Forum Post: Clear and concise goals.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 2:56 a.m. EST by Mitch333
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We must represent the 99% not political groups or politicians who are working with the media to kill this or co-opt it so nothing changes.
Mainstream America is already being told what to think by mass media (FOX, CNN, etc) and the point is getting blurred.
We must repeat over and over as often as possible 3 main goals. Keep the message simple and clear, so the 99% get involved and take action.
What ARE the 3 main goals/demands? The People must lead so our leaders will follow.
and yes we can have many goals, but if we want to succeed we need to keep it simple and clear so the masses can retain it. If the 99% do not, then this becomes another wing of and Obama is re-elected which solves NOTHING.
noism, corporations would have to lose their personhood status first. Yep, they are protected by Our rights.
We can have more than 3 goals, provided they are realistic, achievable, and something that a vast MAJORITY of Americans would support.
I propose...
Overturn SCOTUS rulings like A. private property can be taken by the government under Eminent Domain and be given to private corporations. B. that corporations can donate unlimited funds for political campaigns. C. Corporations have the same rights and privileges as citizens.
We allow run-off voting if a state wishes it and will help a state make the transition.
"For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:" "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" (Not of the corporations)
got a slogan - Do As We Say Or Get Put Away!
1)make our representative accountable - if they don't vote the way they promised, they get jail 2) clean up the corruption between Wall St and Washington.
if we get #1, #2 will take care of itself
Hmmm...who will hold them accountable? Like the police policing themselves? It is a great idea. I wonder how it could work?
make them accountable through the legal system. If they sign an agreement before they are elected in the form of a contract, they could be sued in court for at least the estimated damages to the taxpayer. It could also have an expulsion clause. - pretty stupid about law, but I suspect jail is possible if fraud is involved - got an ex boss 20 years in Fed Prison, but that was securities fraud...
They are the legal system, Ask Ed Brown (google it) he sits in prison because he tried to use the legal system in his request for the government to show him the Law requiring him to pay income tax on his labor. they never did show him the law. The problem is way bigger than making laws or clinging to that has been, swiss cheese of a document known as the constitution. I mean really, the constitution has more contradictions in it now than carter has pills.
make em sign a contract - if you don't sign, you don't get votes - well maybe 1%