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Forum Post: CODE RED: URGENT !!! Stop the cabal from passing the US RX84-

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 2:47 p.m. EST by winwinforall (-13)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This law they want to pass, and if the Senate passes it, could be the end of Freedom. Maybe this is why there are over 800 FEMA Camps in the U.S. RX84-

The government can shut down everything under a series of executive orders. Click links below - Maybe this is why ArmyNorth has been in training for several years for Civil Disobediance too. Please see info links below:



Chaos prevails at the highest levels of government in the West as the financial fraud unravels - Posted by benjamin Fulford - Nov. 28, 2011 http://benjaminfulford.net

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and that certainly fits the situation now seen at the highest levels of power in Western civilization. In essence, the story is that the true source of power in the West, control of the financial system, fell into the hands of fanatical religious cultists who wanted to artificially make the prophecies in an ancient religious text (the Torah or Old Testament), come true. This fraud-based is enterprise is now falling apart. The result is unprecedented chaos at the highest levels of power in the sect-controlled governments of the United States, England, France, Italy, Germany and their slave states. One of the immediate triggers is a lawsuit that was filed in New York on November 23rd, claiming the assets of the global financial system belong to the people of the planet and not a powerful religious cult that uses the United Nations as a façade.

The immediate story behind this lawsuit is the hidden history of the 20th and early 21st centuries. It goes back the 1930’s when the world’s gold was confiscated from private citizens and placed into centralized storage areas by the families that controlled the Western financial system. Since neither most Jews nor many Asian wealthy families wished to hand over their gold, the cult staged World War 2 in order to confiscate it.

At the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, control of the post war financial system was given to England, France and the United States for a 50-year period in exchange for promises to develop the planet.

These promises were broken when a subtle cultist coup d’etat began with the assassination of President Roosevelt. Instead of global development, the religious cultists started the cold war. Their aim was to stage an end-times war between “Gog and Magog” that would result in the death of 90% of humanity and leave the remaining 10% of humanity as slaves of the cultists.

A group of 77 nations, known as the non-aligned group, disagreed with these plans and signed an international agreement known as the Hilton Green memorial that placed their gold and assets (equivalent to 85% of the world’s known supply) under the signatory power of President Soekarno of Indonesia.

When President Kennedy realized he was nearly fooled by the cultists into starting a nuclear holocaust with the Soviet Union, he agreed to work with the non-aligned nations on a Marshall Plan to develop Asia and Africa. Soekarno signed over some gold to the US government and Kennedy began issuing dollars controlled by the US government and not the sect-controlled Federal Reserve Board. Kennedy was subsequently assassinated and Soekarno was driven from power.

At this point the cultists forged the rights to create money based on the non-aligned assets using arcane financial instruments devised by Henry Kissinger, financial adviser to the Pope. The non-aligned nations, lacking the military power, were helpless to stop this theft.

The cultists created a false organization known as the OITC headed by a Cambodian by the name of R.C. Dam, to claim legitimate ownership of the assets that backed the global financial system.

With their Soviet vs Western world Gog-Magog plan not working, the cultists devised a new plan. According to this plan (as reported by Israeli newspapers among others) the new Gog would be the G5 Nations (England, France, Germany, Italy and the United States) while the Magog would be Russia, China and Iran. The immediate trigger to this new Armageddon was to be a limited nuclear war between Israel and Iran (this is what is behind all those hysterical headlines about the “Iranian nuclear threat.”).

Fortunately for us, the Pentagon, the Russian Military and the Chinese government were all refusing to go along with this insane cult scenario.

Instead, an elaborate sting operation was set up by the combined intelligence and police organizations of many nations to end cult control of the Western financial system.

This involved first trying to cash $1 trillion worth of bonds issued by the cult-controlled Federal Reserve Board in exchange for Asian gold. One of the cult’s main organizations, the P2 Freemason lodge (members of the P2 lodge told this writer they controlled both the Mafia and the Vatican), offered to cash these bonds. Instead they absconded with the bonds and tried to cash them.

The investigative trail, illustrated in detail in the legal complaint http://www.rumormillnews.com/pdfs/11%20civ%208500%20Keenan%20Complaint.pdf

led, among others, to the fraudulent OITC and the United Nations as well as UN chief Ban Ki Moon.

Moon, by the way, is associated with the Unification Church, a cult that has been linked to drug smuggling, arms dealing and professional assassins (we have the testimony of a moonie killer). The Unification Church has a large ranch next to the Bush ranch in Paraguay. The cultists were planning to flee either to underground bases or the Southern Hemisphere when their fake Armageddon started.

Moon has been recently trying to use fraudulent financial documents to take control of global collateral accounts. He wants to use this money to take over African nation states and resources.

Moon, of course, is a lackey of high level cultists like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Henry Kissinger, the Warburgs, the Morgans, the Rothschilds and the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate. They exercised their power through unelected, non-representative organizations like the committee of 300, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, the IMF and the World Bank.

The very fountain of their power in the post-war era was fraud perpetrated on the people of the planet. This lawsuit gets at the very heart of that fraud by uncovering the fact there is no valid international treaty that justifies their control of the Global Collateral Accounts backed assets of the people of the planet. Their control was enforced by murder, bribery and lies, not mutual consent.

As the cult control grid in the G5 countries falls apart over the coming weeks and months, humanity will be presented with mind-boggling information about their hidden history. New ways of running the planet will be openly debated.

In the West, it will mean that people will choose their own destinies instead of being brainwashed by cultists into irrational, non-scientific for-profit cult schemes like the “War on Terror.” Technology, like free energy, that has been suppressed and monopolized by cultists will be made available to the public at large. There will be a lot of confusion initially as the sheeple are set free and told to do what they wish, according to their desires so long as they do not harm others.

For last week's geopolitical news, go the bottom of the following blog: http://wakeupnowearth.blogspot.com



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by honey1 (1) 13 years ago

This information is very true and plenty of evidence if you research it. Secret societies, like Bilderbergs, Skull & Bones, CFR, IMF, Club of Rome etc rule us. They want a New Worl Order. This would mean the U.S. would lose its sovereignty. READ book called "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs. Please educate yourselfs!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 0 points by winwinforall (-13) 13 years ago

Hi Honey1: Thank you for your comment. I hear you loud and clear and I woke up in 1994 when a former "black ops" friend told me about the corruption in the US (that I never knew until that year). For about 18 years I did my best to study, research and discern lots of info (I just wanted to know the truth in all areas: economics, politics, spiritual, vaccines, food, etc...) -- I like the "spiritual truths" the best as I've found that at the end, one must save one own's "SOUL". I've gathered lots of info to share to whoever likes to do their due diligence / homework in the hope that satan won't take our soul:




It feels good to know that a lot more of us have waken up.