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Forum Post: CNBC hosts wining about OWS this morning

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:28 a.m. EST by johnny (28)
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They are trying to convince themselves that OWS has no gripe or support from people around the country.

That wallstreet represents the 99%. what joke.



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[-] 1 points by tritone (36) 13 years ago

They (Joe Kernen, Michelle Caruso Cabrerra) earlier mentioned that the protesters are anarchists which I thought was tacit admission that Corporate America is the actual ruling entity of America. They were completely sneering at Leslie Stahl's "60 Minutes" interview with Jeffrey Immelt when she seemed a little incredulous that he didn't see why the protesters might just have a little anger at Wall Street. These people are so ensconced in their little world of willful ignorance and entitlement they will probably never see any wrongdoing with their corporate gods and masters.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

Wall street is some sort of gambling institution where the house always wins

they also fund new projects or businesses to expand

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

what else can they do to protect the 1% that feeds and clothes them. they contribute nothing to society at large.

[-] 1 points by glenn1984 (57) 13 years ago

I'm with you but I disagree that W Street doesn't contribute anything to the society. Just like you need your local bank to get a loan to buy a house of a piece of equipment for your small business, WS does for the big business. Yes, it's nothing you can touch or feel, but neither is the concert pianist contributing by that analogy .... I think both are needed (in certain dosage). I don't mind rich folks as long as we all contribute fair (tax fair, go to jail fair, etc.) ... It's the rules that they have changed in their favor what upsets me (campaign contributions are one of the root causes) ... I guess death is fair to all of us :-) Look at Steve Jobs (nothing against him - great man, but in the end we are all equal)

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

FYI , you don't need a bank for a house loan or a business loan. banks have no money, at the end of every banking day the bank employees make sure the bank has 0 dollars in their bank. its part of what is know as double entry bookkeeping, also part of bankruptcy, you know because the USA and everyone in it operates in bankruptcy. The fact is when you want to buy a house you go to the bank and give them a note, after they enter the note on their books as an asset. they then cut you a check for the same amount as the note, They never lend you any money! you funded your own loan with your own promissory note. Which the bank then sells at a huge profit after keeping it on their books for a few months so they can use it in their fractional reserve bookkeeping. those wall street thugs and big bankers are leaches on society, the good people that actually do real work. if you dont believe me and I'm sure you don't because of your awesome banker controlled schooling, I suggest you go ask an accountant or someone that works for a bank to verify what I just wrote.

[-] 1 points by glenn1984 (57) 13 years ago

I understand your logic ... but if no one needs banks why do they exist? We could all be renters, cashing our checks for cash like the month-to-month part of our society does ... but I'm sure most of us use banks at least as often as gas stations .... don't forget, I'm on your side, just with a little different point of view :-)

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

You pose a good question that I have pondered before. I figure they are still there because they are institutions people are used to and also they help to cover up the scam by washing the money. By washing the money I mean, There needs to be a way to get the credit/funds/money from the private side ( real man) to the public side (corporate persons) With out tipping good people off to the scam. the "bank" works perfectly to that end.