Forum Post: cleanup will happen unannounced
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:36 a.m. EST by ariads
from Smyrna, DE
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1% have learned not to announce their tactics. they will sit and wait for numbers in park to wane to a manageable amount then strike swiftly.
flash mobs need to be ready to block traffic of vehicles carrying arrested. police radio frequencies can be jammed or commandeered surrounding park. thin hard plastic sheet beneath long sleeves can protect forearms from baton attacks. vaseline around eyes to protect against pepper spray? can police be pepper sprayed in defense?
reorganize in jails.
its local jamming limited by strength of signal and near their command and control. its meant to disrupt communication between police doing crowd control and their supervisors. fire and ems are on other frequencies. you bring up a great point though. all these cops beating up kids could actually be capturing real, violent criminals. is there an increase in the response time to real emergencies because resources are diverted to a nonviolent sit-in??
The rest seem sensible, and supportable.
"police radio frequencies can be jammed or commandeered surrounding park." "can police be pepper sprayed in defense?"
Do this, and loose a lot of support that has taken so long to garner. These actions will not help the cause, or any cause for that matter. That is unless of course, you would like them to declare martial law.
uh.. for those of you who think this is a good idea (and obviously the world revolves around you) think about real emergencies that might occur, so stop for a minute, think from a broader perspective and stop being selfish.
If you do this, i hope you get caught and get thrown in jail with bubba.
the city government has escalated the violence from intimidation to arrest to pepper spray to batons. it is unfortunate that violence is necessary. the city understands that but ows doesnt. the government will continue escalating the violence until there are deaths of peaceful protesters. then they will promise reforms, ows will disorganize and new laws will make it harder to organize. our government has always lied. to the native americans, to african americans, to women, to the middle class, to the working class, to the poor, to the majority. its not illegal to be rich. but it is against the majority to bail out banks and force the 99% to pay for it. its not illegal to petition your representative but the majority of americans are marginalized because they cannot offer campaign contribution amounts like lobbyists. history demonstrates that violence is a part of all change. its not the only necessary part but it is necessary.
I agree
no escalation or instigation of violence please.
Carry birth certificates for ID, Do not give your Social security number. The entity listed in the face of the Social security card has no rights, But the Person whos name is written on the birth certificate has Constitutional rights. You may have to spend 3 days in JAIL but after that they got to let you go or charge you.