Forum Post: College graduates with student loans owed average of $25,250 in 2010
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 3:32 p.m. EST by electrictroy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That doesn't sound so bad. It's one year of wages at Walmart, 2/3rd year wages in a factory job, and 1/3 year of wages in an engineering or programming job.
I have no sympathy for the losers who just want to get bailed out of their debt. They're no better than the ones they're raging on.
Let's not bailout so many companies. If we want a free market then they have to die by the market as well without extra tax boosts.
The alternative is to start working at a job you may not want to get in order to gain some experience, no matter what the pay is and delay your final year of school to build some savings. I couldn't afford school and had to work and educate myself by reading books and constantly asking others questions.