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Forum Post: Come on ; Are we now disrupthing traffic, subways and bridges?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 2:36 p.m. EST by uhandleit (43)
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Are we now going to make it hard for ourselves. We the 1% are the main uses of the subways and bridges. Doesn't make much sense to me.



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[-] 2 points by nineeightpercent (11) 13 years ago

Seriously! I earn an hourly wage, self-employed, and had clients in TriBeCa and other downtown areas have to cancel because of the mayhem downtown. This "movement" is impairing the ability of those of us who NEED our jobs and NEED public transportation to get to them to maintain our livelihoods!

[-] 0 points by OccupyLink (529) 13 years ago

Unfortunately, there will be disruption and people will be inconvenienced. The thing is that you knew there would be a protest today. It is been planned for a long time, and warning was given. You could have planned your meeting for another day, or gotten around it somehow, for the short time the disruption occured. You must know that the #OWS movement is very important.

[-] 2 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

Honestly, the more I hear crap like this the more done I am with ows. I really, really wanted this to be a movement I could support, but today's actions and the justifications provided like that of the above have pushed me out. This right here is the border line and I have just crossed it.

Congratulations Occupy Link, you were the straw that broke this camel's back.

[-] 2 points by nineeightpercent (11) 13 years ago

Agree, me2. These people are as selfish and entitled as the people they are protesting against. I train clients in very specific places, at very specific times, and cannot reschedule them. A minority percentage of people in the mood to cause trouble in an already chaotic city should NOT be allowed to inconvenience the masses for their little march. and occupylink, no I do NOT believe the OWS movement is important. I think it had potential when it started, but now is just rhetoric, anarchy and inconvenience to those of us who are hardworking, follow the rule of LAW and find productive ways for our grievances to be heard.

[-] 1 points by Skyeskye1 (49) 13 years ago

How else can we make our leaders listen. We vote but if u compete against money (bribery) our votes mean nothing! Sorry but it's the only way to take a stand. Stand up and fight with our voice and our will peacefully.

[-] 1 points by uhandleit (43) 13 years ago

Sorry...disrupt the 99%.....

[-] 0 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

yeah! hurt yourselves, that will solve everything! Your movement is destroying you, YAY!!!


[-] -1 points by OccupyLink (529) 13 years ago

The public understands that disruption is necessary to bring the legitimate complaints the 99% has against the outrageous behaviour of some members of the 1%.

[-] 2 points by JonFromSLC (-107) from West Valley City, UT 13 years ago

No, the public understands that you guys don't have any momentum or cohesion and now you're resorting to disrupting the lives of everyone as a way to get back at the few you're jealous of.

Get a clue.

[-] 1 points by OccupyLink (529) 13 years ago

We are learning fast. There is plenty of momentum. I personally am not jealous of anyone. If a guy is an entrepreneur and risks money and makes heaps, that's OK. I object to Banking Executives (don't call the Bankers, as Bankers are decent honorable people) who take no risks being paid up to 200 million each for one year's bonus. It is basically blatent theft from the customers and staff of the Bank. The system HAS to change, and you know it fullwell!!

[-] 2 points by 102925ch (2) 13 years ago

to be honest dude, im a banking executive and yes, i make a good amount of money, but the majority of us banking executives dont earn massive 200 million bonuses per year. to be honest, no one does. even the top runners, such as Jamie Diamond and the heads of other leading banks get bonuses of maybe 5 million a year max. Thank you for recognizing bankers are decent people, but you still havent the slightest clue about what you are talking about. while i dont take risks with my money in the entrepreneurial sense, i do take risks with my job every day with the predictions and calls i have to make about where the bank is going and with how my sector of the bank performs, risks that mean a lot more than the average job. think twice about what you say dude, because your starting to blow a lotta smoke out of your bum

[-] 0 points by JonFromSLC (-107) from West Valley City, UT 13 years ago

How is what a bank does with its' money any of your business? And how is that not jealousy?

[-] 2 points by uhandleit (43) 13 years ago

Yeah ....ask anyone going to work and coming home. Inconvenience the 99%....makes a lot more sense.

[-] 2 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

This guy is one of those rare d-bags that can justify anything by saying he is doing it for the good of others. What's worse is that he thinks real people actually support his actions.