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Forum Post: Close your Bank of America Account: Stop the Tyranny

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 7, 2012, 12:11 a.m. EST by Roundtree (37)
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This organization has weaponized our money against us - unconscionable business conduct: stealing homes, self dealing, politician manipulating: the sickest circus to come to town in a century!



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[-] 1 points by learnthis (120) 13 years ago

oh they will cry when the accounts that cost more to service than they are worth leave.....good luck.

[-] 1 points by Roundtree (37) 13 years ago

How about when we close our Merrill Lynch accounts & change our mortgage and credit card provider?

[-] 1 points by learnthis (120) 13 years ago

Well roundtree...You have to first pay off your credit card account to close it ....they will be happy with that. And I don't think that many occupiers have a Merrill Lynch account let alone know who Merill Lynch is..

[-] 1 points by Roundtree (37) 13 years ago

Don't assume that people with money turn a blind eye to corruption. It's everyone's problem, mate. Balance-transfer is the term - RE credit card holder - sell your debt to someone else - the poor man's version of the CDS