Forum Post: Climbing Maya launches with Solidarity for Occupy
Posted 12 years ago on May 1, 2012, 10:42 a.m. EST by kenlasalle
from Anaheim, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
for immediate release contact: Ken La Salle,
May 1, 2012 – Climbing Maya provides a fresh look at “success” in concert with the Occupy Movement’s May Day return.
A new philosophical memoir is hitting the streets on May 1st that is spiritually in tune with the goals and motivations of the Occupy Movement. Climbing Maya, by Ken La Salle, turns traditional ideas about success on their head and presents a view of success that is fundamentally different from our current materialistic, simplistic understanding.
Climbing Maya’s official launch date of May 1st is symbolic of its shared objective with the Occupy Movement: that we turn away from the superficial understandings that have gotten us all into so much trouble and that we look instead towards a definition of success that takes more than just money into consideration. Climbing Maya shows why the pursuit of greed is, in the end, not fulfilling and why empathy is crucial to any understanding of success. At their core, both Climbing Maya and the Occupy Movement are saying the same thing in different ways: that success is meaningless without context or reference.
“My goal with Climbing Maya,” La Salle recently said, “has always been to create a definition of success that is easy to comprehend, sustainable, and enriching for all people. I believe the Occupy Movement, in standing against those who would manipulate the system unfairly, are looking for the same kind of thing. That is why this release date feels so right.”
Climbing Maya is a philosophical memoir that asks “What is success?” and doesn’t let go until it has the answer. Is it fame? Is it family? Do the old answers of career and money really hold up? How can we have one word for something that means so many things? Why does the dictionary get it wrong? When Ken La Salle loses his job, and sees one friend taking care of his dying wife and another friend killing himself with alcohol, he decides to find the answer. Climbing Maya weaves his search for an answer in the storyline of what happened to his friends and himself as they came to terms with this pivotal question.
Author and playwright, Ken La Salle can be found on the web at
The Occupy Movement is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing each member has in common is that They Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. Occupy uses the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve its ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants. Occupy will be “rebooting” on May 1st with a general strike calling for solidarity in the 99%. No work – No school – No housework – No shopping.
Jeanie Pantelakis of Sullivan Maxx Literary Agency represents Climbing Maya. You may reach her at
Climbing Maya is published by Solstice Publishing. Solstice is the fastest growing mid-market publisher in the USA. Since 2008, more than 80 authors have covered every category of fiction with a rapidly expanding line of nonfiction. Solstice books are available in every ebook format with paperback editions also available. They can be found on the web at
You can check out the Climbing Maya trailer at