Forum Post: Closing our park
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 5:26 a.m. EST by ramous
from Wabash, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Goodbye wall street and occupy. I've been on this board a while now, and enjoyed the discussion and debate. Here's some of my posts:
But we think we're done in our small town. We've been sitting here watching the live feed of the eviction in Zucotti. We thought we were one with OWS. But what we are seeing there is a sense of whining of unrealistic expectations. We see that we don't understand the difference between peaceful assembly and a forceful occupation. We see that we don't understand that if we just sit there and passively resist, we are STILL going to get arrested and moved bodily from the area when we forcibly occupy. We see that we don't understand that police are entitled to use force to move us bodily if we dont move when they say. We see that the young people are just pretty much uninformed about their rights and responsibilities and the constitution they keep whining about. We see that we don't realize how good we have it. In America, police ask before they evict. In other countries, no asking, and real bullets. Dozens dead in the Syria protests this week. And ows whines Police Brutality.
We have been here a peaceful movement in our local camp, working with the city. We shut down and go home on their art walk nights. We agreed to leave between thanksgiving and Jan 2 so the city could have its holiday concerts and festivities. In turn, they let us stay and let us have electrical power. Every other night for almost 2 months I have been in this park holding a sign by the road so people can see. And then I go home and get on this board and try to find anything shared that goes along with what we SAY we're doing. But nobody in ows anywhere agrees on anything. And when OWS said peaceful, I thought it meant it. right now, Id settle for no whining and knowing that police brutality in other countries is death. In US, it is telling you to move in a mean way and you don't, and you chest butt them (like the ows guy livestreaming at 5:15 am EST) then they arrest you? And OWS is unrealistic and whines about it.
I wish I could see a cause. I wish I could see a peaceful assembly. but tonight on live feed I didn't hear or see peaceful. I saw forceful occupation and physical and vocal resistance that was not passive. And OWS ..the OWS girl livestreaming, every word out of her mouth was fuck them fuck this fuck that. The OWS guy livestreaming..arguing with OWS members like a jerk, then getting in the chest butt to a cop. It was antagonistic. Maybe because i come from a country where there is real police brutality, real police state, that the calmness i saw from police on the live feed is making me disgusted at American young people weakness and drama. Tear gas is nothing. They are just making you move like they told you they would. That's not a violation of any civil rights when you take over a park and they retake it back. After they ask nice for you to move.
Come to Mexico. Real bullets. People disappear forever. That's police brutality. Which is why I came to America to become a citizen. Because here, we are more free than anywhere else in the world. And can't even see it.
Be well, OWS. Tomorrow morning we are cleaning up and going home. I respected some of you opinions here and got good discussion.
Now I leave you with a little advice.
1) passive resistance. do not swear or threaten police. that is a type of attack when you antagonize them. not peaceful at all and ows livestreamers antagonizing them all night.
2) when they come to arrest, and they will. SIT DOWN. do not resist. any resistance means they can use more force. they are allowed to, plain and simple.
3) stay calm. panic means someone might make a mistake and get hurt.
4) do not get too close to cops! They can think you are getting too close to their gun and hurt you bad to get you away from it.
5) do not touch a cop. same reason. they are allowed to use force.
6) be glad you live in America. This is nothing. It might become something.
7) forcible occupation. that's what we're doing. But I think that this may change definitions of peaceful assembly by the time the ACLU
is done. but right now, its forcible occupation.
8) pass out cards to all police and military to they really are on your side and don't want to hurt you or you would all be dead like the syrian protesters. but
that calmly doing their job, what they are doing is not brutality.
Some day, come live in the real world where the rest of the world does.
Peace out muchachos. E. Ramos.
WOW everyone needs to read this.
I can't help but be ashamed at this movement that I invested much time and effort. Children, afraid to walk past the protesters who scream 'get the kids!' and follow them. Official livestream OWS baiting police, block sidewalks, subways, ports. My friends, you may have once had a grand idea protesting against corruption, but it is too obvious now that you are indeed FOR something. And that is: you are for making a mess. The anarchists now lead you, and I watch this post of mine, in only 4 days, get even truer than when I write it. 'Oh that is only a few people', you say. But if you are representing 99%, then those few people are representing you. Don't keep hurting the 99%! Don't block them from going to jobs and going to school and getting home. You say 'oh, it is for their own good.' You are what, 20 years old? You know nothing what is good for the country. Stop listening to anarchy, they are feeding you and you buy in because you want to be angry at something. You do not even know what you are angry at unless they tell you. Do like I did, walk away, and go back to making a difference instead of making a mess.
I wish I could see a peaceful assembly. but tonight on live feed I didn't hear or see peaceful. I saw forceful occupation and physical and vocal resistance that was not passive. And OWS ..the OWS girl livestreaming, every word out of her mouth was fuck them fuck this fuck that. The OWS guy livestreaming..arguing with OWS members like a jerk, then getting in the chest butt to a cop. It was antagonistic. Maybe because i come from a country where there is real police brutality, real police state, that the calmness i saw from police on the live feed is making me disgusted at American young people weakness and drama. Tear gas is nothing. They are just making you move like they told you they would. That's not a violation of any civil rights when you take over a park and they retake it back. After they ask nice for you to move.
I appreciate where you're coming from, but think about what you're proposing here: it's a race to the bottom. If people sit back and say "hey, its not that bad, let's just wait til it looks more like Syria" .... its going to end up looking like Syria. That isn't progress.
Everything is relative. From a Mexican perspective, yes, Americans probably do look spoiled and the police measures seem easygoing. They would probably seem even more spoiled and the authorities even more easygoing if you were, say, a medieval peasant; its all relative. But that's not really relevant in an American context; what's relevant is how things are relative to the American experience and its own past. The same is true of Mexico: if you took a Rwandan during the genocide and put him in a Mexican protest, I'm sure he'd think "hey, this is easy street!" too. But if Mexico waits til it's like Rwanda to do anything about its situation, its just racing to the bottom too. It has to be relative to the Mexican experience, not the Rwandan experience.
As far as peaceful assembly. Any time you get people together in any numbers, there is going to be some troublemakers. That's true of rock concerts or sporting events just as much as it is of demonstrations. Yes, there have been a few incidents at OWS protests, but in general it's been really good. The guy, the girl - you notice anything about your examples?
As far as the park itself. It's a public space. When OWS held it, the public could enter it, walk around in it, do what they wanted to in it. Now that the police have taken it "back", it's not truly public anymore: you have to go through a checkpoint to get in, and if they let you in, you might get arrested if you choose to lie down (this has apparently happened). So much for "liberation".
Being nice to the 1% may be charming and genteel, but it's not the way to win. It's like saying that the way to win is to join the opposition, or at least cooperate with them. Besides their many other crimes against humanity they have stolen billions from us. The only reason to cooperate with them in any way is for the sake of expediency or because we don't happen to want to get beat across the head of pepper sprayed at that particular moment.
Rid the Canadian filth who despise legal wealth; rid the ignorant tantrums of those who seek to control entities far beyond their influence; embrace real change through established channels.
Goodbye to bad rubbish.
Make a statement. Everyone drop your pants and take a shit in the park before you are arrested.
It isn't your park. Sorry to burst in with reality. Carry on.
ok real world,real time, is all illusion,and will disappear
You are a threat to America. Leave.
Glad to see Mr./Mrs. Ramos was not taken in by the marxists and their Rules for Radicals. Of course they are being violent or provocative. They want to get arrested and beaten up so they can scream about , police brutality. They think it helps their cause. Willing to bet the marxists aren't the ones getting arrested however. Thats why they use the young people to do their dirty work.
N17 reminder on Black Friday eve!
Reality Bump from a neighbor in Allen County
Don't listen to ramos. Go down fighting.