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Forum Post: Climate change and OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 1:20 a.m. EST by din365 (36)
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I guess by some people(mostly extremist lefties), I would be considered a right-winger neo-con. Do you want to know why? because apparently I oppose putting my decision-making in the hands of the government via socialist communism. I don't want my choice of using a Incandescent bulb or a CFL taken away, I don't want my choice of what kind of energy my home is powered by, hell, I don't want the government telling me what kind of a shitter I can and can't buy. That's exactly what these radical lefties hijacking a great concept of anti-corruption and pro-democracy movement into a anti-capitalist, socialist communism one, where everything is controlled by the government, corporations and the UN, which is exactly a direct contradiction to the freedoms our troops fought for in WW1 and WW2, against free market means, and against everything the original OWS is working for. The AGW groups claiming to be with OWS? all corporate whores, ready to stab the back of the 99% by taking away your free market, and running back to their corporate pimps with the money you donated to "stop climate change".

If you don't cut the cancer of the corporate whore infiltrators to use the 99% to instate their monopoly on our backs, our future is going to be exactly like the Prairie farmers and the Canadian wheat board. They're going to make it ILLEGAL for you to buy and sell the "other guy's" stuff, which will kill small businesses and leave others to be raped and pillaged for every cent they got. If you want equality, then I got some suggestions

-If the corporations and governments want to impose taxes and "cap and trade markets", then they should 100% flip the bill from their own pocket, and cannot touch a dime of Taxpayer's money or pass the cost on to the customers via price increase, or charge surcharges of any kind. You know they won't do that, because there isn't a profit to be made and governments can't stuff coffers or their corporate buddies' pockets with that

-Make it illegal to ban products that competes with your green monopoly. In other words, repeal the ban on incandescent, stop forcing their products on other people by regulating them into your homes

-Make it illegal to give subsidies and tax breaks to either green corp suits or oil big wigs. both will pay royalties and give it back to the people in forms of rebates, tax reductions and refunds, infastructure e.t.c. Alberta Canada has a similar system in place and the prosperity is the highest in the country with one of the lowest unemployment rates and alot of job opportunities. That, and the province has a "made-in-canada" economy, supporting Canadian jobs, and aren't using the governments to shut down competitors and move labor to china for cheap labor costs.

-Close ALL tax loopholes and a flat tax. Everybody get taxed the same and the rich can't use loopholes to pay so much as a penny less. The only thing I can suggest to alleviate the lower class families, who struggle to make ends meat, is to do what the Canadians do, and refund the sales tax money to them, and leave some useful programs to help them out. I will emphasize useful programs, because we all know how socialist communists like to throw money around on programs for people who simply don't need it or need to be in the "right group" to get it.

-Just to piss these CEO's and such off, any profit earned by bonuses and such, are required to have EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE have a bonus with the exact same amount.Give yourself a million dollar bonus? well then I guess you owe every employee a million dollars. I hope it's a small company.

All reasonable suggestions. I know not everybody will agree and will have their own input on this, but this is simply how I feel about it. If these corporations and governments feel that strongly about AGW and actually believe it's a crisis, then they would have no problem with that. But, Al Gore's seaside mansion says that's not the case. they just want to make themselves richer and you poorer



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[-] 3 points by freeows (84) 13 years ago

The rich, the weathy, the CEO's, the banks are the the job creators? Umm, where are the jobs??!! Oh, maybe they meant "job creators" for China and India! Ah, stupid me.

[-] 1 points by din365 (36) 13 years ago

And they want to put the squeeze on you some more, send more jobs to china because they want more of your money. just on the windmill side alone, all the windmill parts are manufactured in china, china holds 98% of the market for the earth metals needed to make them. That's their problem, but then they try to make it nearly impossible for the other guys to compete, have their hands out for subsidies, and the government is just blindly giving it to them. on the flip side, big oil shouldn't get subsidies either, but the difference between them and big green is that big oil pays royalties and actually gives that money BACK to government. more than anything, I want to end consumer gouging, price fixing, corporate greed AND have my rights and freedoms intact. The Canadian banking system isn't perfect either, but it's certainly in a whole lot better than the american system.

[-] 2 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

Before you ask yourself if you are left, right or neither. First you would have to ask what it is that is really important. Do you want a better life for yourself, do you want a better world for everyone or what?

[-] 1 points by buik (380) from Towson, MD 13 years ago

wait there is a ban on incandescent? thats just wrong; they cast the most appealing light.

[-] 1 points by din365 (36) 13 years ago

it was in the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. you should read about it because you'll find alot of stuff in there that some people are blaming Obama for when it was bush.

[-] 1 points by buik (380) from Towson, MD 13 years ago

phew they had me scared for a second


[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

I have an idea: Take an incandescent lightbulb and sh......