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Forum Post: Coked Out on Wall Street

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9:38 p.m. EST by THETRUTH (10)
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If there were an emotional counterpart to Wall Street's addiction to money, look no further than Tony Montana. Just replace the coke with the cash. Its all operates on the same neurotransmitters. Much like Scarface, Wall Street is awash in money, and greed has replaced all human relationship with a lifeless object that cannot effectively return love for love. So, Wall Street must consume more and more to continue the human charade. Their god is mammon. Wall Street will eventually be left alone, perhaps it already is now, swimming in the detritus of wanton greed. Already surrounded by like-minded sharks, Wall Street has experienced a spiritual death already. After all, how can you justify laying off and destroying many thousands of lives so shareholders and executives can reap their evil rewards?




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