Forum Post: Clear Channel Peempts KPOJ Programing With F-ing Beaverball
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 21, 2012, 11:15 a.m. EST by JIFFYSQUID92
from Portland, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Clear Channel Peempts Portland, OR, Progressive Talk Radio KPOJ 620 AM Programing With F-ing Beaverball bumping Ed Shultz, Randi Rhodes and Norman Goldman on weekdays, and Ring of Fire and Mad as Hell in America on weekends.
As of Friday, 2/17/12, KPOJ began snore-inducing Beavers baseball. It's un-listenable.
KPOJ says regular programing can be heard free on-line, which will soon be for fee, I-Heart-Radio.
KPOJ says it's only temporary, but I found articles that boast of a contract that goes through 2017.
This is BS!! Contact KPOJ and tell them no Beavs!!!
Hey Radio peeps, how do we start a new Prog-Talk station??? In PDX, SF??
Clear Channel hit Green 960 last month, ANY OTHERS??
Here is some contact info I found. KPOJ radio is reachable by mail at 4949 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, Or 97239, by phone at (503) 323-6400, looks like the same number as the main switchboard from the link above.
The silence is the really creepy thing about it, the "liberal" hosts don't even mention it, or calls about it. Nothing. Black Out. But the switch board lady says they're getting lots of complaints. Can't take anything for granted. Not one damn thing... or they'll take it! Mike Malloy: "Did I tell you how much I hate these bastards??!!"
Actually they talked about it on the Stephanie Miller show and mentioned how many people were calling to complain mama wasn't on in the morning anymore. Scary? Scary is a world were I have to listen to that boring, stuffy, self-important, financial adviser every morning. In my HELL he'll be on every station :o
There's talk of Glen Beck on Green 960 soon!!
Clear Channel, face it, was no place for Prog-Talk. We need a new Air America.
Interesting, at the beginning of the year Thom Hartman disappeared from Green 960. Well, you can listen to him in the middle of the night, but they replaced their morning line-up with Glen Beck and some boring financial adviser. No way the financial adviser is more popular than Stephenie Miller or Thom Hartman. All this in an election year. Can't be a coincidence. Big money is starting the Chinese style censorship they need for their tyranny.
KPOJ, Green 960, any others????
We must be diligent!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
Image and Vote! Image and Vote! "We the 1%" NOT What They Wrote!!
Do not go gentle into that good night...
It's the only way to fly...
I wonder if Anonymous would help with this? We need the big guns!
But I like beaver:-(
You wouldn't like these Beavs. Randi is a far better choice.
Not a fan of college ball, but it's obviously a business decision based on people voting by listening. If you're right and it's un-listenable few tune in and you'll get your talk radio back.
Biz with a side of sabotage. The whole Clear Channel ~ Prog-Talk deal has been "challenged." Meanwhile, rare Prog-Talk is diminished going into an important election. Raise hell! Look for a new station.
Someone must be streaming the shows you want to listen to. Progressive radio never seems to draw enough listeners, not sure why that is, but I'd hardly call it sabotage.
I-Heart Radio, free now, for pay soon. Green 960 on HD Radio.
Prog-Talk gets limited listeners because radio markets are monopolized by RW biased companies and broadcasts. First Amendment sabotage "Free Market" style. Antitrust Law Enforcement? What Antitrust Law Enforcement?
Americans everywhere can get RW Hate Speech 24/7 through their fillings. While SF and DC can't get anything left of Fox Lies. "...not sure why that is..."
I can't believe a business would sacrifice profits for ideology. Look at which radio talkers get ratings, you have to go down to number 10 or 11 on the list to find a progressive host. Air America gave it a shot, but couldn't win an audience against Hannity or Limbaugh in local markets. It's the same today, even Savage gets three times the listeners Schultz or Rhodes does.
See above. Monopolies matter! KPOJ and Green 960!
Clear Channel is preempting Progressive Radio (what precocious little there is) !! Raise Hell!!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
Image and Vote! Image and Vote! "We the 1%" NOT What They Wrote!!
who do you suggest?
Did yours take a dive, too??
Raise hell with KPOJ 620 AM for starters, raise hell with your congresspersons, post on your local CL, write your papers. Contact the on-air hosts and find out who to yell at. It would sure be nice to have a new Air America.
Hey Radio peeps, how do we start a new Prog-Talk station???
Sorry Beaver ball must producing more in advertising revenue than Progressive programming our they wouldn't do it, radio is a business and a dying one at that.
I hate to break this to people but America Left failed because normal folks don't want to hear that garbage all day long. Maybe a few hours a day, but Left radio just doesn't get the ratings.
Heard Hartman a few times, liked his show.
RW Hate and Lie Radio Monopoly is the Problem!
Clear Channel is preempting Progressive Radio (what precious little there is) !! KPOJ and Green 960!! Raise Hell!!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
Image and Vote! Image and Vote! "We the 1%" NOT What They Wrote!!
Do you blame them? 2 people listen to Progressive Talk Radio and 4 listen to Beaverball. That's DOUBLE the ratings!
Clear Channel is preempting Progressive Radio (what precious little there is) !! KPOJ and Geen 960!! Raise Hell!!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
Image and Vote! Image and Vote! "We the 1%" NOT What They Wrote!!
Don't you think ClearChannel wants to make as much money as possible, like all other businesses? Obviously more people tune into the baseball game than the talk shows, otherwise they would still air the talk shows. I am sure this is nothing more than a simple business decision.
No one wants to hear Beaverball. Clear Channel was a bad match for Progressive Radio from the beginning. We need a progressive Clear Channel.
That makes perfect sense. I am sure they are airing something that they know no one listens to.
Glad you agree, the 1% (the owners of big media and Con employers) and GOP Cabal of America-hating zealots, are making record profits while holding America hostage, denying employment and information. We have to raise hell!!
I would rather listen to baseball than politics, and I like politics. Most people hate politics. I have no doubt that more people actually listen to the baseball game than listen to political talk radio. If you have ratings or something to back up your claim, I would believe you. Otherwise you are just spewing propaganda.
Here's a doc we all should see, but as far as I know it's only playing in NY for a limited time
Act Now!
The producers of "Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?" are putting together distribution plans to make the movie available to the widest possible audience. By acting now, you can help us get it into theaters nationwide.
How can you help?
We sincerely thank you for your interest and support.
Take Action
There are two ways to think about affecting change in the U.S. – national political reform and local action. How can we do this?
Don't call the station. Clear Channel headquarters is based in Texas. That's where the programming decisions are made you idiot. Don't bother the poor folks at the station, trying to eek out a living at a shit job. It's radio, it's not glamorous. Why don't you go call Warner Bros., or bitch at Sean Penn you ball-less wonder.
People with principles don't work for despicable organizations while they dismantle the already constrained voice of the majority of people. I say everyone with principles, and we know how they have deliberately made principles very expensive these days, give an ultimatum to bring back the Progressive Talk programming, strike, or quit.
We should not have let Clear Channel in on Prog-Talk in the first place. Sean is a great idea, the voice of a great American like Sean would call attention to a diabolical First Amendment problem!!