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Forum Post: Clear Channel Communications: Shouldn't it now be added to OWS' list of hazardous corporations for the visiting?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 10:45 p.m. EST by BurtStein0102011 (0) from New Brunswick, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You may know that Clear Channel has long been a "1,600-pound gorilla" to its lower-echelon radio station employees. Now, as this link demonstrates, it's lunging in for the kill as never before.

That goes for New York, Texas, and much more.

One more monster waiting to be Occupied? It's to be strongly hoped...





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[-] 1 points by RevolutionaryTruth (95) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

I called the "Walton and Johnson" show this morning which is on 93.7 in houston from 5:30am-10am. I asked them what they thought about the police brutality towards the occupiers in oakland. they replied by saying something like this- you mean how they were just retaliating to having bottles,trash, and paint thrown at them they were just fighting back "they should just shoot one of them." http://therevolutionarytruth.tumblr.com/