Forum Post: Come over to Lobby Democracy and stay for awhile. Tents and sleeping bags welcome.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 3:41 p.m. EST by LobbyDemocracy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The issues and concerns of Occupy Wall Street are too important to fade away because of the restrictions placed on public gathering. We need to find a way to reach out and pull the 99% together. We need a way to accomplish the goals of the majority.
I would like to welcome you all to Lobby Democracy. We are a lobbying organization designed to represent the interests of the majority. I know that the term lobbying comes with a certain negativity, but I say it is time that we reappropriate the term and make it our own.
We have just opened our doors to the public and would love to hear from all of you. We are currently building our membership base and establishing the foundation of our strength. We are polling our members to determine the direction of the organization. We have no predetermined agenda. We have no predetermined platform. We are simply here to represent the issues that are important to the majority.
Come to Check out what we have to offer and join us in our quest to take back Capitol Hill. If you have any questions or comments please leave them here so that we can rise to the top of the list and others can learn about the organization.
Evan Kendall Babcock
Lobby Democracy
Thanks for posting this, hope we see more organizations like this mingling with us :)
Thank you. We are doing our best to make sure that the voice of the majority is heard loud and clear.
the site has currently taken a focus on Republican Debates
That is true. They are one of the core locations of policy debate currently. I also am afraid that in an attempt to stay politically neutral I have leaned against my own personal leanings. Once membership is more established the news and information content will be driven by the interests of our membership. Since we have just opened up for membership we are trying to simply provide some of the perspectives from across the spectrum.
Republicans seen good from preventing anything getting done in congress
not that the democrats do any better
We are putting up some information about the failure of the super committee to come to agreement. I for one am completely disgusted by their inability to get anything accomplished.
I can't condone a secret committee
I still would have liked it if it brought forth legislation that helped us out of our deficit.
tax the rich
bring the troops home
I think those are sentiments that the majority of Americans believe in.
I understand that.