Forum Post: Collapse the System!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 4:13 p.m. EST by Revoltisneeded
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I agree with the movement we need change. i think someone posted this before but a major collapse has to happen in the economy that us 99% will have to undertake. If the they cant get our money they cant function! I am pulling every cent i have from the banking system. Stop paying our credit cards. Deny them of our tax money! rip up our mortgages. Stop paying for our doctor visits. stop paying the insurance company that is suppose to pay for our visits! We need to destroy the shadow banking system and break the addiction the government and big corporations used to enslave us. I thought this was a country for the people by the people but the people (we the 99%) took their tricks and became enslaved. We need to stop the addiction and bring on the cure! i hope after this we don't go back into debt because we want the luxury items that the 1% have! honestly they don't pay for that shit anyway we do! Bring the banking system to it knees! lets hurt them as bad as they hurt us!
- Stop paying credit cards, mortgages, taxes, all debt obligations,rent
- Don't Buy from corporate stores buy from mom and pop.
- Pull the money out of all banks.
if we all do this they wont have 99% of the money! They enslave us with their jobs. we end up working just to pay those things anyway. to get pushed further into slavery! a revolution is needed time for action. i already started everything i wrote here. Lets cripple them!