Forum Post: Clean Air Yurts wants to help!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 7:08 a.m. EST by CleanAirYurts
from New Paltz, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Clean AIr Yurts is a small yurt company based in the Hudson Valley of New York and we want to help out with shelter for the upcoming winter. We provide yurts of all shapes and sizes from flat and light camping yurts to full-size custom wooden yurts. All of our designs can handle large snow and winds loads, so there is no worry about collapse during a winter storm.
We use 100% local lumber and materials and no toxic vinyl in any of our designs. Is there a way that we can make some yurts for the occupiers?
We are willing to donate all of our time and are just asking for the price of materials. For example, we can make a 12' diameter yurt for $1000. Look at and at the Portable yurts page for more info and pics of the designs.
We would love to help out, let us know how.
Matt Rogers Clean Air Yurts