Forum Post: Collective Editorial? Penn State and the larger picture...
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 11:54 a.m. EST by retro597
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I feel strongly that this may turn into the most learnable experience as a nation we may have in a generation. Yes, I do believe this is bigger than 9/11. Because to face the dangers which come from without is always easier than addressing the failings from within. We are a nation which has the opportunity to bind together in a near unanimity and shared common purpose. In addressing these demons from within, we can go forward as one nation again indivisible. With the understanding that never again on my watch as a person, church, school, or government such an epic failure of morality shall occur. I think as a nation we can unite with this purpose and conscience. This is the positive that the young boys who were victimized will have brought. Turning their negative personal experience into a positive national outcome. After all, the price they have paid with their innocence is every bit as great as any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine that has fought for freedoms on this Veterans Day. It says dark things as a nation when your martyrs are so young. Through this darkness may the light of wisdom and maturity guide us all.