Hispanics of the 'Americas" are not Latins at all. The Latins are the Italians. The Latin Language and Culture come from Italy and not from Spain. The Romans post colonization of what is known is the Iberian peninsula,Spain and Portugal,imposed to those populations the Latin Language "Lingua Latina", Christianity (Catholic Church), Roman Laws. The same happened in Great Britain,France and Romania and all the Roman territories. Latin America was named this way by the French. They called it "Amerique Latine" because they wanted to distinguish themselves from the Anglo-Saxon,Protestant, English-speaking north. (USA). As for the contribution you're talking about of the Spanish-speaking people (they're not Latins) just look at the crime,the White Flight they have caused, the welfare dependency,the out-of-wedlock births,their constant demands for more benefits,while Whites get nothing, their spitefulness,their low-class behavior and their threat to the survival of Whites. This is our revolution because you have all the benefits and don't need more and we have nothing because of you and all the other non-Whites. You need to learn much more then what you know now. You may want to go to:, (Type this website on a browser),
You are discussing about intended meanings for words. Usually American refer to the United States as America, forgetting that America is a continent whic has three parts: North, Central an South. The Latin word not only referes to the Lacio in Italy but also to the language (by the way I studied Latin in high school in Colombia). Usually the latin word has been extended to those people speaking languages with roots in the Latin language, i.e. Spanish, French, Portuguese etc. Best
[-] DKAtoday (Coon Rapids, MN) 1 points 1 hour ago
kickthemout. All your quoted ( ? ) statement shows is that racists and their beliefs are not restricted to a single society. That is why the good people of every society need to unite together and step on the racist neck. There is no room for mindless hate mongering any where in this world.
We are just reacting to certain people's behavior. Look a little more into what people of your background are saying and actually doing and then you will come up with the conclusion that we Whites have too many enemies and that we have to take actions and never become a minority by totally stopping immigration from non-White Countries. After all, we Whites, don't have to allow anybody in here. It's our civilization.
[-] GirlFriday 1 points 6 minutes ago
You podunk, white, racist piece of shit.
I would expect such a language from low class people like you. Looks like you're unable to have civil discussion...never will anyway. We're too far apart.
This is what makes us say what we say.
No, the fact that you are a complete and total moron is what makes you say what you say. You are a racist fuck.
[-] GirlFriday 1 points 14 minutes ago
You racist,lying white piece of shit.
Well, I wasn't born a racist. See who is a racists now. It's all of you, the Spanics.
Read what this " Hispanic" " Professor" has to say about Whites!...
“We remain a hunted people. Now you think you have a destiny to fulfill in the land that historically has been ours for forty thousand years. And we’re a new Mestizo nation.” “Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes…” “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”
– Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, founder of La Raza
kickthemout. All your quoted ( ? ) statement shows is that racists and their beliefs are not restricted to a single society. That is why the good people of every society need to unite together and step on the racist neck. There is no room for mindless hate mongering any where in this world.
Holy fuck! Save the white women!! Listen up, you better go back and reread your history on Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War. While you are at it, read up on the history of California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. Then come talk to me about "invasion". You big ding-a-ling. you have always had ghettos in all European countries and even in the notoriously white areas of the US.
You podunk, white, racist piece of shit.
Spanics or better the fake "Latins" should understand that this OWS-revolution is our White people's revolution. Spanics have caused White flight all over the Unites States, have taken the millions of houses vacated by Whites, and the few of them that work have taken all the jobs held by Whites in the past causing misery among Whites. Spanics are also the beneficiaries of all the government benefits: Welfare, SSI, Section 8, food stamps,head Start initiatives for their out-of-wedlock children (same as the Blacks), have never assimilated within our White civilization,continuously make demands upon demands and have threatened to take over , with all the other minorities, all our White-centered institutions, eventually pushing aside Whites and, if necessary, kill the "Anglo". You are our enemies. You do not belong in here. This is our fight. Whites never should have opened this Country to non-Europeans to begin with.
PS. The Spanish language is a slave language. It comes from the Latin language of Roman Italy and not from Spain. The Latin language was imposed upon the Spaniards (Spanish people in Spain) when the Romans colonized the what they called "Hispania".
The OWS is a worldwild revolution for all people: whites, latins etc. You made racial comments forgetting the latin´s contribution to the US economy. They pay taxes like you, and get jobs which the whites will not accept because they are hard to accomplish, in the agriculture, services etc. All language are not pure because they are derived from other primary sources. The English language also have words from Spanish, Latin, Greek, German etc.You should improve your knowledge! Pls read
You racist,lying white piece of shit.
Kickthemout. You are an absolute poster child for retroactive birth control. Yes it is a free country and so you have the right to spout your shit. Just don't expect that anyone need to listen to your crap and not get in your face about how ugly your mind is.
There are thousands like this "Professor" who are threatening our survival and due to the out-of control illegal and legal third world immigration,and the lack of integration among the different races, Whites have reasons to worry about it. All this is compounded by the fact that all of the European nations have been invaded by non-Whites and are being turned into crime ridden ghettos.
Holy fuck! Save the white women!!
Listen up, you better go back and reread your history on Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War. While you are at it, read up on the history of California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. Then come talk to me about "invasion". You big ding-a-ling. you have always had ghettos in all European countries and even in the notoriously white areas of the US.
[-] GirlFriday 1 points 5 minutes ago
No, the fact that you are a complete and total moron is what makes you say what you say. You are a racist fuck.
I'm not a racist. I wish no harm,no violence against anyone,regardless of their race but as your people and other people are threatening our survival then it's up to us ,Whites, to defend ourselves from people who want to destroy us.
Nobody is threatening your survival. Go back to your high school and allow your teacher to beat you with a history text book. You are a racist prick.