Forum Post: CO2 Methane & Climate Change 101
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 3:56 p.m. EST by Shamus27
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
CO2 101:
First the suns ray generate heat on the surface of the planet.
Many of he suns rays bounce back out into space verses getting soaked up by the planets surface.
CO2 in the atmosphere blocks the suns ray from bouncing back out into space, keeping them here which means more of those rays are soaked up by the planet. That means the planet gets warmer.
Fossil fuels when burned increases the amount of CO2 put into the planets atmosphere which means more of the rays are blocked from going back out into space which means more heat on the planet. It is a vicious cycle.
On the first link below look at the Climate 101 clip, it does a good job of explaining this.
Global scientist from all over the world agree that CO2 levels have been steadily increasing for decades. They measure CO2 levels in "parts per million."
By using trapped gas in ice core samples scientist can measure the CO2 content that was in the earths atmosphere going back hundreds of thousands of years.
Recently it was discovered that over the course of the past 600,000 years that the CO2 concentration has never been over 300 parts per million, that is until the onset of the second industrial revolution when the world began to use fossil fuels.
We are now at about 389 pars per million or somewhere very close to that.
Scientist fear that if we go over 400 to a max of 450 parts per million the temperature of the earth will increase by 6 degrees celsius or more.
This would result in the permafrost in places such as siberia and others to melt. That is important because that permafrost contains tons of methane gas which is frozen in the tundra. Methane is 20 times more powerful of a green house gas than CO2
This could cause all of the ice on the planet to melt. Sea levels will rise, etc.
As the temperature increases the planets water cycle changes. More of the water from the oceans is evaporated and comes back to earth as rain, snow, hail, etc. The storms get bigger and larger and the water comes down faster. This is why we have seen so many severe weather events. These severe weather events are become more and more frequent as the climate changes.
All of the worlds scientist agree is caused by increasing CO2 levels.
The US is the only industrialized nation IN THE WORLD that has a MAJOR POLITICAL PARTY that DENIES Climate Change/Global Warming.
Who are you going to believe, the world community of scientist or the fossil fuel lobby?
Moreover, cows produce 20% of methane. OWS doesn't mention peak oil or geometric world population growth. Soon we'll have 7 billion ppl on Earth. When my dad was born (1927) there was only 2 billion ppl.
Meanwhile OWS concerns itself with corporate personhood and reenacting Glass-Steigall -- we need radical change or Babylon will fall. Life as we're living it is unsustainable.
Climate denial is another reason democracy doesn't work and why we need technocracy.
Talk about LAZY reporting, the occupywallstreet list of demands doesn’t even mention "climate change", "CO2" or "greenhouse gasses". It does mention energy and conserving nature etc...................nice job boys!!!! This is proof of media fear mongering. Occupy does not endorse CO2 mitigation (taxes) because: How is it anti-capitalist to let bankers bankroll corporations to run carbon trading markets overseen by politicians to manage the temperature of the planet?
Pollution is real, death by CO2 is not.
Good post, only thing is most climate "realists" have never picked up a science textbook, or read a scientific paper in their lives, so theyll claw to the death to say this isnt true or a problem. Keep advocating awarness, community action and scientific literacy, the climate "realists" get their asses handed to them in the peer-reviewed literature left right and centre.
geothermal power and all electric cars are the answer to this to start. beyond that every dollor more we spend polluting is a million dollars we will have to spend scrubbing out atmosphere.
Read Jeremy Rifkins Book:
"The Third Industrial Revolution"
Agreed, but there are also immediately practical solutions to tackling the problem of global warming. For example, the 99%, as Home Town Banks of 65,000 Members, can divide themselves into 16,384 Vehicle Investment Groups of 4 Members, with each group of 4 Members purchasing a hybrid-diesel-hummer-limo Cab which they then put into their Town Cab Fleet of 16,384 Cabs. Why? Because this would reduce their Individual Transportation Costs by 75% (Cost of 1 Cab / 4 Members = 75% less cost per member), and yet they would have a Luxury Limo Cab available to them, out of 16,000 cabs in their Town, five minutes after calling for one, but not necessarily the specific luxury cab they own 25% of. This 75% reduction in Individual Transportation Costs -- for everyone -- reduces transportation prices by 75%, and thus money, by 75%, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, let's not forget the lessening of Mother Nature's burden with 75% less CO2 from having 75% fewer cars with no traffic jams. Furthermore, the list of simple productivity improvements like this one -- which the 99% want but the 1% don't want -- are endless. But first, the 99% must control the banks before they can control their Town (and National) design in this manner which is less costly (in terms of the worker hours to maintain it by 75% too) and yet have 75% greater luxury (such as a limo cab) at the same time. Consequently, to decentralize banking into a Direct Democracy is to lower cost 75% is to lower price 75% is to lower the existence of money by 75%, and eventually, to lower prices to near zero through automation, nanotechnology, etc, but ONLY as bank owner-voters.
Which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy, and related candidate, that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves at $500 apiece. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as myself or another you'd like to draft – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Right on! We need stricter regulations on CO2 emissions to shut down US businesses, and send those jobs overseas where they don't care about emissions.That is EXACTLY what this march is all about!
Responses like some of those below (climate deniers) is one reason I'm losing hope fast. Another thing that causes me to lose hope is those who think ending the fed & "sound money" will solve all our problems.
How many of you have seen this?
Australia also has a lot of people who deny global warming but look at what is already happening to their continent:
We need to change what we're doing and not be in denial anymore. We actually have many resources and options, we just aren't utilizing them.
Beano could help. If the govt would just issue free Beano to everyone it would at least cut down on the Methane.
It's a fart, I mean a start.
We all have to do our fart, dam I mean part!
I make methane gas after Taco Bell. I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.
Get serious and watch the video clip at the above site and then see if you want to contribute something to the dialog :-)
I understand climate change. I also drive a V8 Mustang, just bought a snowmobile that will get 7mpg, and my daily driver is a truck. Oops. I'm not going to discuss climate change with a bunch of hippies here who barely understand what science is.
I can bring cow dung to balance the CO2 levels
I've studied this area for the last 10 years, and the data is inconclusive.
There is great disagreement among real climate scientists. I'll believe the data and real analysis, not a "world community" (most of the scientists were of the social science type), the fossil fuel lobby or Al Gore.
Here is some science for you: