Forum Post: coincidence or conspiracy or retribution?
Posted 12 years ago on July 8, 2012, 12:29 p.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The majority of global warming deniers are in the bible belt
The majority of global warming effects are in the bible belt
Ask jerry fallwell or pat robertson -
they know it's because God is angry
Uneducated people listening to false prophets or modern day Pharacies is truly scary. Why the South is on a program of keeping the population stupid - then they can sell all the BS they want and call it good.
(Excerpt) "The (Political) system is flawed because Big $ controls it! We the People have ceded it to them by encouraged abandonment, neglect and ignorance!!!
"No, We the People "aren't aware." Learning that "nothing works" and Voting "makes no difference" is the brainwash swill Big $ wants us to believe! Is this your naivete or deception? Either way it's DEAD WRONG!!
"Orwell's "Newspeak" and "Doublethink" are in full operation.
"Get out the Vote, people!! If it didn't matter, these bastards wouldn't be trying soooo fucking hard to suppress it!! And they will stop at nothing!!!"
Retribution. Too bad they can't put two and two together and realize that they're the ones being punished.
Those little Chick tracts are a perfect example of evangelical propaganda.
There's like a cult of these people who go around strategically placing the little comics in public places. (restrooms, workplace break rooms, reception areas, etc.)
I think you're just wasting everybody's time in casting your animosity so generously. Instead you should be focused on the science necessary to cool or regulate our planet.
We can cool our planet by drilling for more of the hot oil deep in the ground and under the ocean, and by fracking out the hot oil under our feet
and burn it all off. Then we can pour more ice in the oceans.
At least I think I read this is in one of the descriptions
of one of willard's secret off-shore investment companies
Also plans for a secret soylent green factory
Also a constitutional amendment t o make the letter F illegal: lip-lop
Better idea why not simply subscribe to any of the various science magazines, keep yourself informed... because we are beyond the cause of blame here - now we must address the problem.
organized religion can be a scary thing
Ask Torquemada
it's summer in the northern hemisphere. it gets hot in the summer. the closer toward the equator , the hotter it gets. is this news to you?