Forum Post: cloaks
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 9:28 a.m. EST by gelfling
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have an idea that might help OWS with the Zuccotti park situation. Since sleeping bags and tents are now forbidden, you could make and wear wool cloaks. they are very warm and easy to make. you can make one out of a wool blanket, but it counts as clothing not camping gear so the police should not be able to confiscate them or deny their use in the park. historical reinactment people use them all the time. you can sleep while wearing one and it keeps you warm like a blanket or sleeping bag. but it has a hood and a clasp or button so it is clothing. imagine OWS returning to the park with everyone clad in cloaks. it would be awesome!